Skin Care Tip of the Week *Sunscreen*

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today I am going to tell you one of the most important skin care tips of them all. You should APPLY SUNSCREEN every day rain or shine. If you were to only apply one product before leaving your house this is what I suggest you don't go without. Protecting your skin from the suns harmful rays is so important.

Excessive exposure to sunlight without protecting your skin will:
  • Accelerate the normal aging process. I believe this is something ALL women want to prolong as long as possible.
  • Cause dark spots.
  • Cause lines and wrinkles.
  • Break down collagen in your skin which leads to sagging.
  • Can cause skin cancer.
I recommend using a sunscreen/moisturizer of at least an SPF 15 or higher.

My top two favorite products are:
  • Devita Solar Protective Moisturizer SPF 30. This leaves my skin feeling sooo soft. It a paraben free and uses all natural ingredients. It is also formulated for skin that is sensitive and prone to breakouts. LOVE this product.

If you have any questions relating to sunscreen you can leave them in the comment section and I will be happy to answer :)


The Michelle Show said...

I'm a sunscreen wearer! I used a moisturizer w/ SPF 15 and my makeup also contains SPF 15.

Domesblissity said...

Excellent advice Lindsay. We have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world here and I know I should use it more often. Trouble is I always feel so clogged up with it on. I'm going to check out that Nutragena one. Thanks!

Anne @ Domesblissity

amelia said...

great advice! i know i should do this more... must get into the habit of it first!

Unknown said...

Just yesterday I was thinking to when women used to wear heats to protect themselves from the sun and when being tanned was not in fashion... Great reminder to apply sunscreen, thanks!


fifi said...

thank you for the great suggestions and helpful tips!!!

Jenna said...

Thanks for the tips - I love neutrogena :)


amy b.s. said...

i am a huge fan of the neutogena lotion.

Dana Fox said...

great tips! thanks for the suggestions!
p.s. i am your newest follower :)
xo dana

Cat said...

Great call out! I am obsessed about wearing sunscreen ... though *said sheepishly*, my main motivator is vanity {staving off wrinkles and age spots} followed by prevention of skin cancer.

♥ Cat brideblu

Ana Degenaar said...

At the end of this tips I'm gonna look like a darn model. Wohooo!

Mandee said...

I agree...using sunscreen is so important!! We do not want wrinkles!!

ps. your baby is soooo cute!!!

Bad Joan said...

Great advice! Sunscreen is key- thanks for sharing!

Sally from Sorelle In Style said...

being that i have SUCH pale skin, i really should wear sunscreen! i wear estee lauder face cream everyday that has spf in it, but i should be more careful! thank you for the advise!

thanks for the comment on my post, doll!


sorelle in style

Lindsay said...

I swear you know everything Linds! Thanks for more valuable info. I make sure to use a sunscreen in my facial moisturizer every day! Glad to know there are so many benefits!

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

This is the one skin routine I have stuck to since I was in middle school! I am hoping it pays off when I'm older:)

Hollie Ann said...

this is so important! is that sunscreen non comedogenic?

marina {yummy mummy} said...

totally agree 100%. I cannot believe I spent my teenage years lying in the sun baking with baby oil.
I love the spf moisturizer from Jurlique

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Hollie Ann- YES both are :)

Unknown said...

I would like to try both of these. It seems link a lot of the facial sunscreens are greasy! Thanks for the tips!

natasha {schue love} said...

Such good moisturizer has SPF and it makes me feel 100% knowing that it's there.

LaVonne said...

I love that Neutrogena lotion too! Thanks for sharing this. It is important.

I am visiting from the Wandering Wednesday blog hop. It is nice to "meet" you. Enjoy the rest of your week!

LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

Joanna said...

That's one thing I never leave the house without! I use my Origin's SPF 30 and my Bare Minerals has some SPF as well!

Bird Bug Pug said...

props to you, use that sunscreen! i live in sydney and the sun in australia and nz is intense to say the least, they have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.

right now i'm loving a brand called Invisible Zinc. it feels smooth and light on my face and is tinted to use as a foundation as well

my thrifty closet said...

opps... i should read this earlier, I've already got two things on the list, sun spots and lines. Bad..I'm a lazt moma


Neha @ All things beautiful... said...

This is such a great tip. I do use a moisturizer with SPF but I'm not very regular. Will try to follow your advise.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment:) said...

Such good advice. I really really need to start wearing sunscreen - I am always too lazy when I'm running out of the house but it is so important! Thanks for sharing!!!

Unknown said...

I recently got this Neutrogena lotion, because i was looking for one with SPF! i have found it leaves my skin feeling like it has a plastic sheet over it, not so pleasant! any other sensitive skin/prone to breakout face sunscreens that are good? i have heard olay makes a good one. have you heard anything about theirs?

gracielynn's said...

thanks for ALL the skin care tips.
I would like to add tho.. according to a well known demetoligist.. we use Sun Screen TOO SOON.
don't leave yourself & your kids unprotected by too much SS ! WE need Vit D !!

cloudsrollby said...

I LOVE DeVita sunscreen!!! It became a little pricey for me (I was buying the face only version for a year), but then I decided to try the larger whole body version. I am able to use it on my face and body with no pore clogging problems :)

Mrs. J said...

Lindsay, I just found your site...wish I did before I invested in a line of Obagi products.

Mrs. J said...

Lindsay, I just found your site...wish I did before I invested in a line of Obagi products.

susiescribbles said...

Oh I love the Devita sunscreen, Ive been using it for years!!!

Anonymous said...

It a paraben free and uses all natural ingredients. It is also formulated for skin that is sensitive and prone to breakouts.

Salon said...

The post is giving the skin care tip of the week. Useful post

Unknown said...

I use DeVita too, but I use the Body Block. It's 3 times the size and has far more anti-aging ingredients in it such as MAP. It lasts for 4 months usually.

Mona said...

Wow, I was sceptical at first, but the second product actually ranks very low on the EWG Skin Deep database!
As for myself, I don't use sunscreen these days because you are supposed to get 20 minutes of sun exposure a day (without sunscreen), and the days are short and I am indoors most of the time. But when I go out in the summer I use Badger, which has a similar low rating. I have recently ordered some zinc oxide, which is one of the "safe" active sunscreen ingredients, so I may be trying a homemade version soon!

Anonymous said...

I have used Neutrogena sun screen year around for many years. I now have small white white bumps. What can I do to get rid of them? I have recently started changing my pillowcases every other day. I also use the baking soda scrub twice a week.

Judy in Oregon

Unknown said...

if u eat a lot of tomatoes, carrots ur skin becomes better against solar burns

Cindy said...

I have a question!
How often should I keep reapplying my SPF on my face?
Personally, I'm always running around that I only apply my face on once a day, if at all!
I use a 50SPF on the bottom, then a BB Cream with 15SPF on top of it (that's all of the stuff I wear on my face). I walk around campus all day and night, and never reapply.

Dee said...

I just put some vitamin C pills in a blender. I added 2 capsules of CoQ10 and a couple of drops of distilled water. My skin was refreshed and super smoothe!

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