The weather lately has been fan-freakin-tastic and all I have felt like doing is soaking it up. I usually do all the grocery shopping on the weekends and since that can get quite monotonous I have been breaking up the routine with making more trips to the outdoor farmers market, where I have been getting our fruits and veggies for the week. I picked up these strawberries over the weekend and we have been snacking on them like candy. Since strawberry flavored anything is my jam I knew these would taste delicious inside of a baked treat. The texture and taste of these muffins reminded me of a cake (a shortcake) and my whole family inhaled them like it was the last sweet thing they might ever eat again...pretty typical of them.
What you will need:
- 2 1/2 cups of blanched almond flour
- 1/2 tsp of baking soda
- 1/2 cup of honey
- 1/4 cup of coconut oil (melted)
- Juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 tsp of vanilla
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup of diced strawberries
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees
- Mix together the dry ingredients and then add in the wet ingredients. Mix well until everything is completely blended together.
- Place baking cups into muffin tray. Scoop enough muffin batter to fill each muffin tin about 2/3 of the way full. Add a few more diced strawberries on top if you wish.
- Bake for 20-22 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
- Enjoy!
A few tips:
- These are more moist compared to other muffins made with almond flour but that is normal.
- If you overfill your muffin tins with batter (I did on a few) your muffins will sink in the middle. So it is best to under fill rather than overfill with this recipe.

Recipe makes 12 muffins and each muffin contains approx 12 grams of effective carbohydrate.

Yuuummmmmm!! I need to send this to my sister. She is always trying new paleo recipes
This look delicious! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lindsay! They look awesome, I've tried the same thing with raisins and dark chocolate chips - they're so nice! Need to try it with strawberries now :) thanks for the read.
Yum, these sounds perfect! I hate the grocery store, can't wait to start going to farms/ farmers markets again for produce :) Have a great day!
xo Hannah
these look delish! thanks for sharing!
does the honey affect your blood sugars much?
Hi Love can you sub coconut flour instead of almond?
Laura- Plain honey straight out of the jar does but when it is evenly dispersed in a recipe it does not seem to have such an impact. Also each muffin has approx 12 grams of that's not too bad! :)
Anonymous - Yes you could although you would only need to use about 1/2 cup. You will also want to use 5 eggs instead of the 3 since recipes with coconut flour need more liquid. Let me know if you try it using coconut flour!
These just came out of the oven and they are so good! They are pretty moist like you mentioned but oh my! My son and I are devouring them now.
These look so good! Have you tried using an egg substitute by any chance for the eggs in this recipe? Thanks!
Oh, these look wonderful! I've made similar delicious muffins made with almond flour (with raspberries and dark chocolate chunks - yum! decadent!) from another recipe, so I'm excited to try this lighter strawberry version! Also - thanks for the helpful tip about underfilling the cups! Yes, my muffins had sunk in the middle, but I didn't make the connection that if I put LESS batter in, instead of MORE, haha, that can fix the problem! :) Thanks! By the way, I am a relatively new reader and I am really enjoying your sense of humor, beauty tips, recipes, and lovely photos of home decorating. Also, i find your personal stories about health issues to be helpful and inspirational. Thank you for keeping this blog.
To the anonymous commenter above- so nice! Thank you!
Samantha- I have not but I am interested in how they would taste with that.
I made these with my two-year old this afternoon. Delicious! XO.
I cannot wait to try these! Thank you for sharing :)
Made them yesterday as written here plus blueberries, and just made another batch but subbed in bananas, Enjoy Life chips, and pecans. On point, Lindsay! :)
Has anyone tried making them with a mini muffin pan??
Hi, I just started following Paleo and have yet to update my cupboard. Can I substitute Ghee or Lard vs Coconut oil? I'm not a very good cook or baker and I'm afraid to change anything on the recipe that may just spoil it. Thanks for your time!
Just made these, and they're delicious! However, is there a way to make them less moist?
If you would like them less moist, I would suggest using only 1/2 cup of strawberries. Hope that helps!
We are huge fans of the salted almond butter cookies and make them regularly. Made these today for a little treat throughout the week. Another winner recipe when the husband loves them too! Thanks for sharing your amazing recipes!
My 2.5 year old boy and I made these together (Daddy daycare day!). I think I lost a few strawberries to 'testing' and the honey got a few little finger dips. We were a cup short of Almond flour so we mixed in just under 1/4 cup of coconut flour as well. They turned out great. The batch had a deliciously moist consistency, without being to wet. Our batch actually made 18 muffins - perhaps our cup cake cases are smaller. Cooked beautifully in 20 mins. If anything I might scale back the honey a little next time because I find them a bit sweet. Then again, there's no complaints from the little guy :-) Will definitely make again.
Do these need to be stored in the fridge? I looked but may have missed this info.
These are so delicious! (We add 1/4 t salt - is that wrong?) :)
Just wondering if you have tried the recipe with other fruit, or frozen strawberries, as organic strawberry season is just about over. Thanks!
Mine didn't work, boo! I love your recipes but I've tried it twice, first with almond meal and second with coconut flour and it turned out really dry. Yours looks lovely and liquid. What did I do wrong?
Made these last night, they are so delicious! Thank you for sharing :)
Love these! They have a great texture and taste. We have tried a bunch of your muffin recipes and all have been fantastic. Thank you for sharing!
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