This week I tested out a pin from my
beauty board. The pin came from a blog called
Petit Elefant and it was a tutorial on how to make your own pore strips. To be honest, I had no idea if this would turn out and I was a little skeptical...not gonna lie. I actually HATE the store bought ones and would never ever recommend them to anyone, but this seemed to be a little more gentle so I wanted to give it a whirl.
What you will need:
- 1 packet of unflavored gelatine
- 2 tbs of milk
Mix the gelatin and milk together in a microwave safe dish. Microwave the mixture for 10 seconds and apply to face (you can use a facial brush or popsicle stick). Leave on for 15 minutes. Slowly peel off the pore strips and walla!

A little forewarning....this next picture might gross you out a little...

Here is the pore strip that came from my nose. I LOVED this! This is seriously the coolest thing ever. I worked like magic and actually peeled off like a regular pore strip, but without ripping off actual skin.
My skin was so soft after and I even think it removed a little peach fuzz from my face ha! The only weird/negative thing I have to say is it smelled like dog food was on my face...yep very stinky! Other than that this was pretty awesome. Thank you
Petit Elefant for this great (inexpensive) beauty idea!
Have you tested out any pins lately? I would love to hear which ones!
How cool that it worked but I'm not sure about the smell!
LOL - dog food. Yummy. I am definitely going to try this anyway. I hate how harsh the other ones feel ripping off.
This is great! I'm definitely trying it!!
Wow, I am so trying this!
I read someone else who tried it and it turned out terrible, so I'm wondering if the type of milk matters. Which kind did you use? (1%,2%, whole?)
I used 1% milk :)
I tried this not too long ago. I agree, the smell for me was enough to make me gag. Also, I wouldn't recommend getting this stuff anywhere near your eyebrows. I got an unwanted eyebrow wax in a few undesirable places! I am definitely going to try it again though!!
Oh wow. How cool is that?! Love that it's just two products. Easy.
This might be gross, but this looks like fun! Do you think it's gentle enough for cheeks too? Or just all over as a mask?
I've had that diy pinned on my board forever and was wondering if it was even worth tring?! Thanks for being the guinea pig!
How long did you wait before peeling? Because I tried this awhile ago and I think I waited too long because peeling it off hurt REALLY bad.
I am so trying this!
I just did it with 1% milk and the 15 min. I did it all over and then it was harder to peel in some areas but over all my skin looks awesome!
This is VERY interesting! My nose pores are out of control...I love seeing the filth after a pore strip!
I tried this a few months ago and I hated the smell.. but it worked so well! I'm going to have to do it again.
I. can't. wait to try this!
Thanks for posting this! Kind of a gross question, but did it help with blackheads? =P
I actually tested this pin about two months ago. The way that I read it was as a whole face mask... I wouldn't recommend it unless you plan on taking a shower immediately after removing... Otherwise it takes forever to get every last bit off... But my face was silky smooth!
wow so cool..a must try for me!
there is also a vegan version!
with almond milk and agar-agar. used it coupl'a'times.
smelled delicious, silky skin (and guilt free) :)
I tried this a few days ago, and it really works! I just feel like I'm going to barf because it smells like DOG.
I tried this a couple months ago and it really does work. I am doing it again today and instead of using real milk, I am using regular soy milk and it actually smells good.
Anyway I can do this without a microwave?
I want to ask about the amount of gelatin used exactly(how many table spoons)?? because we don't have packs of gelatin.
I have a few more tried and tested ways to remove blackheads in 5 minutes if you'd like: http://www.5-minutes.net/how-to-get-rid-of-black-heads/
I make these all the time with a few drops of essential oils to mask the scent. If you use something like tea tree it will mask the smell and be good for your pores!
I do this at home about once a week... However, I've started using milk instead of water (with only about 1.5 tablespoons water). The mixture smells a little better, and doesn't get those annoying flaky patches if it's spread on too thin anywhere. Also, I like to add a couple of drops of vanilla to make the experience a bit more pleasant.
To "The Student Traveler"... It works best if you use skim milk or regular milk. The lower fat, the better. Too much fat, and it will leave a residue on your face and not clear your pores.
Voila, not Walla.
To my spelling experts- I am fully aware :) Thank you though.
this recipe is great! thanks!
I will definitely try this one and pass it on.
Do you think it would still work with some essential oils to cover up the smell? I wonder if it would change the consistency and make it not effective...
What about adding some essential oils to cover up the smell? Would it change the consistency and make it not work?
I'm so glad you liked my pore strips DIY! :)
The smell might be covered a bit if you use a fragrant oil, like peppermint or eucalyptus? Just a few drops in the mix before microwaving!
i added a drop of my fav scent of scented oil and the nasty dog food smell went away :)
Cool. I have that pinned, but haven't tried it yet.
Cool. I have that pinned, but haven't tried it yet.
You could add a drop of peppermint oil to fix the smell... just be careful with it around your eyes!
cool idea! thanks for sharing!
I make these all the time with a few drops of essential oils to mask the scent. If you use something like tea tree it will mask the smell and be good for your pores !
That's a nice post :)
Really, really great idea. Definitely going to try this. Thanks for the share.
Can I use almond milk with the gelatin instead of cow's milk?
And to the question how to do these strips without having a microwave: You can just put it in a bowl and let the gelatine dissolve through a bain-marie.
Great idea, thanks for sharing.
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