Ronin was born. He weighed 9 pounds 11 ounces (no wonder it looked like I was pregnant with twins). He is seriously the happiest little camper and has truly completed our family.
Just a few weeks after Ronin was born Max turned two! My littlest baby is growing up and I just want to stuff him and make it stop (totally kidding about the stuffing part).
I started eating Paleo and made some seriously delicious goodies, like these flourless zucchini brownies and these cookies. I would say I eat Paleo 90% of the time but if I am somewhere and there is brie cheese I am cheating. I mean life is just too short.

One of the most popular posts according to readers was this post, which shows you how to make a sweetened raw apple cider vinegar elixir. Even those of you who said you hated the taste of apple cider vinegar loved this.
This one my personal favorite posts was how to make your own nail polish in any color. I am going to mix up a gold sparkly one for New Year's Eve this year!
I continued to play with polymer clay (I am still obsessed) and I made this necklace and this necklace, which is one of my favorites! I have some really fun new tutorials that I am excited to share in the new year.
Ronin experienced so many firsts. He had his first Halloween (he was the cutest chubby glow in the dark skeleton), his first visit to the pumpkin patch and his first Christmas.
We took the boys to Disneyland for the first time. I have never seen Max so excited in his entire life. It was pretty awesome.
What a wonderful and whirlwind of a year it has been! I became a Mom of two this year and I must say that is my proudest accomplishment yet. And while I may not have it all figured out I am loving what a fun and crazy journey it has been so far.
My husband and I are going out to lunch today to talk about and write down our goals for 2013. We do this every year and I think it is so important to set goals and then reflect at the end of the year.
I would love to hear what goals you accomplished this year (big or small) that you set for yourself last year.
What an amazing year Lindsay. Seems like just yesterday Ronin was born!! Wishing you a Blessed New Year!
This is one of the cutest blog posts ever!
Your boys are adorable.
I love your blog, can't wait to see some more polymer clay tutorials, I've got some clay in the drawer and would love some inspiration to make some new things.
You could try putting a rock on their head to stop the growing. That's my father-in-laws joke. It didn't work though. :)
You had a good year! :)
The goal setting is a great idea. We (and by we, I mean me - ha)kinda do that in the form of a to-do list stuck to the side of the fridge. And a few months ago I finally made an official new kitchen fund jar. I've been dreaming of it for 10 years now, it's about damn time I start saving for it. A quarter here and there is better than nothing. :o)
You have had such an amazing year and that polymer necklace will always be one of my faves! I'm hosting a Best of 2012 Showcase Party if you'd like to swing by and share your favorite post/projects of the year http://delightfullynoted.blogspot.com/2012/12/showcase-partybest-of-2012-share-your.html
Happy New Year!
I recently stumbled across your site/blog and fell in love. May God continue to bless you!
what an AMAZING year!! loved the recap!!
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