Sometimes I have these ideas in my head that don't always pan out as planned. Take our latest pumpkin patch adventure for example...
In my head it was going to be chilly and I would sip on my (extra) hot mocha while we happily browsed around looking for the perfect pumpkin. OH and in my head we would take a bunch of cute family pictures, including ones of Max taking his first pony ride. You would have thought after these pictures I learned my lesson and just hired a a professional photographer to follow us around snapping the perfect candid shots. Hey I can dream.
Well it was grossly hot and the boots and scarf that I wore made me feel like I was sitting in a sauna with snow gear on.
Max was cranky and tired.
My extra hot mocha made me wig out and I felt like I was having a mini panic attack. For reals! I was seeing little white spots and thought I was losing my vision for a brief moment.
The line for the pony ride was pretty much wrapped around the pumpkin patch. NO thank you.
We did not get ONE family picture ha!
How was your pumpkin patch experience? Was it full of smiles, fresh popcorn and perfect family photos? Well good for you if was. I want a re-do!
The three winners of the Society6 iPhone cases are:
- Ami @ The Smallest Happiest Things
- Anna Elder
- Jenny Taylor
Congrats ladies! Please e-mail me at lindsay.kujawa@yahoo.com with your shipping address and the iPhone case that you would like.
Thank you to all who participated!
Aww, poor little dude! He does not look happy at all! :)
I love this photo. It is a definite keeper, though not in the way that you would have liked huh. Maybe next year. :)
haha this photo is too much. It looks like it encompasses the day you had!
I always leave thinking I didn't get any great photos and the next I will look back ans there were some great ones...or maybe it is just he memories :)
K LOVE how real this post is, cuz I can so relate.
We are going this weekend and crossing my fingers it isn't baking outside! :)
haha definitely brings us all back to reality. I am guilty of always having expectations in my head of these ideal settings too, and yeah things just never go exactly as planned. But I love that you have this picture to look back on the day and still smile! It's so real!
haha.. at least you got one cute picture here!
HAHAHA Awwww honey! We are heading to the pumpkin patch this weekend. I love your stories, and can absolutely relate! On the bright side, the one picture you have up is perfection! Look at how perfectly it captures the craziness of that day :) Besides, you look gorgeous :) And Max is just the cutest little thing :)
1. what a pumpkin patch disaster! i have that problem with coffee sometimes! it can be a bit much. seriously, you should go get that redo!
2. nuuu uhhhhh! i'm so excited to win a new iphone case, you have NO idea!! :) i'll email you soon.
Sounds like it was quite the experience! Sometimes those "action shots" are the best ones to have though :) You look gorgeous by the way!!
haha! you look good though. i just blogged about disastrous family pics we just had done. i threw in the towel and i'm having a pro take pics of us next week. still haven't made it out for pumpkins yet! :0
I think you should do a re-do, there is still time! I do love that picture though, it will remind you of that day for years to come. :)
Actually I think you got the best photo ever taken at a pumpkin patch. Mila was semi good through it all...but had moments of irritation.
Too funny. Sounds like a blast. lol
We haven't been yet this year. I'm thinkin' Safeway pumpkins sound good to me. :)
Did you darken your hair?
Awww, but that photo is too cute! =)
theres a set of farms that are semi local to us- I love going there to pick pumpkins and apples... we usually wait until the weekend before halloween to go, since it's a wee-bit less crowded... but, more importantly, I just wait for the cold weather (which never happens in SoCal) haha but this picture is slightly funny (: you need a tripod woman! then you can take all the family pics you want (:
Aw that pics still cute. We are going Sunday so hopefully we can walk away with at least one pic.
So sad I didn't win. ;( but way excited for the winners!
Thanks for the comment on my blog! And I totally get when you envisage something to go one way, and it goes the COMPLETE opposite! x
haha Lindsay this post was hilarious! I am the same way about basically everything in life. I imagine it so perfectly in my head, and then it (seems like always) busts and I'm so disappointed. That's the way life is I guess!
ok... this is just classic as all get out!!! i love it to pieces! :-) isn't it funny how what we think and want to happen (i.e. the scarf, mocha, etc...) can sometimes just go straight down the drain!?!? it happens to me all the time! gotta love it though! :-)
happy thursday friend
p.s. the scarf is to die for cute!
hahaha this is so funny! we went for hay rides the other day and it was also grossly hot!
That's funny! I often imagine how things will be do. Then I get walloped by reality. Oh well. Such is life.
Hahaha. I love it. We went to a pumpkin patch (more like a pumpkin fair - food, rides, etc) and chasing my bug around was not fun.
hahah! Wow, not the picture perfect day but it's a great story!! This made me laugh, maybe next year you'll get a super dooper pic! hehe...
Ahhh...this is hilarious!!! Sorry it didn't work out as planned (I know how that goes...I took a million fabulous fall coats to NY and didn't get to wear one for more than 5 minutes...it was so grossly humid!) This photo though captures a moment that you will never forget and always look back on and laugh :) xoxoxo brynn
Your pic put a smile on my face!!!! Cute story.
oh yah same here it is definitely not fallish weather at all when we went to the pumpkin patch, forget hot drinks, boots are like heat catchers for my feet but adorable photo!
Hahaha Lindsay! Oh I'm sorry it didn't turn out as planned. But oh m'goodness that photo makes me smile! You and Max are so so cute!
haha lindsay, that pic is too cute! this post made me smile :)
ummm you're still drop dead gorgeous in that picture! not fair ;) and I think it's precious!!! I'm going to the pumpkin patch next week! can't wait!
Hahaha this is a HILARIOUS pic! I can't wait till I get some of my own like this..I totally plan on torturing my kid with photo ops ;) And you're such a hot mom!
haha! nothing ever goes as planned, does it? we're going to the pumpkin patch this weekend... i'll let you know how it goes!
Don't you just hate it when the weather does the complete opposite from what you are prepared for! One year when we went to an apple orchard it was FREEZING and we were miserable the whole time!
Ok. I love that picture, adorable!! I definitely am ready for FL to cool of so I can visit the pumpkin patch in my boots and scarf without sweating.
Life isn't like the movies hey?! I'm so with you on the wonderful family moment, all cozy with hot drinks and the magic of discovery picking out a pumpkin. I think we're going this weekend. Even though I won't have to contend with the heat, I'm sure there will be havoc of some kind! It seems unavoidable. On the bright side though, you and Max both look adorable!! OXO Nat
I can't believe you always have so many comments...so cool... anyways, I love the picture..shows what real moms go through...I too have done the same ting and felt like I was panicking and seeing spots...all in a days work huh? I love the scarf and Max's shirt...try again another day...go after nap time and bring him snacks to bribe him with...
Lindsay terrible photo taking abilitiy aside you HAVE to start putting more photos of yourself on here - you're such a stunner!!!!!!And if it makes you feel any better, I'm exactly the same. Exactly. Im bad at also remembering to take photos. I had a massive weekend full of exciting events last weekend (a ball, an engagement party and a big charity fundraiser) and didn't get ONE photo at any event. Hair, make up, dress .. all of it just a distant memory haha I think it just goes to show we have to much fun in the moment to remember to take photos or to take good ones (this photo made me laugh though - the best!!)
Anna xo
That picture is PRICELESS! I hope you get your redo. :) Why is it that pumpkin parties are never what you think they'll be? I spend our chasing after one of my boys while trying to keep the hay out of my face. Lovely. :)
hahaahha..funny post..
Max is adorable! I love the photo above though - very natural and really captures the moment! You are so beautiful! I love that mustard scarf you have on. I love taking my kids to the farm - pumpkin patch photos are the best with the burst of orange color everywhere. Thanks for sharing and hope you get a re-do before Fall is over ;)
I just went with my son with his preschool class and we had opposite temps. It was like 30 degrees and the wind was howling! I also want a do over! Cute pic though
Isn't that just how it goes :) It always seems to me that weekends that don't go as planner are much more memorable than the "perfect" ones... for better or worse I'm not always sure!
We still haven't made it out to our local pumpkin patch yet - and it's only my Favorite[!] thing ever! I am so excited I even dreamed about it last night.
Ah, the best laid plans...
I really like that photo though! What was going on there?
I went to a pumpkin patch recently and it was fantastic but that's probably because it was a date... with adults... so there wasn't any meltdowns to worry about. I did smash to pieces the UV filter on my lens (bummer) but at least the lens itself was spared.
Haha it always happens this way, doesn't it? The picture makes me smile :)
ha! You are super adorable and funny. Thanks for sharing your very real life with us :)
Your experience sounds a lot like ours. We had some special moments but the majority of it was spent with me wishing I hadn't worn jeans, baby Sy cranky and running to everything not age appropriate, and bees.. tons of bees trying to eat our picnic food. Cute as it sounds.
You truly made me laugh out loud! I have friends who always seem to get the perfect experience kid-wise, and we generally leave the premises feeling kind of bohemian. ;) This is hilarious and SO TRUE!
Too funny. Sounds like a blast. lol
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