Nap time is pretty awesome. As I am typing out this little diy both boys are snoring away and that is happiness :) Nap time is also when I can be a girl and do things like paint my nails, try on "fall" outfits (yes I have fashion shows that include only me) and play with my most favorite thing...polymer clay. This ombre polymer clay beaded necklace is SO easy to make and it has quickly become my favorite piece of jewelry to wear.

What you will need:
- Maroon polymer clay (you could use whatever color you want actually)
- White polymer clay
- Toothpick
- Waxed leather cord
- Some kind of necklace closure (not shown)
Here is what you do...
Condition both pieces of clay so they are easier to work with. Take a big chunk of the maroon and add a tiny bit of white. Mix the two colors between your fingers until they are completely blended together.

Rip off two pieces and make two round balls. One for each side of the necklace. Take the big chuck of clay that you previously had and add a little more white. Rip off two chunks just like you did before and make two more lighter colored beads. Keep doing this until you are satisfied with the ombre effect...each time adding a little bit more white.

Use the toothpick to poke a hole in each bead. Lay your beads out in the order they are going to be strung on your necklace (this makes it easier in the end) and bake according to your clay directions.

String on your beads and wear your homemade ombre necklace! The awesome part about this project is it costs less than $5 to create...Yeay right?!
For more ways to create jewelry using polymer clay see
here and
Oh this is great! I have an old costume jewelry necklace from my great grandmother that needs some new life. I just may have to paint the beads ombre like this. :)
i love the color!! perfect for fall!
This is absolutely gorgeous! Love the colors! xxx
I LOVE this!!! I must try. You make it look easy... :)
Oh my goodness so stylish! I adore this.
This is so pretty!! And I love playing with polymer clay, too.
p.s.: True, nap time is pretty awesome! :)
So yay! And nap time is seriously one of the best things ever.
This is such a great idea! Love the end result.
I must do this... the getting the kids to nap at the same time thing AND the necklace!
So pretty, I love it! Maroon is probably my favorite fall color too... I'm finding it creeping into my wardrobe more and more now that I'm actually shopping for non-maternity clothes again. :)
Major year!!! i love your creativity, girl...and your savviness :) always inspiring me! XO brynn
oops! should have said...major yeay! (dumb auto correct)
Love it!!
Love this!
Looks gorgeous xx well done, love the colours.
This is the cutest thing i saw this week! I will so try this!
Maybe ill try some other shapes too, like triangles or cubes :)
ooh so pretty! this is perfect for fall with the maroon!
I think ombre is taking over chevron as far as trends go...which is awesome since I love ombre. Such a cute necklace Linds! Need to change your profile picture to the one on instantagram :) Are those your fingers modeling the clay?
HOW CUTE! I am new to your blog and LOVE it! xox
Soo cool!!
Love it. This is so do-able!
This is amazing!!!!
love the necklace! i will definitely try to make this soon!
Hey,wanna know will it have smell or smoke while baking?can I use it the oven to cook food after baked the accessories?thanks
I made this using your tutorial (actually I tried making an exact replica because I've never worked with polymer clay) and it worked perfectly! I have had so many compliments and wish it wasn't socially unacceptable to wear it every day. I will be playing with polymer tons more.
Question: I got Sculpey but it seemed to take me an hour to condition it to the point where I could mix in the white. Is there a right and wrong way to do that? Thanks!
It's so cool to see others becoming addicted to the same thing as I am, and your necklace came out GREAT. But let me suggest a much easier way to get the Ombre look - the Skinner Blend. Its too long to explain here and needs some photos to show how to do it, but once you learn, your life will never be the same. Google it! I'd love to hear how y'all do!
Here's a photo from my flickr site showing pieces I did using the skinner blend: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdcreativeorg/7645735308/in/photostream
Very pretty!!
love the ombre the diffrente shaddings
LOVE this piece! So simple but so rich in color!
LOVE this! thanks so much for sharing all your tips :) http://www.handmadeintheheartland.com/
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