Skin Care Tip Of The Week *Probiotics for better health and better skin*

Monday, August 29, 2011

I have mentioned before that your skin will communicate with you if things are not working as good as they should be on the inside.

can help restore your internal health. When you are healthier on the inside this will naturally improve your skin.

What are probiotics?

According to the World Health Organization, probiotics are living bacteria that, in the proper amount, offer a considerable health benefit to its host (YOU). There are billions of “friendly” bacteria in your gut that are beneficial to your health and they are similar to the bacteria in probiotics.

If you consume a large amount of meat, dairy, artificial sweeteners or have taken a large amount of are most likely getting "backed up." Not a fun feeling!

When you are properly digesting your food and your immune system is functioning at an optimal level your skin will look younger healthier and more vibrant!

Probiotic benefits
  • Promotes better digestion
  • Improves liver functions
  • Can help ward off colds and the flu
  • Can help treat and prevent yeast infections
  • Increase energy
You can purchase probiotics at almost any health food store. You will find them in the refrigerated isle. You can also purchase them here. The one that is shown above is my favorite brand!

If you have any questions regarding this post you can either leave them in the comment section and I will reply under your comment or you can email me.


Olivia said...

I am a HUGE fan of probiotics! I've also been taking Pantothenic Acid, which is supposed to help skin issues, and seems to be helping my skin calm down a bit! I too believe we have to address any outside issues from the inside!

Sara Jahan said...

Thanks for the tip! I love your skin posts. One of these days I will get myself in gear and start a routine of these!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

Interesting post! I just gave up "fake" was soooooo hard but I feel so good!

Anonymous said...

What about probiotics in yogurt? Yogurt is dairy, which can cause some of the problems probiotics help cure, so I'm just wondering if the dairy cancels out any benefit to the probiotics. Anyone know?

Elizabeth @ Love Is the Adventure said...

One of my best friends works for a vitamin store and she's been raving about probiotics to for forever. She even went so far as to SEND ME A BOX of them. I'm going to take the hint and start taking them. SHEESH! ;)

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

thenodramamomma- Even though I am a huge fan of yogurt (Greek) it is a clogging food. I still enjoy yogurt but I don't look at it as a form of probiotics.

I personally prefer almond, hemp and coconut milk over cows milk. These are all easily digestible..cows milk is not.

Unknown said... you know I am a fan of probiotics! My mom used to give us acidophilus as kids! I guess she was just a little ahead of her time because now probiotics are huge!

Lindsay said...

This was so informative Linds! Great idea, I always love your take on things, it's wonderful!

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

I'm on an antibiotic now so I need to stock up! Good to know that yogurt doesn't count!

Unknown said...

I'm definitely going to have to try this. I love your skin tips (I'm not crazy about my skin :P).

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Hmm...I had heard of probiotics helping with the bad bacteria in your belly but never knew it could be good for your skin as well. Makes perfect sense though! Like you said the outside is a reflection of what is going on in the inside!

Anonymous said...

How interesting! I am definitely willing to try it if it means more energy and supermodely skin like you!

Amy @ Amy Day to Day said...

I seriously love your health and skin care tips. I'm going right out to buy some. It has been years since I've taken probiotics. My skin is so bad and broken out right now, do you think probiotics could help? What improvements do you personally see from taking them?

amy day to day

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Amy- I am so glad you are enjoying the tips! I am a firm believer that when you are putting healthy things into your body and adding important vitamins minerals and good bacteria (probiotics) into your diet your skin will benefit.

Since I have started taking a daily probiotic I have noticed a TON of benefits. Some of them may be a little TMI for some people to read so I will send you a personal email :)

Molly said...

Lindsay, I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did!! Definitely making the masks that you have mentioned. I've been hearing a lot about probiotics. I just might have to give it a try!

Quick question- What causes blackheads around the lips, and how do I get rid of them? Could it be my chapstick, I use Burts Bees, so it's pretty all natural...

Anonymous said...

I take pro-biotics too especially when taking anti-biotics because pro-biotics put the good back into you.

And do you believe my gyno told me he saw research where this doesn't work - i think he was full of it!

Tania said...

I have these in the fridge - better start taking them again!

Val said...

I think I need this in my life....

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Molly- The blackheads around your lips are most likely caused by your chapstick. Even though Burts Bees is awesome it may contain an ingredient or essential oil that your skin is not agreeing with. I would suggest switching to an all natural chapstick that contains tea tree oil.

Manda- That does not surprise me at all! Most doctors are quick to prescribe an antibiotic or prescription and hardly ever recommend natural remedies. People would be much healthier in general if they did!

Gaby said...

thanks for this! one quick question... does yoghurt contain probiotics?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I give my boys probiotics whenever they've been sick - it does seem to help balance them out.

Rachael said...

Omigosh… I recently started taking probiotics cuz I have hella digestive problems (I seriously had to take a pill to help me digest ANY vegetable/fruit/legume every single time I ate)… After being on probiotics for 2 months, I'm off the digestive pills… Which is super awesome cuz the probiotics are cheaper AND I only need to take 1 a day vs. more expensive veggie pills with every meal and snack (up to 5 or 6 a day).

my thrifty closet said...

this is definitely not expensive. Most of the brands we see are ridiculously expensive. Thanks for sharing this wonderful product


Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Gaby- Even though I am a huge fan of yogurt (Greek) it is a clogging food. I still enjoy yogurt but I don't look at it as a form of probiotics that should be consumed daily.

Wendy said...

I love this post!!! I have been big on pro-biotics for years. Provided you change your diet along with taking this - you will feel the change in your body almost immediately. It totally takes care of any candida overgrowth.

marina {yummy mummy} said...

OK, you've convince me. Going to pick up some this afternoon on my whole foods trip :) Thanks, you always have the best skin care tips!

Jenny N said...

woah! So weird. I just bought some of those last night at Trader Joes. I am kinda dorkily excited to see if it helps "move things along"....:)

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

I am loving your blog, girl! So many helpful tips!

Ashley said...

I love all of your skin care tips! Question for you: I recently came across the product clarisonic mia sonic skin cleansing system, and I would like your advice on this product if you know anything about it. I would hate to go out and spend the big bucks on it if it's really not worth it. Although the reviews sound like its an amazing product, I would still like to hear your input since you are a professional in this sense. Thanks!

Faby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Plastic Surgery Abroad said...

The skin care tips fro pro biotics is given here. Know all about it

Anonymous said...

There are billions of “friendly” bacteria in your gut that are beneficial to your health and they are similar to the bacteria in probiotics.

Eyebag said...

a best post concerning to this skin care topic. Thanks for sharing & posting for us.

Unknown said...

What would be your recommendation as to how often to take something like the Bio K or another type of probiotic?


Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Earline-daily if you can :)

Unknown said...

Not to be argumentative, but yogurt does count as a probiotic. Just make sure that you are getting yogurt with "live, active cultures", it should say this somewhere on the container. If you are getting something like Yoplait, you are not helping yourself in any way. It's full of sugar and cornstarch.

helpful hypergh14x said...

Probiotics are rich in antioxidants that can help skin look beautiful and younger.

HGH food supplements said...

Yes, probiotics are really helpful for digestion. I am fond of drinking Yakult which contains probiotics.

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