A thoughtful reader recently e-mailed me this picture of two parents who got insulin pump tattoos on their bellies to show their type 1 diabetic son that he is not alone and different. This totally made me cry.
I can relate to this because I remember when I was seven years old and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes I felt different from everyone else too. Although my parents did not get tattoos they did everything in their power to make me feel as normal as possible. I had a cool bright pink caboodle (remember those?) where I kept all my diabetic supplies, I went to diabetic camp every summer (so much fun) and I had a really nice custom made medic alert bracelet that made me feel like I was just wearing a pretty bracelet. They also always encouraged me to play sports and do everything else that other kids were doing.
No matter what life throws at you having supportive parents definitely makes things easier to get through.
You can read the full story here.
On a side note: It has been a crazy week around here. My poor little Max is so sick. It drives me NUTS when other Moms bring their snotty sick kids to the gym with them, so that's most likely where he caught it. Today we are headed to the Dr to hopefully get all fixed up!
I need a tissue!
This is probably one of the coolest things I've seen in awhile.
So awesome!
Thank you for sharing & happy Friday!
Very sweet! Hope your son feels better soon!
What a sweet story! My parents have always been supportive and I hope I'm just as supportive for my kids one day, too!
So very sweet. What awesome parents to make their son feel special! Thanks for sharing. Hope your little guy gets better soon.
this is so touching.. i immediately teared up after reading their story. thank you for sharing
Aw... that is so sweet. My nephew has Type Ia Glycogen Storage Disease which is sort of like the opposite of diabetes. He is missing an enzyme that brings his blood glucose back up when it drops. His just continues to drop. Thankfully, he is managed well and is the smartest and cutest five year old today. However, it's not something that's going to go away and is a struggle for the whole fam. Hope everyone gets healthy there! :)
Awww...so sweet! I hope Max feels better soon!
Oh my goodness, this is just the sweetest story! :)
Awww. ='(
This is a touching story, thank you for sharing with us! I hope Max starts feeling better, it is never fun to be sick! I hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend!
That is so awesome of the little boys parents. I hope your little man gets to feeling better soon :/
Very very touching story! It definitely makes a difference when parents go out of their way to make their children feel safe and comfortable (no matter what challenges they may face). And I hope Max feels better ASAP.
Awwww this is really really sweet. It's right up there with parents who shave their heads when their poor kids have to go through chemo. That would make me cry too.
- Sarah
What a sweet story! Hope the little guy is feeling better soon.
That is such a sweet story! Diabetic camp sounds like such a cool opportunity for a young child with diabetes!
Hope your little Max starts feeling better - sick kiddos are the most pitiful little things.
What a sweet gesture those parents did for their little guy!
Awww...poor Max, hope he gets better asap.
That story tugs at my heart :) What a sweet support.
I hope your son starts feeling better girl. :)
Yay for MedicAlert bracelets! I have one of my own that never comes off my wrist. That picture is really heartwarming. I feel like I can relate because I have liver disease, and I am only 23, so I feel like I am different from everyone else, too. It's always nice when loved ones go that extra step to make you feel special.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Aw, that is such a cute story! That must have been so hard to grow up with, I can't imagine.
that is a family sticking together for sure! what a sweet sweet story. sorry max got sick and i am sure that will be one of my pet peeves when i have children moms who still bring their sick children around, stay home just stay home!
I LOVE this!
I hate it when parents bring there sick kids to church and stuff like that too :(
We've been dealing w/ sickness too...
this is really a cute story! thank you for sharing this!!! i can't wait to have kids and be able to support them and have fun times with them! i love it!
allister bee blog
What a sweet story. Things like this help affirm that most people in the world are good and sweet and kind. :) Thanks for sharing.
As for those moms taking their sick kids to the gym…they need a towel slap as well. ;)
Hope the little one is feeling better soon! Have a good weekend.
oooohhhh, this is so sweet and thoughtful! The power of parenthood.. Happy weekend!
that is beyond sweet. hope max feels better soon!
Too precious! Hope Max gets better soon, enjoy the cuddles while he's not at his best! have a good weekend!
What an amazing thing to do! I've had a medical condition since I was 11, and it definitely helped that my parents had a "pretty" medical bracelet custom made for me, instead of buying one of the ugly ones from Medic Alert (the only ones available then.)
Thank you Lindsay for sharing our ''love story'' with our son. Yes, I am the mother in that picture! ;0)
Camille- your welcome! Such an inspiring and sweet story!
That's a lovely story. As for parents bringing their "sick" kids to the gym, I think kids need to be exposed to germs once in a while and I don't cancel playdates with kids that have just a cold. Unless your child has asthma or serious health problems it won't kill them to have a cold once in a while. It will make their immune system stronger and they won't get as sick when they are exposed to all sorts of germs at school. I know it's hard to see them sick but it's just a cold. Now with vomitting and diarhea, that's a whole other story. Keep those kids at home! Hope your little one gets better soon.
what a lovely story :) i got a little weepy reading it...i admit. what fantastic parents! both the couple in the photo and yours! have a fantastic weekend! XO brynn
That's so sweet! Thanks for sharing.
And yes, I don't understand why parents send their kids to school when they're sick! We just started sending him to 18m-2yr old school and he misses every other week because some kid came in with green snot! And let's not talk about how much worse the cold is when he passes it on to us. I've been knocked out for weeks!!
:: mommy chic :: design. style. kids. life.
Such a neat story!! Thanks for sharing! Hope your little one feels better soon!
how sweet!! i think i would do the same thing if i had children!
Such a sweet story! This encourages me as a mom of a child with a host of allergies--my little guy (almost 3 yrs old) has a really restricted diet, and I often worry how he will handle all of his restrictions as he gets older. Reading about this family (and reading your comments about your parent's support) reminds me of what a big influence I can have on him and the way that he views the challenges he faces. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! This is the sweetest story ever. :) Those awesome parents ROCK!
I hope your little Max gets better very soon! xoxo
LOVE this story!! So sweet!
That gave me goosebumps and made me all teary eyed..
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