I am now 29 weeks pregnant, which means that my twice weekly NST (Non Stress Test) tests have started. Because type 1 diabetes is considered a high risk pregnancy these tests are pretty standard.
NST tests are preformed to make sure the baby is doing okay. They listen to his heart, monitor his movements, do an ultrasound and check on my amniotic fluid to make sure he has enough swimming room. One super scary scenario for diabetics is you have a higher chance of having a still birth. Even the thought of this brings tears to my eyes, so I do not mind these tests at all. Plus I get to listen to my little guy's heartbeat for a good 30-45 minutes each time. What's better than that?
I bring a little notebook with me and try to utilize this alone time (which is kind of awesome) wisely. I write down blog ideas and things I need to do. I am really trying to be more organized (easier said than done for me).
I will be delivering baby Ronin via c-section at 39 weeks, so I only have 10 more weeks to go! Hooray for that.
hope everything keeps going well for the next ten weeks!
Love the name Ronin, me and my good friend were talking about baby names the other night (she doesn't have any kids but I think she might be getting "baby fever" haha!) and she said she really liked the name Max :-) Best wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy, everything will go great!!!
Hang in there momma! :)
Hi Lindsay! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. I love your blog as well, so now, I'm your newest follower! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
what a comfort to get to check in on him like that! i hope the next 10 weeks are all smooth sailing for you and little ronin! i'm sure they're going to fly by!
Wow. That is scary. I am eager but almost terrified to get pregnant, being diabetic. :( You seem to be handling it all so wonderfully. Best of luck to you! :)
Alone time is great! I think it such a good thing for you to have right now to calm you and get you prepared for the baby! Enjoy it before baby comes and u have 0 time!
You are doing great Linds! Only 10 weeks, this is the homestretch! I am very excited for you!
I feel like going in so often would make the pregnancy seem to go faster for me, but maybe not. I know I can't wait for when my appts jump to every two weeks... and it's so weird to have only had 2 ultrasounds this time around. I feel like I had 4 by this point last time. I guess we'll just keep my fingers crossed mine is still a girl ;) Haha
AWWE! 29 weeks! They are viable the nurses always say! L & L were born at 29 weeks! its a Bitter-sweet number for me:) Great home stretch here we go Linds! So happy for you, and bebe Ronin
xoxo jess
yay just 10 more weeks! You're wise to utilize that time to jot thoughts and ideas down. You are going to have your hands full with two bundles of love very soon!
I bet it'll fly by, especially while you're chasing your other little one. I hope you continue to feel great and wish the best for you and your family!
Oh my gosh it's getting close! Do they have a comment box at the hospital? Maybe you can suggest popcorn and nuts or something. Ha.
Yay! 10 more weeks... so exciting! Having a high-risk pregnancy, myself, I don't mind all the extra doctor appointments and testing, either. Anything they need to do in order to make sure our little one is doing great, is fine by me! Plus, I totally agree: nothing beats listening to your baby's heartbeat for a long period of time. It's such an awesome feeling. Sending lots of happy and positive thoughts to you and baby Ronin! :)
Yay 10 more weeks! Time is flying by! For me at least, maybe not so much for you. Aren't you thankful for the advanced medical technology these days? I can't imagine having a baby in the 50's where they had little to no imaging capabilities at all. I'll be thinking about you as these next 10 weeks go by.
Congrats, you're doing great!! And thank you for following your doc's recommendations - IDDM makes any pregnancy high risk, so you're absolutely right about getting close monitoring!
WOW, 29 weeks! Time seems to be going fast! :) You're almost there! I am so jealous that you get to hear his heartbeat 2x a week for that long... our appointments last no longer than 10 minutes, I swear, and we hear her heartbeat for maybe 45 seconds on the doppler... You are amazing and so strong, I admire you!!
Glad things are going well. Your so close to having the little guy, how exciting! Hope your week is going well!
You are such an inspiration to me (and all the other T1 Diabetic women I'm sure), with hopes to have a baby someday soon as well.
Keep up the great work!
Love the name! I had to do a NST when pregnant with Jasper due do low movement but he was obviously fine :) Hope things go well for the next 10 weeks!! I have a scheduled c section in jsut over 3 weeks! eek
hospital food is the worst!!! i don't understand why they don't have healthier, tastier options??!! anyways, besides all that...SO glad you & baby are healthy! i can't believe you only have 10 more weeks...eeps!!! hooray :) XO brynn
Love the name you picked...bummer you have to do all that testing but then like you mentioned look on the bright side you get to check on the baby more often and get free time! Yeah!
wow only 10 more weeks to go that is awesome!! he will be here before you know it. home search it is!!
love this pic:) xoxoxo H
I'm so glad your NST test went well! And less than 10 weeks to go! Yay!
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