This week I am going to show you how to make your own at home (very mild) inexpensive salicylic peel using aspirin. This treatment is pretty awesome!
The "Aspirin Mask" has been around forever, although Dr. Oz came up with the brilliant idea of adding lemon juice to it. The lemon juice will give your skin a natural boost of vitamin C, further assisting in making this home treatment top notch.
How does it work?
Aspirin is actually a form of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid increases cell exfoliation and helps with discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles.
What you will need:
- 4 non coated aspirin tablets
- 1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice
- Baking soda
- Cotton pads
- Crush up the 4 aspirin and combine with the lemon juice.
- Allow the aspirin to dissolve until it turns into a paste like consistency.
- Using the cotton pad, apply it evenly across your face, avoiding the eye area.
- Leave on for 10 minutes.
- Remove with a cotton pad saturated with baking soda and cold water. The baking soda will help neutralize the peel. It may sting a bit when you remove it and this is normal.
- Follow up with a good moisturizer and sunscreen.
- Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Do not use if you are allergic to aspirin.
- Do not use if you have Reyes syndrome.
- Please use common sense when using this treatment. If it is burning or irritating your skin remove it immediately.
- Always apply sunscreen after using any type of salicylic acid, since this will make you more sensitive to sun exposure.
Please note: This does not replace a professional treatment, but it will help with minor breakouts and congestion of the skin. It will also help soften and brighten your skin. If you are experiencing severe acne please make an appointment with a licensed and qualified esthetician to have a skin consultation.
If you like the idea of slightly more aggressive treatments that you can do in the comfort of your own home, I also highly recommend the DIY Vitamin C Mask, which is one of my personal favorites!

I first heard about this through Michelle Phan, I did tried it once but I need to do it again adding lemons!
I love your VIT C mask - will have to give this a try!
Wow! Definitely need to give this a try! Thanks for sharing -- I LOVE all your skin tips!
I have got to give this a try, what an awesome recipe! Thanks friend!
Awesome! I have a couple of questions...can I used lime juice or can I use lemon juice from a jar if I don't have a lemon on hand?
Tonia- I only suggest using fresh squeezed lemon juice for this mask. Pre packaged lemon and lime juice can sometimes contain preservatives and you have no idea really how fresh it is.
Awesome! Love this and will be trying! Anything extra that I can do beauty-wise before the wedding is going into my must try list! XO brynn
I'm ALL over this one. I love homemade masks! I made one last week using plain greek yogurt and lemon juice. Givei t a try - it makes your skin feel like buttah! :D
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I do have minor breakouts. But would you recommend this for combination skin?
I've heard of using an asprin like paste for pimples but never knew why it was good for skin. Now it all makes sense!
Shug in Boots- It's a perfect mask/treatment for combination skin!
Thrilled to have this post! My skin is in need of some help. I'm going to try this tomorrow. Thanks!
Hi Lindsay! Love this idea! I think my face needs a mask treatment before summer comes. Hope all is well!
Why shouldn't you do it pregnant? Just curious :)
Tiffany- salicylic acid is absorbed into the skin and it is not safe for a growing fetus. High doses of it can cause problems for your baby. That is why Dr's always so no to aspirin while pregnant.
Will definitely be trying this! Just curious Lindsay, what is your opinion of Origins skin care products?
Natnat- I have not personally tried Origins so I can not give you an honest opinion, but I have heard great things about it from people who do use it!
Hi Lindsay! Does this treatment cause any redness? If so, for about how long does it last?
brittany- yes, you may experience a little redness after this treatment. It might last anywhere from 30 min to a hour.
Hi Lindsay. First off, LOVE YOUR BLOG! Just discovered it today! Secondly, I'm loving all the DIY face masks and treatments. I want to do them allll! My question is..how many times per week should you be doing these natural masks? I don't want to over do it. Also, it would be a cool post if you did what your skincare routine looked like on a daily/weekly/monthly basis!
This is great, just after using it once my skin already feels & looks better
Doing this mask RIGHT NOW! Thanks dear :)
wouldnt the aluminum in baking soda fuck up your face? should i use organic baking soda instead?
Baking POWDER contains the Aluminum; organic baking POWDER contains no Aluminum, only Cream of Tartar and baking soda.
Baking SODA is purely Sodium bicarbonate -- a very different compound!
[Perhaps you should avoid any sort of home-baking: could "f--" up your and family's health.!]
-- anniedoc
Very interesting. I knew lemon juice contained salicylic acid and could be used to exfoliate the skin. But I never considered mixing it with aspirin.
One other benefit of using lemon juice is that it contains vitamin C. I don't believe aspirin has it.
Tried this and i love how smooth my skin feels
How many times a week is this recommended?
Hi Lindsay!
I just found your blog and I love it!
Great information :)
If I only have baby aspirin how many should I use?
Ive heard that vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda are absolutely not good for the facial skin because the PH level is very diffferent from the facial Ph level. I came across a lot of recipes on your blog using these ingredients. I wonder if it is truely harmless to use those ?
Hello! Can I use midol caplets if I don't have aspirin?
Can I use midol caplets?
Hi Delighted Momma,
Love the blog! How often should/can I do this mask?
I've tried out other salicylic acid peels in the past but they were way too strong and made my skin red. Instead of the peels, I switched to the Citrus Clear Grapefruit Spot Treatment - it has a 5% concentration of Salycylic Acid and is gentle enough to use multiple times per day. It does not make my skin red, and has the same results as a peel!
very nice thank you so much
I just try your face mask. I felt a little sting but not for long. But i love the way my skin has this glow and firm smooth touch to it. will be using this again. Will update again on my results after next use.
I used to use the Clean and Clear Morning Burst skincare range (Cleanser + Moisturizer) for a long time! And for some unknown reason, I decided to switch to the Neutrogena Visibly clear skin care range
Balance Exercise
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