5 Beauty Benefits of Witch Hazel

Monday, August 5, 2013

Which hazel has been used for medicinal and beauty purposes for ages.  It is a wonderful all natural, inexpensive and eco friendly astringent that has many uses.  Today I am going to share 5 beauty benefits you may or may not have heard about before.

1. Use it as a toner to help fight acne and inflammation.  Use a cotton swab and apply it to your skin before using a moisturizer. It is extremely mild and a great alternative to harsh toners.

2. Use it to help reduce bruises.  Make an ice cube with witch hazel (make sure you clearly label) when you have a bruise gently apply the ice on the bruise.  I have personally used this method and it's basically magical how much it helps.

3. Treat razor burn with it.  Apply a small amount of witch hazel to a cotton swab and apply to the irritated skin. 

4. Use it to reduce puffy eyes.  Place cotton pads over eyes soaked in cold witch hazel for 5 to 10 minutes.  This one is also a personal favorite remedy.  Bye bye bags.

5. Use it to sooth sunburn. Put it in a spray bottle and simply spray on sunburned skin.  Instant relief and faster healing.

And there you have it!  Please let me know if you try witch hazel for any of the above uses.  I would love to hear your experience. 

*You can find witch hazel at your local drug store or health food store. 

See also: The beauty benefits of baking soda 


Anonymous said...

I am going to pick some up and try out the puffy eye reliever tomorrow. Thanks for the tips!

Unknown said...

nice!! i also use it mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with olive oil as a makeup remover! ;)

Cowgal Jazzy said...

My sons use it . What do u recommended in a good moisturizer to use that won't clog pores?

Silvia Ribas said...

Hi there. Nice post! I found witch hazel recently and love it. It is the main ingredient I used to make my own bug spray and it works great!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone had any experience with Witch hazel burning their skin? I put it on my face with a cotton ball after I washed it and it seemed to burn my skin. It is the kind with aloe vera in it. Is it common or is it just me?

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Anonymous- it was most likely the additives in the witch hazel you used. My suggestion would be to use %100 witch hazel without any added ingredients, which is very safe for sensitive skin.

Jessica said...

I have always wondered what to do with this! Great information.

Anonymous said...

I use it for wrinkles around my eyes..Bags and dark circles.. I have allergies and my eyes tend to look tired.. It works so nice..

Anonymous said...

Hi there - do you recommend with or without alcohol? There are so many different types out there, it gets confusing. This might be a stupid question, but is it safe to use the one with alcohol while pregnant?

Betty said...

This has been around for long time never could of guessed the uses it has in it been using as a toner at night after I remove my make up. I saw your page about it a month ago Thank you good stuff love reading all your tips too

Anonymous said...

hemmroids, I hear it soothes them

Anonymous said...

i have used it as a toner mixed with lemon juice. The witch helps to shrink your pores and the lemon juice brightens your skin. i love this and will never use anything again

Diana said...

I'm planning on doing a natural birth and from what I keep hearing, it's going to come in handy after to soothe! Yikes!

Melissa Blake said...

...and this is why i love your blog. if not for you, i'd never even know what witch hazel is :)

Anonymous said...

I used witch hazel after I had a baby to clean my prvivate "area", I put it in a spray bottle and used it every time I went to the bathroom. I found it to be quite soothing and helpful postpartum. But for sure make sure you're getting 100% witch hazel. I believe they also come in witch hazel pads.

Anonymous said...

I've used with hazel since I was a teen, but it always says to keep out of your eyes. It's ok to put on your eyes now?

Ange said...

It is excellent for hemmoroids. Soak a make up pad in witch hazel and place on hemmroids before you go to bed. Works a treat. Also if you use the wipes in the toilet, squeeze witch hazel on the top one and it will soak through, if you have hemmroids each time you wipe it will soothe and shrink them. If the become itchy put some organic coconut oil on them.
Oh dear...what a subject lol...but believe me I know how painful they can be so to help someone else with something I know works is a treat. You must use the 100% witch hazel tho, not anything added.
Hope this is helpful :)

labride said...

I've used it as a toner for ages, I'll have to give the other reasons a try. I have a huge bruise right now from running into the car door lol:)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great tips! I've got to pick some up!

Danielle said...

I love witch hazel! I use it for:

- clearing up break outs
- soothing razor/sun burn and irritation (after waxing)
- toning the face without overly drying

Anonymous said...

Help! Which one do I choose? Alcohol free? Unscented? With aloe? I really need to clear hormonal breakouts/clogged pores.

Isla said...

I use Rosewater Witch Hazel as a toner... I love it!

Anonymous said...

I have the same questions! Which type? Alcohol or Alcohol free?

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Jess777- Alcohol free.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lindsay!!

Unknown said...

That's great to know about how it helps with bruises!

Wanita2 said...

We have been using Witch Hazel when we get bug bites, mosquitos in particular, it helps to stop the itching and reduces the swelling of the bite.

For the person that asked if Witch Hazel is ok to put around the eyes. Yes, as long as the pad you use is not "dripping" wet it will usually remain on the skin and not run into the eyeball.

Anonymous said...

I mix WH with tea tree oil and lavender for acne works great. tea tree oil can be drying so use sparingly

Jo Ann said...

Witch Hazel also helps relieve chigger bites.

Sherrie said...

Also great for bug bites. Instant relief, and helps heal. Even Fire Ants and Mosquitoes.

Anonymous said...

I infuse Calendula and Yarrow into my 100% Witch Hazel (alcohol free) and use for so many things. Witch Hazel is one of my favorite natural things.

Anonymous said...

I have also used it for poison ivy numerous times

Anonymous said...

I use it set my make up. Just a couple of spritzes in a fine mister helps the powder set into skin.

Anonymous said...

My dad used it years ago to sooth his shingles.

Anonymous said...

My dad used to use it years ago to sooth his shingles.

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to find 100% organic witch hazel in any regular or natural health stores, everything I have found has stuff added to it. The one I finally got has aloe but all of them kept saying like 14% alcohol. Where can I get just plain alcohol free witch hazel? Please and thank you. Melissa

Anonymous said...

Such a fun post. I can not wait to try the witch hazel for the bags under my eyes. I think I will refrigerate it over night then cotton ball it.

Anonymous said...

My mother believed that witch hazel was a cure for just about everything. Thank you mom.

Unknown said...

I know this is a gross subject but its also great for hemorrhoids. Just apply with a cotton ball and it helps soothe the burn and helps to heal. Especially feels better when you chill the witch hazel. I always have a bottle on hand and use it for so many things.

Carolyn v.c. said...

I started to use witch hazel for varicose veins. It eradicated them :-)

Anonymous said...

Carolyn vs how did you apply it to varicose veins? Just wipe it on? I wonder if it will help with my spider veins?

Anonymous said...

I use wh as a facial astringent after the shower and mix it with aloe for an all natural waterless handwash : )

Anonymous said...

Found this for those wanting organic alcohol free witch hazel http://organicwitchhazel.com/witch_hazel_distiller/buyorganichydrosols.html

Anonymous said...

I have trouble with sweating in my face neck and hair. The water runs all over my face and no base helps for this. It is really bad. Will Witch Hazel and rose water help for this or what can I use. PLEASE!! Edie

Anonymous said...

PLease help with sweating in my hair face and neck. It is running down my face and no base stays on. PLEASEhelp. Will witch hazel and rose water help.

OldGothChick said...

I use witch hazel half & half with antiseptic mouthwash (the "original" gold type) for an all purpose astringent/antiseptic. Safe for face, but if you need a moisturizer, use one afterwards.

Unknown said...

Many women use soaked in witch hazel ,then rolled up frozen cloths for comfort and healing to the perineum after birth

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have just recently came to know about Witch Hazel. I have puffy eyes and it seems that witch hazel is effective in reducing puffiness. However, the Humphrey witch hazel contains alcohol thus may I know if it safe to used it on eyes?

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