My son sneaking a random piece of cake at my niece's birthday (after he already had a giant slice 10 minutes prior). He cracks me up, love my little guy so much.

Discovering that my Mom saved my wooden blocks from when I was little and using a few of them for Ronin's nursery. Nursery is still a small work in progress but I decided I am not going to stress about it and just add little pieces as I find them.

The first heirloom tomato of the season. Ahhh I am so looking forward to fresh homemade salsa this summer...with a Corona :)

Getting my hospital bag all packed and ready to go! I think the hardest part of packing was deciding on which outfit Ronin will come home in.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am nesting like crazy and all I can think about doing this weekend is cleaning and getting every last detail ready for this new little baby...exciting stuff over here I know.
I love how you're using the blocks to spell out Ronin's name! super cute idea :) I hope you enjoy this long weekend, nesting and getting all ready for your precious addition to your fmaily! i'm so excited for you!
bahahahaha! Sneaky little guy grabbing an extra piece of cake! I love it! My little guy would totally do the same thing. Have a wonderful weekend friend!
which nursing tank did you find? love the blocks, and max!
Aww... yay! Have a wonderful weekend! :)
Love that cute pic of your son and his cake.
Have a great weekend!!
Ok that photo of your son is so cute. Loves his cake. Can't wait to see the nursery!! Love those blocks.
Awww - those wooden blocks are adorable! I love that your Mom saved them - what a great idea! :)
Jess- Target! :)
Tell your son I feel him, pretty sure I did the exact same thing a week or so ago. Except replace cake with a forgotten bag of cadbury mini eggs and under the table with in my closet. And I was hiding from my two year old, not my Mom. So yeah, same thing.
Ahhh, your bags are packed!! How exciting! I'm also pretty excited about the fact that you will get to enjoy a beer in the warm months. Honestly, being pregnant in the summer would be really hard for me! haha. Have a great weekend!
Love passing on treasures to my kids.
How cute he's sneaking a piece of cake? LOL. I love that my mom saved a lot of my dance costumes and books for my princess.
Hope you have a good weekend :)
I brought like ten outfits to the hospital for graham. Not knowing what size, and what the weather might be that day, and what would look best with his newbie skin tone... made me want options. :) Getting so excited for baby!!!
Okay, too funny, I have pretty all those exact same things including the same exact slippers etc in my hospital bag. :) 2 more weeks for you!!!
Yay, so close Linds! I love that picture of your son, so sweet! And the shelf with books is adorable!
Haha. It IS exciting! And I'm still adding things to Mila's nursery and she's 15 months. Ha.
I love heirloom tomatoes as well! I hope my plant does well this year. Last year was a bust!
oh how exciting!!!
p.s. i love love LOVE those Say Yes to Cucumbers facial towels!!!!!!!!!! they are my fave!
happy weekend!
I want that heirloom tomato plant. I wish we had a growing season for them!!
so exciting! hope the coming week flies by
I'm SO excited for you!! I can't believe your newest little will be here so soon. Have a fabulous holiday weekend with your loves! :)
Love the blocks and the book selection! Not long now...
Oh, I love this post!
Your son is sooo cute! :)
And I love all these things...
I'm so excited for you! When are you due?
p.s. the nursery looks wonderful!
All the best for the next couple weeks and the labour ahead! Try to relax and enjoy the anticipation. P.S. I like your choice of books for the shelves.
So, so excited for you! I have about 8 weeks to go and every day it seems like such a long time and such a short time. My nursery is also a work in progress at this point - happy nesting to you! Happy birth to you!!!
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