Whew this week has been tough (herniated belly button aside). I have been experiencing insulin resistance, which is beyond frustrating. Some days I just want to cry because no matter what I eat my blood sugar will rise. Being a diabetic sucks sometimes and if it was a person I would tell it to eff off. Seriously.
To put a little icing on this already not so awesome week, I had a hospital sleepover on Wednesday. I went in for my normal NST appointment and mentioned how I was having some annoying cramping during the day. The nurses checked it out and it turns out I was having some serious contractions. They gave me extra fluid through an IV and some medication. I had to stay over night so they could make sure it stopped and monitor the baby. The baby is doing great and until I get cleared by my Dr. at my next visit I am on bed rest. Not sure exactly how that will work will an almost two year old but I will do my very best. Thank God for my awesome Mom who offers to watch Max often.
Only eight more weeks to go! I can do it...and please stay in there and bake for a little bit longer baby Ronin!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh no...so sorry about the bad week! I don't know anything about insulin resistance but it sounds scary!!! I am thankful to hear that Ronin is doing great through it all!
Hang in there Linds! Although I have to admit, I think your belly button looks cute! I hope you don't have to stay on bed rest too long. Keeping you and Ronin in my thoughts.
Stay strong- you'll get through it. I'm super impressed with all thta you do with this blog. Hopefully, the next few days will have some laughs, smiles and more enjoyment for you. All the best for a healthy weekend and next few weeks.
dang. I really hope the next few weeks go by fast and you are cleared from bed rest. hang in there!
I'm sorry about your bad week :( I hope things get easier!
Wow! Good Luck in the next few weeks, and enjoy them! :) Cannot wait to see new-born baby photographs!
Issy xo
Oh no, Feel better! The end is in sight!!
Oh no - I hope you feel better!! Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Happy Friday! :)
I too experienced insulin resistance during the last month and a half of my 2nd pregnancy. It's incredibly annoying when you're tired, can't find any clothes that fit and just want to veg out to constantly have that blood sugar bulls**it weighing on your mind. My insulin pump was certainly working overtime. I swear I saw it waving a white flag a few times. All you can do is try your best to keep on top of it and keep that finish line in sight with the perfect little baby waiting on the other side of it! Best wishes!
Ahhh goodluck!
Oh no. Big hugs Lindsay. I hope things improve for you quickly. I have to agree that your belly button looks adorable though. Best wishes hon.
Wow, it sounds like you've had a rough week! The good news is that it can only get better right? So glad to hear that you and the baby are okay :) Hang in there ; not too much longer!! I had just gestational diabetes throughout my pregnancy so I know about the weekly nonstress tests. Although it was a pain I liked being able to hear the baby was okay and hear the heartbeat every week. :)
Sending prayers your way and hoping Ronin cooks in there till the end!
you look so cute! Glad baby and mama are doing okay. Hang in there :)
So glad the baby's doing good. Sending prayers! Get lots of rest.
Oh no! After you have the baby look up the Tupler Technique! They have a website and Facebook page. It's a method to repair stretched ab muscles and heal hernia non-surgically. I've been using the program for 10 weeks since I just had my third and my tummy looks great! I never thought I'd have a flat tummy again, but I do. I also don't have to worry about getting a hernia since the muscles are repaired.
So sorry about your bad week! But you're almost there, you can do it :)
Oh friend, I am so sorry it's been a rough week. I'm so glad you have your mom there to help though--that makes a world of difference. Here's hoping that next week can be better. Thinking about you Linds!
Sending prayers your way!
praying for you friend that your night in the hospital will help you out and keep your baby nice and snug in there until he should officially come out. and yes definitely be thankful your mom is around to watch Max.
So...my belly button did that fairly early on in my pregnancy and we didn't find out what we were having. I and 99% of everyone else on the planet thought it was going to be a boy, including my 10 year old nephew, who pointed to my belly button and said, "maybe that is his penis sticking out of your stomach." Wow. That was awesome, Alex, thanks for that. But holy moly it drove me crazy. On another note, I'm glad you're out of the hospital and little Ronin...Stay in! Thinking good thoughts for you! xo
U r doing so great. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with a few scares and inconveniences. YOU ARE ON THE HOME STRETCH. You are looking really good btw. You should totally ham up the belly button and paint on a face ;)
- Sarah
You look great!!! Sorry that you have been having such a rough week. Praying for you, baby Ronin, Max, and your husband!:)
Yay! Insulin resistance. Bastard. I have it every month on day 10-11 of my cycle, and right before my period. I'm sure it's even more annoying in pregnancy. You've done awesome! Almost there! And yes, eff diabetes. ;)
Oh my! The bright side is only 8 weeks to go. 8 as opposed to 31 is pretty fantastical. Hang in there. So glad your mom is able to help. (Thank the Lord for family!)
As for the belly button, what's the prognosis for after birth? I don't know if mine was ever officially herniated, but after having 3 babies, it's definitely NOT the same and therefore this belly will not see the light of day on a beach. ever. again. The end.
TRY to relax and milk the pampering while you can. ;) Praying for you.
1 Peter 5:7 - "Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about what happens to you." (NLT)
Definitely sounds like a stressful week! It really sounds like bed rest is the best thing for you, as hard as it will be! Btw, your belly looks soooo cute, belly button and all! Love it!
You look awesome!! Have a great weekend!
How scary!! Glad you are ok! :) I would be in gym clothes too! You need to be comfy!!
Oh no, that's rough! But your prego tummy is so cute! I actually put bandaids over my belly button while I was pregnant to keep it down! I hope this week is much better for you!
Lindsay, I just wanted to tell you that I am so happy to have found your blog. Your skin care tips have helped me tremendously.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I tried band aids for my belly button during my pregnancies, but they didn't really help and it really hurt when I pulled them off. Hang in there and enjoy that new baby of yours when he arrives!
hang in there, I can definitely relate to almost everything you are experiencing. it's not easy.
for what it's worth, you look GREAT and your belly button is super cute. I am feeling like a big fat cow right now - even my socks are too tight!
Take care of yourself and of that baby - so glad you have some help and support for your toddler, he will be just fine too.
xoxoxo and lots of hugs. keep us posted and I hope next week is a better week.
Girl, I'm praying for you! God's got this all in control :) Thinking of you! xo
Oh Lindsay! Your belly is absolutely adorable! Alien belly button and all! So nice to catch up on your blog!! Big hugs! xx Nat
I think your belly button is adorable!!! You have such a cute baby bump!
What's a herniated belly button??? Can't believe you're so far along! Man, I need to catch up on my bloggering! On another note, Ronin was on our boy list! You're the only other person I know with the name! :)
Hang in there, you look great.
oh my word....your gorgeous!
Lindsey,I hope you're okay with a guy voicing his opinion on the subject of pregnancy bellybuttons.While this may sound weird,I'm going to say what I feel and hope that other moms-to-be will see it and NOT feel embarrassed and/or self-conscious when their bellybuttons make an appearance like yours did.I don't find jutting(outie) bellybuttons emerging from pregnant bellies unappealing in the least!!! As a matter of fact,I do find them sexy and I must confess that the pic above would have been 100X better had you lifted your shirt fully exposing your big beautiful belly and amazing bellybutton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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