Fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies. Is there anything better than the smell of
fresh baked cookies floating around your house? Nope.

My favorite little guy having a blast with the hose.

BBQing and enjoying a perfect summer evening sunset.

A sweet unexpected thank you note from an amazing reader. Made my day.

A much
needed girls night out! SO much fun. Non stop laughing and chit chatting reminded me how important a little girl time is.
Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies...the best!! I could eat them till I am sick. The next day though? I can eat one but they are not such a big temptation. A girls got to have her girlfriend!! It is truly something to be thankful for.
That photo of the choc chip cookies does them SO much justice. They look d.i.v.i.n.e - your husband really IS lucky. I LOVED that story about the girls night out as well. I'm a big girls girl and must have a catch up with my nearest and dearest regularly to stay grounded and get my source of laughs and love. The parrot reminds me of an experience my Aunties and I had - we were laughing to the point of tears!
Anna xo
mmmmmm. Chocolate Chip Cookies ♥
That sunset is gorgeous, and a girls night out sounds so much fun! So random about the talking parrot! Where was it!? The restaurant?
Oh my goodness, your blog is just A-DORABLE! And so is your little guy! Consider me your newest follower... Have a fabulous week! :)
PS Thanks for the sweet comment!
Always love these lists :) This time, it's the note from your reader that made me smile....handwritten notes are so special! ;)
Anna- It was outside of a pet shop we walked by...it was trying to lure in customers! haha!
Aw, I love that people still send handwritten notes. I love reminders that there are really great and thoughtful people in the world. :)
Mhmm, that sushi looks so good right now! I may just have to get me some tonight. Handwritten letters are the best, but even better when they are unexpected! :)
How fun! I love these lists! Yum I love cookies! i love the pic of your little guy and the hose. So cute! ANd then the sunset pic? Amazing! I love summer evenings....escpecially with BBQ! ;D I love writing handwriten letters! Its soooo fun! My friends went to a camp this summer and during the whole time, we wrote letters back and forth to each other. ;D
Love fresh baked choc chip cookies but I haven't had any in ahwile because of my diet. Getting "good" mail is one of the best things ever!! You're so right about girls night. I have one coming up in a couple of weeks.
YAY too all those things!! Isn't just spending time with family and eating treats the best ever!!! Your little man is a doll :)
I love the photo of the sunset.
Would that life were all a series of such events as portrayed in these pictures. ;)
yes and yes to girls' night out! and those cookies looks soooooo good.
It all looks wonderful. Are those chocolate chip cookies whole wheat? They look like it from the texture.
Andrea- Yes they are! Good eye :)
There is nothing better than freshly baked cookies! If I had my ideal house, it would include fresh flowers and fresh cookies every day!
I love an unexpected piece of mail, nothing is better!! And since we've been married I realize how important girls time is! I definitely need it every once and a while and treasure when I get it!
All things that make me go yeay!!! too! :) Nights out with the girls are the best ... I never realize how much I miss them until we have a girls night and every goes "man, we should do this more often!"
♥ Cat brideblu
ok i love your blog; the photos are gorgeous!! and i love the sunset photos.
I think this is my favorite Things That Make Me Say Yeay post yet!!! I love all of them! The cookies look delish, your little boy is the cutest thing ever, that sunset picture is unreal, and the girl's night out sounds like so much fun! This post made me smile! And inspires me to have a girl's night one of these days!!!
these are such lovely photos!!! mmm...you are making me want cookies! and that sunset is such a perfect, gorgeous california sunset...before moving to washington from california i thought that all sunsets looked like that...i was wrong! the sunsets here are different ...gorgeous also, but they are pinks & purples rather than the oranges and reds :) have a great day, lady! xoxoxo brynn
Girl's night is a must. I do it at least twice a month. I encourage my hubby to do the same. We are so refreshed afterwards. Glad you had such a fun night!
I wish I could reach through the screen and snag one of those cookies! That sushi looks delicious too. Now I'm hungry... Your sweet little man is too cute for words!
Oooh, freshly baked cookies! That sounds delightful right about now. I think I can agree with every single thing you listed :)
chocolate chip cookies are the best!
Yes, girls night is a must!
The picture of the sunset is incredible!!!
Lovely photos! Definitely reminding me that I need some girl time... in fact, I just booked a flight home to visit my sisters yesterday, can't wait!
I could practically smell the chocolate chip cookies, I love the pic ofyour little one, and I about died when I saw the sushi rolls.....yum!! Perfect for a girl's night :)
Aw, I LOVE this post! The picture of your little guy with the hose is SO precious. Not a care in the world. Makes me want to slow down & soak more of those moments in with my little ones. Gorgeous sunset & a GNO is definitely a must every once in a while.
what a beautiful blog space you have! it is just so lovely. thank you for popping by and saying hello!
We must've been on the same wavelength Lindsay. I made choc chip cookies on Tuesday. All gone now. I'm too tempted by the smell and eat way too many.
Glad you had fun on your girl's night out. The food looks fantastic!
Anne xx
oh man that last picture just had me look down and find a puddle of drool on this computer table! hahaha. totally kidding :P love this post. makes me feel all warm & homey inside :)
I've missed reading your posts! So good to catch up :) Getting something unexpected & lovely in the mail is so rare and fun. (Tho I do a little happy dance every time my People magazine comes.) Your girls' night out sounds so perfect!!
Freshly baked cookies are the absolute best things!
Mmmmm cookies look amazing right now. I think I like the smell of biscuits cooking too! And my fave sushi is a Spicy crab tempura roll.
Ok let's see, I'm talked about food in all three of those sentences....hungry much?
xo- Jet
WOW! That sushi looks amazing!! Sounds like a whole heap of fun going on!
Umm every single one of these things would make me say yeay too! Nothing better then just out of the oven cookies {with a cold glass of milk}, your little guy looks adorable, the sunset is beautiful and I am SUSHI obsessed so that last pic just kicked in the craving!
awwww, all these totally made me say yeay! :D
p.s. i looooove freshly baked cookies! they are so worth all the work! ;)
<3, Mimi
Love all the things you listed! By the way, thanks for visiting my blog!
lovely pictures. Love sushi and cookies. Cute baby, beautiful sunset and a sweet note, life is good dearie!
WOAH! sunset heaven :)
Those cookies had the same effect on me. Yeay.
those are all wonderful things. nothing like baking cookies or even bread in your house, your little man is adorable and unexpected notes especially handwritten are so rare these days, definitely something worth keeping
Those cookies make me say "yum" and "Bah" because I'm on a diet. Love the sunset and your little guy playing with the hose. Simple things are the very best.
ohh man those cookies look so delish!!!
Oh snap, you CAN'T beat fresh baked cookies!!! Your little one is precious, love that photo! And who can beat a fun sushi dinner and a talking parrot? We should all be so lucky ;-)
xo Shannon
I've had sushi all week, can never get tired of them. Those little things are just too good to pass up. Aww...the tot loves to play with the water hose but never likes to get wet. Too cute!!
My girlfriends at work and I went out for a sushi lunch on Thursday. So yummy!! I only wish we ran into a talking parrot, haha.
Oooh, yum, your cookies look amazing. That parrot sounds so funny! My childhood friend had a parrot that would repeat her and her sister's fights when their mom got home. And, it'd call the dog over and then chastise him. ("Here Jake! Come here! Bad DOG. BAD dog!")
Things that make me say yeay: Your blog. Annnd, your blog.
Those cookies look delish and your son is adorable! I don't know what I would do if a bird mocked my laugh... I can see myself either getting all self-conscious about it or laughing hysterically!
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