Hello belly button. You have decided to make a pop out appearance much sooner this pregnancy.

WAHOO we made it baby! Today marks the first day of my second trimester. I could not be more excited about this.
A few things...
will start taking weekly belly shots for my own personal keepsake. I did not do this the first time around and I SO wish I did.
will not hoard all the mini vanilla scones at Starbucks. I may or may not have pretended like I was buying them in bulk for my "friends" during my last pregnancy. One will do.
will cancel my Victoria's Secret catalog subscription ASAP. I don't want to look at little butts, perfect boobs and flat stomachs right now. The end.
will not go through an entire tub of cream cheese every other day like I did with the first pregnancy.
will try to contain crazy b**ch as much as I can...but I cant make any promises. Pregnancy hormones can do some crazy things. Sorry husband.
will not starve my husband. On that note...he really does need to learn how to cook. So its not really my fault if he eats cereal for dinner.
will keep going to the gym. Yes my butt may be expanding but it will not be mushy.
will keep using my homemade stretch mark cream religiously...just like I did with my first pregnancy.
Well that about sums it up. We also are finding out whether we are having a boy or a girl this Friday and I can not wait!
If you were wondering we do not live in Utah or Oregon where pine trees grow in abundance. We were at our local LOWES picking out our Christmas tree :)