Folding little tiny baby clothes and getting the drawers all organized and ready.

Park play dates with friends. Apparently Max shows affection by pouring sand on his playmate's head...she was a good sport!

A coral inspired polymer clay bracelet that I recently made. I think it's my favorite one yet. I will be sharing how to make it yourself next week.

Discovering the piano at Nana's house. Max was so excited about this...Nana was a little nervous I think at how violent he was with the keys ha!

My new diaper bag. My old one was just plain sad (and gross). Thank you Amazon for such a great deal.
Have a wonderful weekend! Ian has the day off today and we are heading out (kid free- thanks MOM) for a little day date...matinee movie and lunch.
Ahh, sand. Aka = I love you. So exciting about folding widdle baby clothes! Almost time! :)
LOVE your new diaper bag, super cute!
The onesie on the left with the giraffes? So. Cute! And you will be such a stylish mama with that diaper bag!
Is that diaper bag a PPB with the backpack option? My sister-in-law has one that is like that and she loves it... Her hubs even wears it. Hahaha!
Onsies are so dang cute. It sucks having a baby in Oregon this time of year - they're hidden under jammies and blankies all the time. :(
I'm completely jealous of your diaper bag. I STILL don't have one. I just cram a couple diapers and some wipes in my purse if I'm leaving the house. Lame - O.
Erin- Yes it is! I love the little backpack option! That is one of the reasons I bought it :)
Oh perfect Lindsay enjoy your day today! :) Love your new pretty diaper bag!
I can't wait to see how you made that!!! It is perfect...
so excited about your wee on coming-thank you for the encouragement that sleep will once again happen-I know God created rest so I am sure it is bound to happen again :)
xoxo, Anna
ah...little baby clothes are so adorable :) and love the new diaper bag... tres chic! happy weekend :) XO brynn
Wow I feel so behind. I think I bought like 5 little sleeper outfits for our little man and I haven't even washed them yet! I need to do some shopping!
- Sarah
A Girl In Transit
Who couldn't love itty bitty baby clothes? so cute!
ahhh folding baby clothes! miss my big man being little! so excited for you! the diaper bag is so stylish!! Sounds like a great day planned have fun!
I love it when kids first discover pianos. I think the idea that banging on something produces melody is fascinating at that age and there's something so amazing and tactile about it!
I love all the jewelery you make...
I hope you have a wonderful date!
love the diaper bag! i have two boys too and let me tell you, you will love it. you will discover so much through their bond :)
found you on instagram too. i'm @theblogofmj
Ooo love your new diaper bag!
And can't wait to see your bracelet DIY.
Have a wonderful weekend!
My kids still get sand in their hair and they are 9 and 11...LOL!
Ooo I spy a lot of the same cute clothes for our baby too!! :) Super cute diaper bag as well!
awesome...I'm so jealous you have Petunia bag!! LOVE
Why do babies always insist on putting all of their weight in the front of the swing and making me nervous that they're going to somehow circumvent the system and flip out? Even if I've never seen it happen. haha.
Am I the only neurotic one?
Also, I really like the giant ropes as handles.. much nicer for baby hands than the mean chain link thingy they usually have!
Super cute diaper bag! LOVe LOVE
I was JUST at that park on Friday and took the EXACT same swing pic of the two babies I was with... looks like that's a good meetup spot for the two of us. :) Park day soon! xo!
And Ewan banged on his nana's piano enough times that she finally just gave it to us. Keep at it Max! ;)
Petunia Pickle Bottom bags are the cutest! Almost as cute as teeny tiny baby clothes anyway :)
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