homemade blueberry almond crunch ice cream

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I finally put my ice cream maker to good use today! I was up way too late last night googleing how to use it. After watching millions (maybe five) of You Tube videos I finally figured it out. SO simple!! Since I know not everyone has an ice cream maker, you can still make this it will just take a little longer.

What you will need:
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 2 cups of cream
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 3 cups of fresh blueberries (really there is nothing better)
  • 1 cups of crushed roasted almonds. To crush them, place them in a plastic bag and hammer away...I did this on a piece of ply wood, just in case my husband reads this :)
  • 1 medium size bag of ice
  • 2 cups of rock salt

1) Combine the milk and cream and mix in the sugar, stirring until it dissolves
2) Add the blueberries and almonds
3) Fill the drum around the metal canister with the ice and rock salt
4) Add the blueberry mixture into the canister
5) Turn the ice cream maker on...and WAIT and WAIT and WAIT....for about 30 minutes. I couldn't take it any longer and checked...it was ready!!

It was delicious and creamy. I have a feeling ice cream making is going to be a pretty regular thing around my house over summer.

Lesson learned:
If I make ice cream no matter how delicious it may be I do NOT need to eat half the batch, unless I feel like doing extra insulin (I am a type 1 diabetic) and going for a very loooonnnngg run afterwards.


Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Holy moly this looks delicious!

Lindsay said...

Looks like I will be making this soon! Thank you for passing it along!

Lindsay said...

OH YUM! This looks sinful :)

Mindy said...

Right when I saw the first picture I knew you had busted out that cute new ice cream maker you scored. Jealous.

www.StarHughes.com said...

This looks so delicious!!! I love blueberries - blueberry ice cream would be the best! And lots of antioxidants too! Great post and great job figuring out that ice cream maker! You are such the chef Lindsay!!

suzanne said...

ohhhhhhh that first picture is just heaven! i love fruit with vanilla ice cream . . . one of my favorites is baseball nut from baskin robbins (vanilla, raspberry & cashews).

thanks for sharing your recipe!

awkwardly chic

Monica {bohemian twilight} said...

what a great combo. ice-cream is my favourite. and i love blueberries.

i don't have a maker but i get good results from just freezing and mixing occasionally.

Ana Degenaar said...

Oh my goodness... I may or may not be drooling right now....

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, now you're talking Lindsay! You know, I can still eat ice cream here in winter with my nice warm winter puddings. That's my excuse anyway! LOL It looks absolutely gorgeous. What a lovely flavour combination.

Anne @ Domesblissity xx

Pink Ronnie said...

Oh my, look amazing...!

Leslie *Fresh Out of Lemons* said...

I can't believe that we're already into June and my husband and I haven't made homemade ice cream yet! Must rememdy that this weekend (maybe with your recipe!)

Unknown said...

YUM! Can I stop over and share...ya know since you can't eat it all!! My 10 year old niece has juvenile diabetes. They have know for 1 1/2 yr but still feels like there is so much to learn!

Crunchy Diva said...

oh that looks so yummy

Vivian said...

OH GAWD! i need an ice cream machine!

Natural Momma said...

My ice cream was only healthy because I am lazy & I hate having too many ingredients LOL

Sheri Farrar-Meyer said...

you are soooooo delightful. luv you honey! mom

Unknown said...

omg be my personal chef PLEASE??? youre great!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

sorelle in style said...

Wow this looks so DELICIOUS! We have an ice cream maker, too! We've made strawberry ice cream a couple of times - might have to break it out again to try this scrumptious recipe!

Thanks for checking out our guest post!

sorelle in style

The Cat Hag said...

Arghhhhhh your ice cream looks so fresh and delicious!

Now all I want to do is dash out to get an ice cream maker and do up my own.

But then before I get the ice cream maker, I need to get a smoothie maker...

So many things and so little money, and I am so rambling away on your blog entry. :|

You are so cute, you must light up your hubby's life everyday! ♥

The Cat Hag

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

Yummy! First popsicles now ice cream? You're going all Martha Stewart! xoStephanie

Chef in Training said...

OH my yum! this looks so good! I found your blog while blog hopping and i LOVE it! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Looks YUM!!! Please check out my site and follow if you like.
Mint a la Mode

chelsea lee said...

wow - this looks so amazing!! you continue to amaze me with all the stuff you come up with and all the gorgeous picture-taking too!

thanks for the sweet comments on my blog and the tip about emu oil - never tried it but I will give it a go! I'm hoping I can find it at a health food store? also, I love the tip about tea tree oil in the fridge!!

Unknown said...

yummmm!!! must invest in an ice cream maker soon! what kind do you have?

- aimee
my diy blog: swellmayde.com

Monique said...


Monique xx


Alexandra said...

heya, looks delicious :)
check out my blog too?

marla said...

Oh how do I wish I had some of this blueberry crunch ice cream right now- looks wonderful!

Crystal said...

I'm running out to buy an ice cream maker & blueberries right now. Is Super Target open at 10:30pm?

PS> found you through the sweet comment you left on Mindd's blog (Rinndy Mae).

Rachael said...

Ooohhhh..... myyyyyy.... goooosh. You're KILLIN' me, Smalls! Wouldja look at that? I just gained 3 lbs looking at that deliciousness. No wait, I probably lost ~2 lbs from drool...

Jackie @ EatLove&Style said...

That looks delicious. I have never made homemade ice cream before. Hmmm wish I had some right now.

Katrina said...

Oh my gosh, I need to make this now! Especially with all those blueberries we picked. :)

elizabeth@themustardceiling said...

Oh my goodness! This looks delicious, I am going to have to make this soon!

Sharstin said...

No way! This looks amazing!

natasha {schue love} said...

Wow, this looks so delicious and refreshing! Wish I had a bowl in front of me now!

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