Tomorrow I will be delivering baby Ronin via c-section. I'm scared, nervous, anxious, excited, happy and a million other things in between. I can not believe that tomorrow I will finally get to hold and snuggle my son who I have been dying to meet from the moment I saw a positive on the pregnancy test.
Tomorrow I will be a Mother of two!
Until I am ready to get back to blogging I will be sharing pictures on Instragram. If you would like to follow along my user name is delightedmomma.
Praying for a smooth delivery for you! Baby R will be here so soon! You are going to be such a great momma of two!
Thinking about you and sending up prayers. Everything will be perfect! What an exciting day! :)
All the best and enjoy the precious one!
I wish for you a smooth and wonderful delivery! Such exciting days ahead - I'll be thinking of you!
Good luck on your delivery! :)
I am so excited for you Linds! I will be waiting patiently for all those pictures. :) Good luck with everything. Remember to let all those lovely nurses take care of you while at the hospital. :) Congrats, sweet friend!
Congratulations!! That love will carry you through....
aw cant wait to see the lil guy, hope you have a smooth delivery dear!
Yay! Will be praying that everything goes smoothly and that you have a wonderful delivery. Can't wait to see pics. Good luck!
I hope your delivery goes well. I'll be keeping you and Ronin in my thoughts tomorrow!
All the best on your delivery tomorrow!!! That's exciting that you will be holding your sweet little baby so soon.
Congrats!!!! I hope all goes well! Can't wait to see pics :)
So excited for you!! Hoping for an easy c-section and a fast recovery. I'll be praying for you guys - the transition to a family of four will be interesting to say the least, especially since you won't be able to pick up your first baby for a little while BUT one day at a time and I'm sure he will LOVE his little brother :)
It's crazy that I don't even know you - but actually thought about you THIS week. I kept thinking, "I wonder if 'Delighted Momma' has had her baby yet?" Is that crazy or what? What this blogging as done to me is so funny. I think because you are a Type 1 Diabetic, as I am, you've given so much inspiration to me as I hope to carry a little on in my womb successfully as you have one day!
Praying for the best delivery and a quick healing after surgery. Blessings to you and your family!
yay...congrats! will make sure to follow you so that i can see pics!
Praying for you! <3
I hope everything goes well. Congratulations! I'll be checking your Instagram.
Early congrats to you! I will be following on instagram now and can't wait to see pictures. :)
Good luck and congratulations! Take care and get a lot of rest.
Congrats! I hope all goes well. I'm following you on Instagram now and can't wait to see a picture pop up of your new bundle of joy :)
Aaaaaaaahhh! So excited for you! Can't wait to see pictures. Will be thinking about you and your cute son-to-be family of four!
So excited for you!! Praying for a smooth and calm delivery experience for you. You will have your sweet boy in your arms before you know it! :} XO!
woohoo!! congratulations little lady (: hope all goes smoothly... can't wait to see the baby!
praying for you tomorrow lindsay!! praying for a safe delivery of ronin and congrats you are almost a family of four!!
Good luck! Sending prayers your way!
Congrats! Hope everything goes well tomorrow! :D
The Tall Blonde Artist
oh my goodness!! so exciting + i'm sure a million other emotions! sending prayers that everything goes smoothly tomorrow!! get that baby out, woohoo!
i wish everything goes well tomorrow! my best welcome wishes to baby Ronin!
Congratulations sweet Lindsay! And enjoy those precious first moments in Ronin. I will definitely be following you along on instagram.
So excited for you. In October I'll be a mom of 2 and I'm so nervous! I'm following you on instagram now.
Oh this is SOOO exciting! How wonderful! I can't wait to read all about Ronin.
good luck! with everything. :)
Congratulations!! Enjoy your beautiful boys! xxx
Praying for a safe delivery tomorrow!!
It's here, it's finally here! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I can't wait to see the photos, and I know everything will go perfectly tomorrow. :)
Yay!!!!! Can't wait for pics.
I CANNOT wait until you post pics of your little Ronin! My eyes will be peeled on instagram =) Yay!
- Sarah
All the best for a healthy few days. Sleep lots and enjoy the joy and love from so many people and the joy and love you'll feel from your baby. Take good care.
Praying all goes well tomorrow Lindsay! I can't wait to see pictures of baby Ronin!!
Cant wait to hear the exciting NEWS! Praying for you!
All the best, Lindsay. How exciting!
Ronnie xo
Blessings to you and your entire family for a happy and healthy experience tomorrow. Welcome to the world, Ronin!
Hoping for an easy delivery! All the best! :)
I wish you lots of luck on a quick and painless recovery!! And I can't wait to see the little dude here on this blog and on Instagram!
congrats! i hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow - and enjoy your first glass of wine ;)
So exciting, wishing you that all goes smoothly :)
cool! and congratulations!! :D
OMG wow!!! Congrats Momma! So so excited for you to meet your new little son! So very exciting!! XO
Well I simply cannot wait to meet this little one.
I am sending a prayer your way for a smooth delivery!
x , anna
Too excited for you! Fingers crossed! =)
Happy Birthday baby Ronin! Congratulations to you :) It's been watching your pregnancy unfold!
Waouw... This is so beautiful...
I'm sure he is here by now! congrats mama!! xoxo
Happy Birthday, Ronin!
So excited for your adorable family and their beautiful new blessing! Congrats!!
I know I am day late but hope you and the baby are doing well. I'm sure you rocked that delivery!
Congrats on the new baby. I love your blog, I can't wait to see your next post!
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