The other night I posted a picture of my favorite go-to skin clearing remedy on Instagram (@delightedmomma). Yes, I am 28 and still get annoying! Anyway, I got a ton of questions regarding the mask so I figured it was easiest to do a post here and answer all of the questions people had within this post.
This mask is seriously magical and that is not just a word that I throw around lightly. Anytime my skin starts freaking out from stress, certain foods, hormones or whatever, this mask works like a charm to get rid of the new un-wanted friends that have decided to show up. I even got my husband hooked and that is saying a lot considering he is a basic face wash and scrub kinda guy. You should see us at night when we are both maskin it up. We look like a hot pair (okay not hot) of green faced monsters. But then the next morning we (okay mostly me) are like, "WOAAA check out my much clearer and baby soft skin!"
If you are still in the breakout boat like me or just feel like your pores need a deep cleaning then this mask is for you.
What you will need:
- 2 tsp of Indian Healing Clay (it is %100 Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay)
- 1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar (can be found at most health food stores)
- Mask brush or spatula (I prefer to use a mask brush)
- In a glass bowl, mix the clay with the apple cider vinegar until you have a smooth mask consistency. If it is too runny add more clay. If it is too dry add more ACV.
- Starting at the forehead and working your way down apply the mask to you clean skin. You can use a facial brush or clean fingers.
- Leave the mask on for 15-30 minutes.
- Rinse off with warm water and follow up with a moisturizer or toner.
- Go ahead and feel your skin because you will be blown away at how soft it looks and feels!
A few things regarding this mask:
If you are looking for a deep pore cleansing treatment I would suggest doing this mask once a week. I you have acne or are experiencing random breakouts I recommend doing this mask 2-3 times per week, with a day in between each mask.
If you have rosacea or have sensitive skin this may be too much for your skin. A great alternative mask is this one.
I do not suggest using any other apple cider vinegar other than the one I have listed above. It is the best and no they are not paying me to say that.
The apple cider vinegar will temporarily cause your skin to be red after the mask is removed. This may last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. So just be aware this is normal.
This is a drying mask so if you are very dry already you may want to try this mask.
Please let me know your thoughts if you try this or have tried it in the past!
Please let me know your thoughts if you try this or have tried it in the past!

Thanks to you mentioning briefly on your blog before I use this all the time now. It truly is the best!
Thanks for sharing! Are there any other uses for the Indian Healing Clay? I'd love to know before purchasing :)
I did a mask the other week for the first time in...I don't know...years??? Anyway, I had forgotten how amazing it felt. Literally feeling it clear up was amazing. I'm going to try this. I have a huge bottle of apple cider vinegar in my fridge (as always). Thanks Lindsay!
I might have to try this...i mean seriously i feel you on the breakouts...i am not longer a teenager...what!
This is a great mask. Makes my skin feel super soft too =)
Danielle- TONS! I will do a separate post on different uses soon.
Wow! I literally just washed this mask off of my face :) I had to show your post to my husband, because when he walked in to his green-faced wife, he asked "what's that smell?" The ACV aroma is a little strong, but if it helps get excess toxins out, I'm game. Do you have any experience with skin issues related to candida overgrowth? Weird, I know...
Anonymous- haha the things we do for beauty right? :) As far as candida overgrowth goes I have not personally worked with any clients with the condition so unfortunatly I am not familiar with possible treatments.
I can't wait to try this. Do you have a suggestion for a follow-up moisturizer? I have acne and was on Accutane a few years back. I usually use a moisturizer with salicylic acid in it, but wouldn't want to use that in combination with this mask if it's drying. Thanks!
JM- a tiny bit of coconut oil would be great or I also love this product:
I really thought by the time I hit my 20's I wouldn't have breakouts anymore. So WRONG! When I was 24, I said to my doctor - OKAY I am officially out of my teens, I thought I wasn't supposed to have breakouts anymore??!! I am also 28 and still get them. I have come to terms with it now though, haha! My breakouts are mainly hormonally linked.
My skin is very dry (I live in NY and the weather has been atrocious for my poor skin) - I have been using coconut oil as moisturizer much more than usual. So I will try the other one you linked. And maybe try this in the summer when my skin is better!
I recently discovered this mask and I love it! I have tried a lot of acne products and this one works great! I use argan oil after the mask for moisturizer. Love this stuff!
Can't wait to try this! Love you blog!
I ordered it and got it today and currently have it on my face! Thanks for sharing! I hope to find more uses for the clay!
I need to try this! Sounds amazing
Never tried it or heard of it, but I LOVE IT and want to go buy these ingredients tomorrow! I'm sick of this one spot by my mouth that keeps breaking out and I want it to be clear! This sounds awesome and if your hubby is on board - that says a lot! Thanks for the rec!
I do this all the time and I love it! Thanks for posting
You should warn people that clay will clog the drains like crazy, this is a horrible mess to clean up. This will stain all surfaces if not cleaned up immediately. Nobody wants clogged drains, this is a total hassle. Why did she not warn people about this if she actually tried it.
To the commenter above: Haha. I do in fact use this mask weekly and I never said any thing about flushing it down the drain, although I assure you it will not clog it. You could simply remove it over a bowl of warm water or use a warm washcloth to remove it :) Hope that helps.
This skin clearing mask is just perfect for me. I have been quite stressful recently and have quite a lot of breakouts on my face. Will definitely try it and hope it can make my face a little bit better.
I use clay masks all the time, and while I have yet to try this one (will be as soon as my clay gets here), I have never had trouble with clogged drains. My guess is, if your drain clogged after using this product, then there was likely something already there, like hair, which is not Lindsey's fault. Quit being such a Negative Nelly!
I have used this exact clay for many recipes for my face and body... I have never had clogged drains or staining! I would say someone has some serious plumbing, cleaning and anger issues :)~
I always buy my bentonite clay from I find their products to be top quality at a great price. Love to put it in my bath too. I also put it in my grandson's tub when he takes a bath.
You should really dilute the apple cider vinegar with water before you apply it to your face. Apple cider vinegar is an acid, you can get serious facial burns if used on your face undiluted!!!
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