In no particular order...Things that make me say hmm.
1. If I didn't know I would have guessed you were having twins! You are showing SO early!
NOPE just one baby thanks. Maybe he is giant who knows. On a serious note baby #2 is growing just fine.
2. Are you suuuure your due date is in June?
Yes I am due in JUNE..thank you for double checking though.
3. Sooo how much weight have you gained?
I don't mind sharing my weight gain number AFTER the baby has come and after I have lost it, but as of now I cant even squeeze my thighs into my "fat day" jeans so I will keep it to myself.
4. Should you be bouncing around like that on the elliptical with a baby in there?
Yes the baby likes it and so do I.
5. Why are you so hormonal?! When will I get my normal wife back?
Well DUH (sweet husband) it's because I am growing a child in the belly...and I am pretty sure your normal wife will return.
6. Are your boobs completely thrashed from nursing your first child?!
HAHA I really was asked this question! The answer is no..but thank God for a good push up bra!
Those are just a few :) Did I miss any? Has any one ever said something to you while you were pregnant that made you say, "Hmmm?"
Cute bump, family and blog!! Congrats! I will enjoy reading it;)
Wow, the things people say. How about you look AMAZING? Your belly is too cute for words!
Cute pictures & too funny, it's amazing the questions that people will ask!
I was only 20 when I had my 1st child and even though I was married I had an elderly woman at the grocery store ask me if I knew who the father was. I replied "Yes, it's my husband's". Some people just don't know when to keep their mouth's shut. :)
You look fabulous!!!! I had a women say the same thing "Are you sure you're due in July? You shouldn't be showing already!" Uhhhmmm you have never been pregnant, shut your face!!! hahaha
1. You are adorable!
2. On #6, really?! I mean, that is just downright nosy + rude. Sheesh.
You look amazing!! So cute.
I REALLY cannot believe the things people will say. Seriously!? Good for you for handling it all so well.
your so gorgeous!!(:
I actually lied a few times about my due date in the beginning because I was so embarassed to tell people in October that no, I wasn't due till APRIL. And nope not having twins either. Definitely popped WAY faster this time around- but now at 25 weeks I feel like I've leveled out to about where I was last time at this time, just showed waaay earlier. And I almost had a heart attack when I stepped on the scale last week and saw I had gained 10 lbs in a month- more than first 24 weeks combined- but OH WELL. And I think you look FABULOUS
LOL great post. Good luck with the new baby!
Oh boy - I can only imagine all of the crazy comments and questions you must get being pregnant! But I think you look amazing! One of the cutest pregnant bellies ever :)
I am almost 32 weeks and if I hear one more person at work say, "You're still pregnant??" I might snap. Oh, and I get the 'Are you sure it isn't twins?' comment, too. What are these people thinking??
I was getting the total opposite reaction to my bump for awhile. I'm finally gaining weight with a vigor so people have pretty much shut up now.
I have had someone come up to me (last pregnancy) and ask if I was having a girl. When I said yes he said "I have a method! I'm always right. If a woman only has extra weight in her stomach then she's having a boy". Um, thanks for being a D-bag and calling me fat, complete stranger.
I also had two vendors (men - oilfield guys) ask me if I was planning on going completely natural for the birth. Um, what? Since when is this polite chit-chat? Especially with men I don't know? So random.
Ahhhh.....Thank you for the baby bump photos. You look so gorgeous Lindsay!!! Ohhh I love preganant mama's It almost makes me want one more. MAYBE!!!! Love you:)
Wow people are crass! Funny questions, but highly inappropriate to ask a pregnant woman (or anyone, for that matter!). I didn't know there were pregnancy police demanding rechecks of due dates and child count!
Yuo are stunning! Some people ask the oddest questions! :)
awwww, so exciting! :)
i can't believe you got asked those questions. i would never ask anyone how much weight they've gained or how much they weigh, ever. :/
but anyway, you look really radiant! :)
<3, Mimi
Congrats on the half-way mark! Yay! You look gorgeous. xo
I showed a lot fast with my second too. You look great!
First of all, you look gorgeous! Love your cute bump!
Second, it's absolutely normal to start showing earlier when it is the second pregnancy...
Then with the stupid questions during pregnancy... Don't even get me started. I don't think they ever stop! The top one which was asked when I was pregnant was: Are you sure you are pregnant? (I was showing very late) Are you allowed to eat this? Then, why is it not kicking when I touch your belly?
Something else I found very annoying is that people were reaching out to touch my belly even BEFORE saying hello to me and of course without asking if they could do so.
This might just be the longest comment I have ever written. Looks like I still have some pregnancy time issues to work out...
Just don't listen to people, most of them don't have a clue what it feels like growing another person inside of you!
WOW! The NERVE of some people!
I started showing around 11 weeks, maybe a little earlier. When I was like 14 weeks I was somewhere with my hubby and someone asked me if I was having twins "bc there was no way I could be that big this early" hmmm Thanks..and that came from a stranger who was a guy!! Some people are SO rude!!
I think you look great!! Enjoy the second half of your pregnancy!! :)
my favorite one was " wow, Youuuuuuu have youuuuur hands FULL" when I was preggers with my 3rd baby and out in public with the twins."
Nice huh?
U look great before,during,&after babies! Love u!
oh my gosh you look SO CUTE!
You are gorgeous! I love these photos - really really stunning!
And I love all your comments - I got them all! Especially the twin one and the due date questioning. Nope pretty sure we knew when baby was coming. It was hard to answer some of them... I still get comments 2 years later about how big I was. Nice. ;)
You are looking too cute!! :)
You look beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Lindsay you look beautiful and like your little baby is growing just fine :) It's hard to believe some of the things people think they can say and get away with!
What a beautiful photo! I think you look great and in the end you just need to laugh when people make comments like that. Have a great day!
When the day comes, I'm sure I will have a slew. People can be so strange! Best of luck on the 2nd stretch :))
Cute Cute mama!!!!!
Oh LORD. I was asked the twin thing and the due date thing multiple times. "Are you sure your doctor knows? Maybe you should get another opinion." Seriously someone said that to me. Sheesh.
you are stunning!! what a gorgeous mama!!
Too funny! You look GREAT and I love that sweater!! :)
LOL! I think we've all been there when prego. First, you look adorable. And second, if I got asked one more time-"haven't you had that baby yet?" with my second (9 lbs 13 oz and yes, I felt huge) I'd probably smack someone (hormones talking).
This is awesome. I often wonder if people who say those things to pregnant women, have any clue how ridiculous those questions are. Aw, I am so sorry Linds, I think you look great! Don't let silly people get to you. :)
It's crazy what people say...some people have no filter!! Sigh! I agree ~ you look fabulous!!
♥ Shia
You are ADORABLE!!!
I loved this post! I think your baby belly is adorable and I can't wait to have one of my own someday (soon)!
Oh people! I think that people don't know what to say when they don't understand. Either that or they didn't learn their manners! You look completely adorable... of course :) I love your sunshiney yellow...so happy! XO brynn
You look amazing! I miss being so tiny!
And i sympathize on the insensitive comments people make. "Wow, youre looking stretched!" is not an acceptable thing to say...
You look beautiful and so happy! :) I love these pictures!!
I had the exact opposite (I think) -- I was at a baby shower for my sister-in-law and someone (who shall remain nameless) came up to me and shouted (for the entire room to hear) while jabbing her finger at me: "You're going to have a baby." This was after it was made clear that hubby and I weren't going to have any children. Nice huh. Not mortifying or anything. Sorry you have to go through similar intrusive crap. Good thing you're so put together.
Haha, those are some funny questions.
I also was huge with my first. People constantly asked me if I was having twins! They also told me my butt was huge. (I have a tiny frame, so I gained quite a bit of weight - 50+ pounds). Happy to say I lost it all after both kids. You look wonderful just as everyone has mentioned, most important you feel good and you are enjoying this time. I really do miss the feeling.
that baby bump sure makes me say yeay! not hmm!! cute bump and even cuter mamma!
Isn't it amazing what people ask? Best to take with a sense of humour I found :) I was also asked many times if I was having twins with my last. Usually by tactless males. Have to say that you are looking amazing and definitely have that pregnancy glow!
Ugh. People don't think before they open their mouths. Congrats on your PG!!! A not-as-close family friend of my husband's side commented (while I was PG in a bikini at about 23 weeks), "That reminds me of that picture of Demi Moore on the cover of a magazine...." Ummm, she was f-ing NAKED. So tactless.
you look beautiful. glowing like a women that is making a baby in her belly!
You look fantastic, congratulations! Two of my best girlfriends are just behind you at 17 and 18 weeks and look just like you. Love your great striped sweater too!
so lovely to see that cute little bum. You look so blissful and radiant.
You and your bump are so cute in this pic!
You look beautiful mama(and I love that watch!) Never been preggers yet but my friends have told me some amazing things people have said! I think too many people open their mouths before thinking..LOL
Ya, with my first one someone asked if I was 9 months pregnant when I had just barely turned 7 months. That really made me say hmmm
- Sarah
thrashed?! wow. that's special. why are any of these anyone's business. or how do these questions even come into their head?! crazy.
Hahaha so classic! people! You're looking gorgeous! Love your sweater!
Oh and btw, why do we think that our "fat days jeans" will fit us during pregnancy? one word I came to be fully aware of during pregnancy HIPS! ;)
I think you look amazing :)
Dang, you look gorgeous! And that is the cutest little bump ever!!
My sister always got the twins comment when pregnant with my nephew and she absolutely hated it! It's amazing the things people will say to a pregnant woman. xoxo Marissa
You still look beautiful. =)
I wish I looked as fantastic as you at 19 weeks Lindsay. I looked like I was going to give birth to a litter of Irish Wolfhounds! LOL You look fantastic.
Anne xx
WHAT?!?!! I can not even believe people have asked you those questions!!!!!!! I'm at a loss of words really. You look absolutely stunning pregnant.
I just remembered another one: "Has your brain turned to mush yet?"
Really enjoyed that one!
I seriously wonder sometimes if people stepped off the crazy train...
I get asked so many questions that I thought were completely personal. Nothing surprises me anymore! LOL!
You are looking radiant! If it were up to me, I would have kept some of my baby weight on because it makes me feel more like a woman. But alas, breastfeeding zaps me into a beanpole.
Buwhahahahahaha - People are AWESOME, aren't they? I porked out big time with the first two, but I can't remember anyone saying anything - to my face anyway. Or it's quite possible I've blocked it out. :o)
I have the perfect answer for all of the above. It starts with an F and ends with an F. :o)
As for the hubby, try an elbow to the nose - that oughta take care of his remarks. Kidding. Sort of. :o)
Oh, geez. People can be just downright rude! I sympathize. You do look wonderful. Hang in there!
Oh yes! Because our 2 older boys were 12 and 8 when Dominic was born (who is 18 months exactly) people LOVED to remind me that I was more tired with that pregnancy because I was sooooooo much OOOLDER than the last one. For real?!?! Never mind that because my husband was out of town for work, I was the one getting them ready for school every day, working during the day, then picking them up and taking them to soccer and cross country practices, meets and games.
You, Lindsay, look AMAZING! Just ignore people's comments the best that you can, because unfortunately, they will more than likely keep coming.
Just think about how cool it will be when Max meets his baby brother for the first time (make sure you have a camera and video camera ready for that!). I have photos of my 3 boys meeting for the first time and I will never forget it.
Congrats on your second addition momma! I just came across your blog through another blog site (I've seen so many now trying to get mine out their that I forget where I find them because I so enjoy reading everyone's blog) I think yours is super cute! Just wanted to drop by and say hi! Happy New Year!
Aw sissy. Your so beautiful. That pic of ian was priceless. I love you.CAN'T WAIT TO MEET BABY #2!!!
Absolutely adorable!!!!!!
Week 19 Pregnancy
What. the. hayull? People are (insert explicative). I think you look friggin amazing. Seriously! If that's what pregnancy looks like, then I don't have a problem signing up.
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