The moment when I saw my son for the first time.
It is safe to say that I had a little pity party for myself this week. For starters my OB told me I have gained a teensy bit (my words not hers) too much weight. She is not the most sensitive of ladies so she told me in a not so nice way. I cried. Maybe its the loads of Italian mushrooms and kalamata olives soaked in a yummy garlicky-salt sauce or all the cream cheese that's doin in?
Any whoo...then a girl at the gym told me...and I quote, "Your butt is definitely getting bigger." No joke. What do you say to that?! HA! I am also getting these annoying little bumps all over my shoulders and back. Same weird thing happened when I was pregnant with Max. Thank God it is cold and tank tops are out.
I got my act together yesterday...went to the gym, blasted some good music and got my uphill walk on. I reminded myself that every new zit, every pound gained, every boring protein shake that I have to drink (when I really want waffles with syrup) and every sacrifice I have to make is ALL worth it in the end when I see my baby's face for the first time. I can not WAIT.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Don't stress momma! You are going to be just fine :) HUGS!
I cannot believe people said that to you. Oh my goodness. I would have cried too!
You're gorgeous! :) Don't let others get ya down!
I hate when people make comments about someone's weight. So rude! I definitely cry when someone says anything about mine. Just Remember to focus on the good. We have so many blessings!
Linds, if there is one thing I have learned with three pregnancies, it is to EMBRACE it! Embrace every pound, every new curve. You have a complete miracle growing in you, and it will be over before you know it. It is hard at times to think like that, but it is SO much better for your mental health if you do so. :) And trust me, you will get your body back.
omg. some people are TERRIBLE! you were pregnant -- you can never tell a woman she is fat. so so rude. Hope the little one is doing fabulously!
well friend we can have a pity party together :) I weigh 10lb more than when my daughter and son were born...and I still have a good 16 weeks to go... lol...I was not the happiest at my last weight in ... but then I stopped and I know this little lady is all worth it :)
That is soooo terrible - I can't believe people sometimes! Don't even stress about the weight...it's so hard to remember but it does come off, and your body is doing what it needs to do! I gained 70lbs with my third. Yes 70lbs. But it's off now... You will get your body back!!
Enjoy this time. Really enjoy it!
Wow! I can't believe that woman at the gym. I would have probably said something like "Well my excuse is I'm pregnant, what's yours?" Then turned and walked away. haha. I doubt I would have really said that, and I probably would have just gone home and cried!
Ha! I like Carlie's comment above...though I'd never have the nerve to actually say it either. :)
Doctors with no "bedside manners" tick me off. And total strangers who have the nerve to say anything less than kind should have a muzzle.
You know what? It IS all worth it. Who cares what people say. Main thing is that you and baby are healthy. It's even worth it when your belly never looks the same. Haha!
Go eat those mushrooms, olives and cream cheese.
You can do it! I hope you have a wonderful day, and don't let those people comments get to you because you are wonderful!!
Happy weekend!
Lindsay, Thanks for visiting my blog! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I gained 75lbs with my twins and had to sit on a couch for 6months! It was terrible, but like you and what you are struggling with - it's all worth it in the end. I hate it when other people verbalize how I may or may not be feeling. Good for you for getting out there and ignorning the ingnorant. Take care and I hope today is a better day!
People can be so hateful! Keep your head up and lots of virtual hugs your way. :)
Aww don't listen to them, but good for you for getting to the gym! :)
it's ok dearie, don't cry, a little weight gain is fine. I gained 46 pounds at my first pregnancy, I was over weight! But my baby turned out fine and really big too. Have fun exercising and keeping fit!
What a positive attitude. I love your photos.
Someone should write a book about what NOT to say to pregnant people. I've gotten way too many 'are you sure you're due in January? You look way further along" or "I'm surprised the doc hasn't moved your due date up" and my responses to this are: "I'm measuring right where I should be" when I want to say "are you a doctor? Don't u know every woman is different and every pregnancy is different?" but in short.. People are dumb :)
Beautiful post Lindsay! How ruuude of that girl at the gym! I'm sure you look awesome and you are an amazing momma!
i can't wait to be a mama, but i just know i'm going to freak out about every little thing. praying now that i can let go of vanity before that day comes :)
I can't believe how insensitive people are. There are some people who should not be allowed to talk to pregnant women. I'm sure everything will be fine, and in the end you'll have a beautiful baby!
Please tell me the person at the gym was someone you actually know?! But I know all about the insensitive Dr. My Dr. from the time I was a baby until I was 18 was like that. She once told me I had a "fat back" and that I needed to eat more fruit. What?!? I don't know what a fat back is, but I've been obsessed with it ever since.
It's all worth it! Don't let them get you down. :) Have a great weekend!
My OB told me the same thing yesterday!!! I am up a mere 3 pounds over what I should be for 26 weeks and she is not subtle or nice about it.
So I walked it out this morning with some GREAT music, too.
Glad I'm not alone. And us pregnant ladies ARE beautiful, no matter the size of our expanding bottoms.
And when I meet my little girl for the first time, I know it will all be worth it. :)
Argh, people are crazy. Hang in there. You have great perspective!
Are you serious!? Gosh, some people. Ridiculous.
You look amazing :))))
Lindsay I feel ya. Cannot believe that girl told you that at the gym. And frankly I'm sure you look amazing. I remember feeling that I probably didn't look so amazing during most of my pregnancy, but it's just nice to hear from people. And you are so right...it is all worth it! :) Happy weekend!
One word: Ditto.
This quote made me feel better
I reminded myself that every new zit, every pound gained, every boring protein shake that I have to drink (when I really want waffles with syrup) and every sacrifice I have to make is ALL worth it in the end when I see my baby's face for the first time. I can not WAIT.
except that I can eat the waffles, which brings on even more guilt!
you are still beautiful girl! and you are right when you see your baby's face for the first time it will all be worth it! and that woman at the gym, be quiet!
Hey! Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I absolutely love yours, so adorable...I will definitely be following you :) ~Ladybug
I was so sick during my pregnancies I didn't even try to work out or look cute.
Who says that to a lady, pregnant or not? Crazy!
Ah, look at that beautiful boy! It is most definitely worth it all that preciousness :) Rock on, lady...you can do it!!! xoxoxo brynn
you're supposed to gain weight when you're pregnant. you must not be able to tell that you're pregnant yet then....gf wants your booty! that is all.
Some people just need to keep their mouths shut. I'm sure you look fabulous!
Baby 1 was perfect and so will baby 2. All those who object waffles and syrup should kick rocks!
How are you feeling??
oh my word...people theses days and the things they say!
Hey, I am bigger than I should be and my butt gets bigger every day, hence several of my nicknames, and I'm not preggo! Your baby is all that matters. People say dumb stuff (she's probably jealous - hater!) ... keep on keepin on girl! :)
you look fab! max is perfect and bebe will be too!
People (Doctors included) who have no decency when dealing with others (pregnant or not) don't deserve your tears lovely, although as easy as that is to say I know we all would have reacted the same way, with said tears! You know what is right for your body, your weight, your pregnancy, and your life so no opinion of what others think matters or speaks any truth. I hope your feeling better after the up hill gym work out though - I know how clear my head is after my morning runs.
Anna xxx
I once left a doctors practice all together because she made me feel and about my weight. It made me cry and really hurt my feelings!!! I;m sure your beautiful and doing great!!!!
love to you darlin
I just saw your second trimester belly shots above and you do NOT look like you've gained "too much weight." I can only imagine what your doctor would say to me.... !!! Maybe she is one of those people who doesn't enjoy a good piece of chocolate... And in that case, BLESS HER HEART. ;)
NO WAY did your doc and gym girl say that! I would have cried too!!! I have been doing barre once a week and walks on the weekend...that's it! I don't even want to know what those peeps would say to me!! Boo hoo to that!
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