No its not a pager...although I did have one of those back in the day. 143 remember that?! It's my
insulin pump. I was diagnosed with
type 1 diabetes when I was
seven. Type 1 diabetes is very different from type 2 diabetes, which is the one you always hear about in the news. I did not give myself this. My body just decided to stop producing insulin...which you need to
live. A few years ago I finally decided that doing insulin shots all day kind of sucked so I got on the insulin pump. Its my
mini robot that stays with me all day. It has
changed my life...so YEAY!

My new recipe book!! Yeay for easy recipes...although I do appreciate a good rainbow cake I will most likely never make that.

I am doing a
mud run with some of my girlfriends in September YEAY! For those of you who don't know what a mud run is, it is exactly whats is sounds like. They spray you with water, you roll around in mud and RUNNNN! I have been doing more outdoor running in order to get in shape and I never leave my house without my mace...just in case some
creeper wants to invade my space I am prepared! I think every woman should have one of these.

SO awesome. Real nail polish nail strips from Sally Hansen. I paint my nails about as good as I can braid my own hair..not very well. So yeay for this!

Ian got me my first indoor cactus flower plant...aka a succulent. LOVE these.
I like your comment on the nail polish strips (which are amazing by the by - we can't get them in Australia) about not being very good at hair braiding. I'm not either but am trying hard to learn! :)
p.s Love your new plant - perfect kind of plant for indoors!
Anna xo
So glad you got a pump. I hope it makes life easier for you. Good for you for training for the mud run. I run, but I don't think I could do that! Mace is a must if you train alone. Good for you! I have succulents on my dining table and they are so fab because they are almost impossible to kill! : )
Did you ever read the Baby-Sitter Club books? One of the characters was insulin-dependent diabetic. I bet that there is a generation of girls with a better understanding of diabetes because of the series.
And my pager was blue. ;)
Those strips are great! They don't last forever but they are still great!
Yippee for insulin pumps and insulin in general!! Hopefully my niece will get one someday but for now they need her to be in control and to completely learn about what is going on in her body.
My cousins wife has a pump and on their honeymoon in Mexico and she completely forgot about it and dove into the pool!! It ruined the pump and so it was not a good situation! They somehow got another one ASAP but how scary!!
I just tried the nail polish strips last week! I put them on my toes. However, since I was snorkeling everday last week they came off after three days. Plus I bought the sparkle kind, and I was scared a fish might think my toes were bait! So maybe I'll try them again soon!
143!!!!! haha. Also do you use a light box?? Your pictures are incredible!
i have a bunch of friends who have done the mud run before. it looks fun, but so dirty! i like the little cactus Ian got you!
Rebeecca- Thank you! No I dont use a light box but I heard those are amazing! I always try to use natural light and I have a lens which I think makes a difference.
I'm going to try out those nail stickers, they have so many fun designs! Also, I've been meaning to get one of those flower cactus plants. So pretty!
Please check out my blog and follow (I'm a new follower!) - J
That cactus flower is so sweet. Love it. And yes, your insulin pump sounds like a life-saver, literally. Plus it's pink, so that's pretty rad.
I love that your insulin pump is pretty pink! And your mace too! Sooo cute! I love the idea of those nail strips - I can't paint my nails to save my life. That is a genius idea! All of these make me say yeay too! :)
Ah. Mace. Last time I seen something like that was when I lived in the city. It just so happened to be on the kitchen table. Like the idiot that I am I presses the spray button. Yup right in the kitchen. Not nice. We had to leave the house for a lot of hours till it settled. I'll never for get the feeling it gave me. Does it mean anything though that I thought it was a lighter? Boy was everyone a little upset I sprayed it!
It's a super good thing to carry for predators. Yours is cute all pink!
i just bought some succulents :) great minds think alike?
i have never heard of a mud run before but it sounds great i love new, fun and creative ways to stay in shape. and i love the sh nail stickers i also have no ability to paint my nails whatsoever and the stickers always last so much longer than my regular manicures - i love the glitter ones xx
Ha ha your mace made me laugh. I love that it is pink and girly but will take down any creeper. Glad you are being safe though and good for you and the mud run! I was curious if those nail strips were any good now I will have to give them a try!
That recipe book looks so fun! haha I laughed at your comment about the rainbow cake. Why are those everywhere on Pinterest?!? I also carry mace, and I used to carry this insanely bright flashlight that would blind someone and maybe even be illegal in some states?? But it made me feel safe! :)
Love those strips!!!
xoxo, chrissy
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
Ooohh, I really want to try the Sally Hanses nail strips. My friend told me that it doens't really work really well, but i'd like to see for myself.
I just came across your blog. It's very lovely.
i just bought a succulent too! even made myself a terrarium :) orchids are pretty easy to care for too and are oh so pretty!
glad to hear that this pump has changed your life. You're such a beautiful person and so positive towards life! Look forward to see your dessert recipes, the mud run sounds really fun too.
Have a great weekend Lindsay! I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks for being so sweet!
Sally Hansen and succulents!? Add humming to that list and we've got some great things in common. :-) Thanks for your comment, I'm happy to have found your blog!
What a great selection! Yeay for the pump, definitely! And for the plant. I have terrible trouble keeping plants alive and recently bought a few of these lovely plants. They are all dead! What am I doing wrong?! :)
yay for the succulent...i obviously like them myself! and i am going to try that sally hansen stuff tonight. i hear it's great!
I love the look of the Sally Hansen nail strips, I am going to keep an eye out for those, although to be honest, we probably won't get them in the UK for sometime!! Great picks xx
Succulents are so interesting! Love them.
The new recipe book looks awesome! Love trying new things to bake and cook!
I have the same pink mace on my keychain! We're twinsies...
I'm guessing from what you wrote about it that you get a lot of flack about the diabetes. It's really annoying when strangers just assume....
Yeay for your insulin pump! My friend has 2 young kids who have T-1... I hope this could work for them some day!
I love that your insulin pump and mace are both pink! And I will definitely be needing to try those nail strips... I'm known to try and make a pedicure last for months to avoid re-painting my nails. I'm just so bad at it!
I carry around pink mace with me everywhere, too! Let's just hope we'll never have a reason to use it, though! The dessert book looks yummy.. you'll have to post some of the good recipes you find! :)
Thanks for your sweet words on my blog today! I have to comment back on this post because I have that exact same pink pepper spray (my huz bought it for me when I was pregnant and the Smithsonian Museum guard in DC made me throw away my other one) AND I have also recently become the proud mama of a succulent plant! We were just pals waiting to happen. :)
oh my gosh, i really want to try the nail polish strips!!! let us know how well it works for you, please. :D
<3, Mimi
Pink pump! Awesome. My husband is a type-1 and has been on and off the pump since 2008, sometimes he gets a bit pump weary. Good luck with the transition, he likes it better than injections. And he recently started using the continuous glucose monitor, which we have mixed opinions about. P.S. Thanks for your comment on my "guns" on my blog!
I saw you had posted you have Type 1 Diabetes. Please check out and spread the word about these life-saving dogs...They are called Diabetic Alert Dogs and they can smell the chemical change in your body when your blood sugar goes too high or too low. I puppy raise for an excellent organization that just got their 401c3 non profit called Canine Hope for Diabetics.
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