I had such a wonderful response on these bracelets that I have decided to give away the set. I love creating and the fact that I get to share my creations with you the reader makes it even more fun.
How you can win the set:
- You must be a follower of Delighted Momma. Leave a comment below telling me you follow.
- Mention this giveaway anywhere else you like. Leave additional comment(s) telling me where you mentioned it
- Follow me on Twitter
**You can have up to four additional entries**
The winner will be chosen via random.org within a week.
On a side note: We are packing up and heading back to California! Ahhh seriously there is no place like home.
Me, me! I would love to win this. :)
I follow you on GFC--like you didn't already know that. :)
Lindsay I absolutely love love love em! They're so cute!! Of course, I absolutely love your blog too!
I follow you on GFC and love reading! The bracelets are too cute. I might just have to go follow you on Twitter now :)
oooh la la!!!! i have loved these bracelets since the tutorial was put online! i think they're absolutely stunning and would love to have them!!!!
i follow you with GFC!
♥ allisterbee.blogspot.com
Oh my gosh Lindsay these are so adorable!! I follow you :)
Ooh, thanks for the awesome giveaway. I am already a follower.
I also mentioned you on twitter and the giveaway. :)
Oh, and I already follow you on twitter. :) :)
MEEEEEE!!!! ME ME ME!!!! haha! Seriously, I would die and go to heaven and come back to life just so I could wear them!! And OF COURSE i'm following!
I love your clay creations! I just officially signed up to follow you!
And now I am following you on twitter! @sublimeeye
I follow your lovely blog....
I am a follower even though it won't let me post with my google account that I follow with!
Done and done. Count me in for three entries! And when you're free see my post!
I follow and I want!!! So cute!!!
I follow you and you know I want them!!
I follow you on twitter :)
ah, these were my favorites of yours...yay!
i also follow you on twitter. :)
I follow!
Holla! I'm a follower. :oP
YAY!! so excited that it's those bracelets & I'm a follower :)
Great Giveaway! I'm a follower and I hope I win :)
Following you on Twitter!
I mentioned the giveaway on my Twitter.
I'm already a blog follower! I was so in love when I saw you post these the first time!
And I follow you on twitter. =)
-- Twitter: mayaalvarez
One more entry!
i follow you :)
I'm a follower!!! (GFC)
Sadie x
AND i follow you on Twitter! (@sadiesadiesadie)
LOVE these bangles!!
Sadie xx
-- Linked it on my facebook too!
Maya Alvarez
I Posted about it in my post that gets published tomorrow morning! I promise! :)
Those are so pretty! (I follow through GFC)
oh, oh, pick me :)
They are so cute and I could use a jewelry pick-me-up!
I'm a follower.
Those are so cute! Good thing I follow you now :)
me me me please! I've been reading through some of your polymer tutorials and I love them! I'll have to hit up my hobby lobby...
I am a follower of Delighted Momma.
I am already following you on twitter
I tweeted about your giveway!
I posted about your giveaway on facebook!
I follow you! Gosh, these are so cute! :)
Just saw this giveaway on Gentri Lee's blog and flew straight over here for a chance to win these beauties! I'm a follower xx
Love it!
omg I was planning on making these but I'd love to win them!!! I follow you <3
xo Jackie
#1 I follow the blog *dur*
#2 I follow you on Twittah
Of course I follow you on GFC :)
And on twitter too :)
I love that!
Have a safe trip home and happy weekend!
thanks for checking out my post! i absolutely love these bracelets!!! soo cute, i just may have to try out myself. what a lovely blog you have!
Count me in! Safe travels home ;-) {I'm a follower}
I follow you on Twitter.
I tweeted about the giveaway @lifeonleroy
Oh I remember commenting on these colors and I still like them just as much now as I did then! I'm a follower, thanks for the chance to win.
I follow you! (:
Also following on Twitter :)
sooooooooooooooooooo cute! i want :) follower of course!
love these bracelets! as a recent bracelet junkie, i would LOVE to add these to my collection.
following you on twitter as well!
I'm so glad I started following. I tried the plain fimo bangles and loved them!
Oooo Pick me! Pick me! Of course I follow your blog! Why wouln't I?!? Its soo cool! Thanks for the chance!
Whoops! Sorry The link under my name is the Wrong one! sorry! This one should work better. ;)
Wow! These are AWESOME! Pick me!
I mentioned your giveaway on my blog today!
I've been following you!
Learnt of you thanks to Southern Lovely.... SO HAPPY I DID!!! Your newest Fan and Follower. Good thing I have nothing planned this weekend, only to play catch up on your and Southern Lovelys Blogs :)
I follow you via GFC - for my first entry!!!
Love for you to come on over to Little Miss Mama if you have a chance.
Posted about your Giveaway on my Facebook Page {http://www.facebook.com/TheLittleMissMama}
Come on by and check it out... for entry #2
I'm BAAAACK for a 3rd and final Entry.
I am following you on Twitter {@QueenEarlGrey}
Beautiful! I am following :) -Rachel (adistinctstyle.blogspot.com / Distinct.Style.Innovation@gmail.com)
Following on Twitter, too :) -Rachel (adistinctstyle.blogspot.com / Distinct.Style.Innovation@gmail.com)
i am all over these ... my wrist is pretty bare lately... so... your random generator should pick me!
I also posted a blog entry linking back to you about this giveaway:
I follow on blogger. I made my first attempt at these bracelets. I think I made my braids too big, though--they're a little too chunky looking!
I am a follower of Delighted Momma!
I mentioned your giveaway on my Facebook page!
I follow you on GFC, I mentioned the giveaway on Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/desize1996/status/107890800213508096) and I follow you on Twitter (my username is desize1996)
These are fantastic! I follow you on gfc :)
Ok Love your jewelery your super talented! I'm now a follower!
Love these bracelets!! I am a follower :)
I follow you, of course! These are wonderful! :)
I tweeted about the giveaway! ;)
And I already follow you on twitter!
This is so unique and awesome! I follow, and I would love love love to win these bracelets!
I follow! :) these are super adorable.
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