For Ian's birthday last year we went to the
hospital to have Max! Yippeieee...well not so much. Max decided he did
not want the same birthday as Ian and came two LONG days later.
This year I wanted to make sure Ian had the best birthday dinner ever! He requested a steak dinner at his favorite steak house..and a homemade strawberry vanilla cake. Ladies..the saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is so true! He was one happy camper.

We both tried raw oysters for the first time. Slippery little suckers...but delicious!

Even though I couldn't get the cake out of the pan..woopsie forgot to grease it...he still loved it!...wax drippings and all ;)

26 candles!
At the moment my kitchen looks like a cupcake disaster zone! Max's first birthday party is tomorrow and I am doing every thing last minute..nothing new!
thanks lindsay. come back soon.
happy birthday to your little one. xxxxx
ps following you. come follow me x
You two look so happy together! And the cake looks yummy, you should be proud! AnnaXXX
Awe! Have fun with your birthday boys! I haven't tried raw oysters...not bad, you say?
The cake looks soooo good!
Oh, that's so cool that you get to celebrate both your guys' birthdays almost at once! Although I'm sure that gets stressful, too. That cake looks great! Never had raw oysters but you've inspired me to try them! It's my husband's 26th birthday this year, too. I think guys really do get handsomer/cooler with age. Esp if they started out pretty darn cool!
Thanks for stopping by Love is the Adventure! I hope you'll come back and visit. And I'm excited to follow your blogging journey here!
Nothing like a great steak dinner out! Omg aren't raw oysters amazing!? In Nags Head, NC I saw some as big as dinner plates and you had to cut them. I'd rather have them the size you did. One nice slurp! :) Have you tried Oysters Rockefeller? So good! You guys are a great looking couple! Happy b-day to both of your boys! :)
great that their birthdays are so close together, when max gets older you'll be able to take fun trips as a family to celebrate? that strawberry cake looks yum and it made me smile that you forgot to grease the pan, totally something i would do :)
congrats on being brave enough to try oysters, i need to do that.... i live within walking distance to the sydney fish market and each fish stall has an oyster bar
Happy 26th! sweet post!! I wont try oyster I will on a dare someday! ahh! ha! they r S's fav!!! twinsies! xox
btw! cutest pic of the two of you LOOK at HIS happy FACE!
Girl! You are gorgeous!!
What a fab birthday for your man...that cake looks so so yummy!!
Raw oysters are my favorite...delicious!!
Hey pretty lady :)
I'm loving your blog, it's so cute.
And thanks so much for the sweet comment!
Happy birthday to your two sweethearts <3
Oysters on the half shell are delicious! Did you try with horseradish? Happy Birthday, Ian!
The cake looks homemade-pretty. I constantly forget to grease pans. I don't usually bake :)
Aww, happy birthday to your hubby! It looks like you guys had a really fun time! It's cute that his and Max's birthdays are so close together!
Oh Lindsay! Aren't you and Ian the most gorgeous couple! What a lovely photo! Happy Birthday to Ian! Hope the party is a success. Can't wait to hear all about it. I love fresh oysters. Something I have a lot of when I think of it. Lots of iron in them, which is good for me having low iron levels.
Anne xx
I LOVE that first picture of the two of you. Such a beautiful couple! Glad you had fun celebrating!
Happy Birthday to your hubby! Sounds like a great dinner out! I haven't tried oysters like that before. Can't get past the "slippery" thought!
P.S you are GORGEOUS in your pictures!
OH MY GOSH, you guys are BABIES!!! Okay, now I feel super old. But not at old as The Dad. We came home from the hospital with The Girl just in time to celebrate his 40th - HA!
This is such a good pic of you guys. Looks like you might actually like each other. For the evening anyway. :oP
Aww, happy birthday! (Mindy is right, you are babies ... feeling totally old right now!) That cake is super awesome, great job! And you are a smart lady! Caroline was born two days before my hubby's birthday and he gets totally annoyed that his b-day is preempted. :)
Wow, that cake looks amazing!
xx Grace
I LOVE your cake! Happy Birthday beautiful girl! HUGS
I truly love this post!! SO SWEET!! =)))
That looks like such a tasty cake! I really enjoy your blog.
Mmmmm! That cake looks delish! And you look fantabulous! I love your eye makeup.
that's so awfully sweet! HAppy belated birthday! You look so lovely together.
you're gorgeous!
Happy Birthday Ian! It looks like you guys had a great time! Hope Max's party went well!!
naww so sweet!! you both look so happy xx
ps. happy birthday ian & happy birthday to lil maxy soon too ;)
awe!! happy birthday! i won't touch oysters but the hubby loves them!
i'm hosting a july giftaway - anthropologie pillow and some goodies! i hope you'll enter!
You are beautiful and you and your hubs are such a cute couple!! You are also brave to try raw oysters - I dont think I could ever try them! Glad Ian had a happy birthday!
Aw you two officially win the cutest couple ever award - you're gorgeous!!! I love your hair color too! So pretty. Sounds like a great birthday weekend :)
I love oysters! so yumm! And the cake looks great! Happy Birthday to him!
You two are so cute!!! I totally agree, my hubby loves me for the food all I cook:)
So true about the food! Great looking cake! =D And, I recently slurped oysters for the first time and it was delicious!! Mmmmmm!
I saw this post while I was out of town and knew I had to comment as soon as I got home. You guys are too cute together. and i can't believe you had never tried oysters!? lol, anyway loved the birthday cake- homemade looking ones always taste the best!
girl you are gorgeous! :] i hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! & last year was the first time i ever {dared} to try oysters -- i couldn't believe i did it. they were good, but their not something i would get all the time!
Yes, the saying is completely right. It´s true about all the men around the world :D xo Eva
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