After this post I might be known as the
crazy polymer clay lady. I was going though my
past DIYs and most of them include polymer clay.
It is seriously my favorite material to work with. This DIY is a spin off of
this one I did a little while back. I received several (okay 2) e-mails with readers requesting a how-to tutorial on how I made
these bracelets. So I will share!
What you will need:
- Polymer Clay
- Razor Blade
- Sand paper

Prepare your clay by kneading it between your hands until it is soft and pliable.

Roll the ball of clay into a long semi thick tube that fits and measures around your wrist. Connect the two ends by gently mashing them together and then gently rolling out the connected area with your finger.
Place your bangle in the
freezer for 5-6 min (yep you read that right). I discovered after making quite a few of these that if they are cold they are easier to sculpt and carve.

Remove your bracelet from the freezer and begin slicing off tiny slices. Use the razor in all different directions until you are satisfied with the look. When you are ready to do the opposite side, place in the freezer again and do the same thing you did for the previous side of the bracelet.
Place on a baking sheet and bake at 275 degrees for 20-22 minutes.

Once the bracelet has cooled, sand the areas that you have carved to bring out the unique effect.

Here is a whole set that I made. For the light green one I used acrylic paint and then distressed it with the sander to give it a little bit of a different look. So there you have it!
Congrats Becca! Another fabulous bracelet Lindsay!
I love all of your polymer clay crafts - keep 'em coming! p.s. did you open your etsy shop yet??
This is fantastic- thank you! New follower :)
Oh my goodness I love this. The finished product is gorgeous...looks like it should be sold in a store! Fancy!
This is the coolest! I love the look of these little bracelets. Yes, I must try. :) Great job Linds!
AWESOME! Love the blue one! So stinking cute!
Wow. I'm in LOVE!!! I am going to make an armful of your bracelets now. The braided, the swirly, and now these!!! I bought the biiiig box of all the colors of sculpey. That's right, go big or go home! LOL!
Sherri Lynn- I have put alot of time and thought into the Etsy shop and I haven't decided %100 if it's for me.
I would much rather show people how to make their own jewlery and give it away rather than selling it so we will see :)
You are the crazy polmer clay lady...and I love it :) I had never heard of this material before you. I love all of your creations, Lindsay! And you write the best tutorials. Have a fantastic weekend!!!
Oh my goodness! You are so incredibly creative and talented I can't even stand it!
Lindsay, you always have the most creative crafting ideas! These bracelets are so amazing!
Again, these are so amazing! Probably my favorite so far!
Wow, that is pretty amazing and creative. Very earthy too. I love it. Thanks for sharing.
- Sarah
How pretty and so easy to do!
My goodness, the things you can do with clay. So talented! HAve a great weekend!
These are absolutely beautiful!
Love these too! Try as I might, the items I make never look nearly as good as yours!
I love the look of the indentations on the bracelets! You always make working with clay look so easy:)
I never knew you could make so many fun jewelry pieces out of clay! These are awesome!
I used to make Christmas ornaments out of clay I have tons left over...we might be making bracelets today!
those bracelets are awesome!!! :)
Wow...these are so cool looking and earthen looking! Thanks for the tutorial for these, and for the pickle tutorial :D
I am IMpressed. {notice the emphasis there ;) haha!} I don't think you're a crazy polymer clay lady AT ALL. I loved it as a kid and I just got so excited to try this out and use it again! thanks for sharing! have such a good weekend! xoxo {av} | {long distance loving}
This is great! Love all of your DIY.
These are just fabulous! You're so talented! :)
oh my gosh! I love these!
These are incredible! Nice job.
yay! congrats to becca on winning. another great DIY lindsay, i love how creative you are
I can't wait to see youuuuuuuuu!!!!! xoxo
You and your polymer clay! Making some bangles a la one of your tutorials has been on my DIY to-do list for forever!
OHMYGOSH this is so cool!
I've bookmarked this page :)
xx Grace
THese bracelets are so much fun! Love the colors!
those are beautiful!
A couple weeks ago Michael's had their polymer clay on sale for $0.99 a block!!! Because of your blog I was so excited I bought like 12 different colors to make jewelry with :)
it looks so great.I must try that!
I love these!
You are so talented - these are gorgeous!!! I am def trying them! xox
Come visit soon!
youre so freakin creative! totally envy you for that! in a good way of course :)
xoxo, saskia
I absolutely love your polymer clay diy's. SO freakin' cool!!!
Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
awesome... you make it look so easy... i am so afraid of the clay aisle... it makes me sweat every time i even think of grabbing some to try and make some...
Love your clay ideas!! Wear the crazy clay lady badge with pride :) Can't wait for your shop to open!!
What a creative idea. This will be a great activity to do with my daughter. Thanks for sharing.
this is soooo cool! i love these bracelets. what a great DIY!!!
You do such a good job with the clay though so keep the posts coming! :-)
These are adorable! Especially the bronze! Perfect for fall! I'm going to have to try this...probably a few times before it comes out right, lol.
beautiful bracelet and so simple to make. Well done!
Very cool and looks super easy. Great DIY
I'll be back to read up on some other post.
OMG I love this tutorial! So smart:-) Thanks for sharing
super super super cool!
beautiful blog!
Lindsay, I don't think we could ever tire of your polymer clay DIYs because you DO THEM SO WELL!!!!! This one is amazing - WOW!
You are just a genius they look beautiful! <3
wow! these are super cute~!! love this idea!!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment too! I love this DIY, you are such a clever lady! :) -Lo
Love. Love. Love the bracelets!! Wish I was crafty enough to so this, but I have a feeling it would come out disasterous.
Oh. Wow. These are so cool! They look absolutely gorgeous, and what a fun and simple project. Amazing work! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving such a sweet comment. I'm following you!
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