Every woman has their routine that makes them feel good. This may be anything from sitting at a coffee shop listening to music to getting a pedicure. Mine is exercising and going to the gym. With a infant and a two year old this is not as easy as it used to be. Gone are the days when I can work out whenever I want. Since I am super motivated to make exercise a priority I have learned to get creative.
I have been doing workout videos while Ronin naps. Max likes to participate and it is hilarious. I also started switching off with my husband when he comes home from work to go on a run. Most of the time I am dead tired and this sounds like a horrible plan but I always follow the 10 minute rule. What is the 10 minute rule? You exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes and after 10 minutes if you still think it's a horrible plan you stop. 90% of the time you will want to keep going. Try it next time you feel unmotivated!
With all the pressures woman have to look a certain way, it is so easy to get caught up in that and maybe even obsess about it a little. I have been there before and it's not fun. As I slowly get back to the old me I am making a conscious effort to not worry so much about a number but rather to be strong fit and healthy, whatever that number may be.
I have to constantly remind myself that taking time for myself to be active does not mean I am being a selfish mom. In fact it is the opposite. When I am active and exercising I feel good about myself and in return I am a better wife and a happier Mom.
Good for you! I'm starting to exercise too.
That's such a great way to think about it Lindsay and I completely agree, it's not about numbers. I had such a problem with that for so many years and now that I have finally said that it's ok to be just stronger, I'm so much happier. Thanks for putting it this way! I believe in you girl, go get it!
¡HOla! I love the 10-minute rule! I'll start in September, that's when the year actually starts for me :) Best regards from Spain,
I love the 10 minute rule! I'm definitely implementing that because getting out the door is the hardest part for me. Good for you mama!
Great advice! I haven't had any children yet but I know I'll have to readjust how I view my body after no matter how much I exercise. Any and all new dimples and marks will be well worth it though I'm sure :)
I love the book hot sweaty mamas...it keeps me motivated!!
Great way to look at things! I too hate numbers...everyone's "healthy" number is different. At 44, two kids later, I know my body will never be the same as the 20 year old one pre-kids, but that is okay. One I have two beautiful daughter's to show for it, and two...I am kind liking having a few curves!
that 10 minute rule is great advice! good luck girl...I was definitely not one of those average people who only gained 25 lbs...my total was WAY more than that!
So true, when I have some time to work out, I am a much better mom. Glad you have some time to yourself!
i have never heard of the ten minute rule.. and am SO applying that to my life!
and get it girl, so proud of you for starting these posts! you'll be back to BETTER in no time (:
yay for getting your groove back cute girl! i love your 10 minute rule and am totally willing to try it.
I've really wanted to try a workout video but cant get my child to nap anywhere but on me for more than 15 min at a time. I'm determined to find a way to exercise somehow though because I think its my key to staying sane with the most colicky baby ever.
I gained over 20lbs more than the recommended so... I have a ways to go :)
Good for you for finding ways to workout whenever you can, however you can. I can't imagine how hard it must be with 2 little ones. Just this morning I was looking at bodyrock.tv…they have a bunch of workouts that are 10-12 mins long and look pretty intense. You might like it.
good for you lindsay!! keep up the great work-outs and on the days when i want to sleep a bit later i will have to remember the 10 minute rule
totally agree with you! Im doing this ab challenge so hopefully I can stick to it.
The 10 minute rule is so smart, will try this one! My first pregnancy I've gained 88 lbs, yes you read it right! I got a big 11 lbs doughter in return! hahaha Still trying to lose the last 22 lbs, but I will get there in the end!
You are a genius! So trying the ten minute rule!
Love your gorg
I agree with the above, the 10 minute rule sounds like a great motivator!! I need to try that!!
Lindsay such good ideas to get back in shape. I love the mental image of you and Max "working out" together! :)
I do the ten minute rule as well! By time I get dress and get started it seems like such a waste to stop. Keep it up girl!
Oh I like the idea of that 10 minute rule! I need to try that next time I actually make myself exercise... I like that you are not focusing on the number but on how you feel. I think focusing on our weight is such a trap! And we'll probably always want it to be less... I like to FEEL good :)
I do the 10-minute rule, too! It works wonders. I also have to remind myself that while making the time to work out is challenging, the feeling of having worked out is so fantastic.
Good for you!! You inspired me!!
I love this post Lindsay! It is SO incredibly hard to get back to anything normal after having a baby (especially after a c-section). But you will get there (and from the look of gorgeous you in your photos it looks like you are there already!). Be kind to yourself... you are stunning (and very inspiring!).
BTW, I gained 70lbs with my 3rd baby. Yep. 70lbs. And almost 3 years later it's gone - being a mom is tough business. ;)
Sounds like a great plan! I remember my son watching be do my kickboxing video. He would try to participate too and eventually was walking around saying, "Jab, cross, jab, cross!" LOL!
I love this and am so excited about this series, thank you! And seriously, WHO only gains 25 pounds?!!!!! No ONE.
I find it's almost impossible for me to get into any sort of exercising groove, so I might give your 10 minute rule a go. Better to do 10 minutes than nothing at all!
Ronnie xo
I gained way too much weight too with each of my four kids and the last two were csections, which isn't too helpful for the midsection! Who made the 25lb rule up anyways? It always felt impossible to me. Excercising with four kids is just about impossible. But, I finally started waking up at an ungodly hour to get to the gym before my husband goes to work. It isn't easy, but I am always so glad i did it! Good Luck on the journey. You aren't alone!!
You go girlfriend! I am still adjusting to my body postpartum! My thighs and butt definitely got hit too...sad! Can't wait until I can start getting back into it again...about 2 weeks!
I just had my first baby (boy) in October 2012. I have Crossfitted for about 3 years now and I did throughout my pregnancy up until 4 days before I gave birth. SO I completely understand how exercise is a must in your life. Because when I do not get to I am not a happy camper! You are so inspiring...Thank you! Hope your day is BEAUTIFUL!
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