Sometimes the simplest little changes can improve your skin. Some of them we may not even think about. I am guilty of #3.
1. Change your pillowcase more often. This is always the first post instruction I give my clients after a treatment. Changing your pillowcase every other night (sounds drastic) can be extremely beneficial to your skin. During sleep you sweat and drool (some more than others). If you are a tosser... you are rubbing your face in the pillow which results in dead skin cell debris on your pillowcase. If you keep placing your pretty face there night after night without changing it you may be causing unnecessary breakouts.
2. Clean your makeup brushes. I recommend cleaning your makeup brushes at least once a month. If you don't they can become a breading ground for bacteria.
3. Clean your cell phone daily. Contact acne is very common. Whenever I have a client with random breakouts around the upper cheek area the first thing I ask is if she holds her cell phone on that side. Most of the time the answer is yes. Contact acne is pretty easy to avoid.. clean whatever is touching your face. The best way to clean your phone is by taking a damp cloth and wiping it daily to remove any excess makeup, oil and sweat.
On a side unrelated note: I hate commas....that is always why I do...FYI :)
Only a few days left to enter the Apothica giveaway!
I never thought about how my pillowcase or cell phone could be affecting my face! Again, thanks for another wonderful skin care tip! :) Hope you have a great week!
Love the post!
Great tips as always! I'm going to clean my makeup brushes today :)
Thanks for the tips! These are easy enough to do ;-)
Great tips! I am also guilty of #3 - I definitely need to clean mine more often!
Great tips! I am always doing....too!! Because it is a long pause in what I am saying!
Hi Lindsay. Great advice. Could you tell me the best way to clean make up brushes please? I'm not sure of the best way.
Thanks my love!
Anne @ Domesblissity xx
Loved this! Thanks for the tips! I can so vouch for the pillowcase tip- it's definitely worth splurging on an extra pair or 2 of pillow cases. I had the worst breakout last week and have got to break myself of resting my face on my hands all the time.
Great tips! Totally agree!
Totally true! I'm spotting some breakouts now and I know it's becuase I need to clean my brushes!
WOW! This is so interesting. Thanks for the tips!
Great tips! Very useful information as well! Thanks for sharing, as always! I didn't realize you should change your pillows as often as you should--glad that I know now!
Just after reading this I cleaned my phone but I too need to clean my brushes more often.
Great advice!!! I do clean my makeup brushes frequently, but never thought about my pillowcase! Or cell phone! Thanks darling!
I already do all of these! Great tips!
Thanks for the tips! My husband has been having some break-out problems lately, and I've been telling him that he needs to read your blog :) So what is the best way to clean make-up brushes? Can I just use soap and water? I actually don't use brushes very often, but I would like to invest in a good set!
Great advice...the pillow case is something I never would have thought of. Hmm, it appears I am a ... girl too!
omg. I am so glad you came across my blog because I am happy to have found yours! I love skin tips because I have uber sensitive skin. I hate it, haha. I always thought the pillowcase sounded drastic but I'm going to buckle down and get serious about it. Thanks for the tips!!!
Wow, never thought of these but makes perfect sense! Thank you!!
great tips! I too dislike comas...lol
Super duper great tips! I know I should be better about these things:)
a girlfriend once told me she washed her makekup brushes with shampoo. Does that sound good?
- Sarah
What do use you use to clean your brushes? Regular soap or something fancy?
i love your tips!!
i also clean my brushes with a gentle shampoo.
xo dana
Anne & Andrea - A great natural way to clean makeup brushes is to mix a little baking soda with warm water (hot water can damage the bristles) and let them soak for a bit. Then rise them with clean water and let them air dry ..brushes facing up.
Sarah- I would only wash them in shampoo if its really gentle. Most shampoos are loaded with fragrance which can be irritating to your skin. A quick look at the ingredients on the back will give you a better idea :)
I haven't washed my brushes in two months. Everytime I plan to do it, something else comes up and they remain dirty. I really need to clean them, I've been breaking and and think this is the reason why!
I just clean my brushes yesterday! i need to do it monthly though..i think last time i clean them was monthsss ago :D
Any good recommendations on how to clean makeup brushes? And, when should you replace them?
I do ....'s a lot too! and I need to be better about all 3 of these things : / i have been breaking out lately and I dont know why because I havent broken out in a LONG time! these 3 tips may just help :)
Cleaning the makeup brushes is such a great tip...need to do that more often!
I love the pillowcase trick. That's made such a huge difference for me! Because I'm lazy, I flip the pillow over after the second night so I don't have to change it as often. ;)
Such a good idea I usually wipe my phone every week but daily sounds way better. What's the best way to clean brushes?
I ALWAYS change my pillowcase! Brandon thinks I'm crazy for doing it! Now I have proof that I'm not! ;)
I had no idea about the pillowcase!!! Thank you!
Yay! I love randomly finding good skin care tidbits! I'm going to try and wash my pillowcase and phone more often. Thanks!
Thanks for the TIPS! I seriously need to be better about all 3 of those things...especially the pillow, though. Heck, I'll admit: I'm a drooler. ;)
I never thought about that with the pillowcase! thanks for the tip!
I seriously never clean my cell phone and almost next to never clean my brushes (I know, I know)... Guess I need to start! Thanks for the tips!! xox
Come Visit Soon!
great tips!! thanks for sharing... love your blog!
xoxo, aimee
diy blog: swellmayde
Any suggestions on how to clean brushes? Everyone says "just soap and water" but I don't know if that's hand soap or face soap or if there's something better.
Seems like 3 very easy fixes really...
love, love, love your blog, those clay bracelets are to. die. for.
Never ventured the polymer clay route..I am about to!!! (sidenote....I read that you have a hatred of commas...me and you both sister!)
ah, cleaning make-up brushes is the worst! i definitely need to do that more often. thanks so much for the tips... especially #3!
GREAT tips!! I need to get better at all 3...eeekk!!
You always have the BEST tips! I am working on these three more and more!
Great tips! I had no idea you needed to change your pillow case that often!
PS...I use the dots all the time too :)
i am going to admit that i am guilty of not doing all three. i really gotta start being vigilant about that. ;)
<3, Mimi
Stages of Beauty Giveaway :)
Great Tips Lindsay...I come to your blog every so often and learn something new! Good for me because I get adult acne off and on & its sooo annoying! :)))
Can you recommend a good facial cleanser or two? Thanks!
oh yes I always forgot to clean the cell phone, it's super dirty!
Anonymous- Yes! I love Origins Checks and Balances, The Wonderbar, Bliss purifying cleanser, and the Soy face cleanser by Fresh. I also really like Bobbi Browns oil cleanser. Hope that helps!
wow these are definitely some really simple things i should definitely do more often
I'm so guilty of all of these! Especially the phone!!!!!
The pillowcases is such a good idea! I may stock up on some at Ikea this weekend. :)
hey girl....thanks for the reply to my comment. i've obviously missed you too since i am going all the way back to make sure i haven't missed a thing! i just needed to take a little break from the blog world. i HAD to comment on this post bc you will notice that i do "..." all the time too! i love that someone else loves it too. :)
I usually have my phone with me as I'm getting ready so *after* I swipe my face with some toner I go over my phone with the same cotton ball. The parts that touch my face gets it first, then the rest :)
Do you know where I can get natural or organic face mask brushes. Haven't been able to find any yet? Thanks!!
great info, i like your shared info
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