The Benefits of Essential Oils + doTERRA Essential Oil Giveaway (CLOSED)

Monday, November 25, 2013

I have always been interested in the amazing benefits of essential oils, but to be honest essential oils is not something that I am super familiar with. Amy, who is a sweet blog reader recently contacted me and offered to send me a few of the doTerra essential oils she swears by to see what I thought.  She also sent me all the information that I could ever need as to how exactly you can use them.

I have now been using the oils for two weeks and I LOVE them.  I especially love the lemon, which has given me a natural boost of energy in the am when added to my water.  
So today I am going to share my top 3 favorite oils that I have tried, along with the benefits and how you can use them.

  • Use to calm reaction to bee sting or bug bite.
  • Add a few drops to a spray bottle for a natural cleaning agent. Lavender’s antibacterial, antibiotic, antiviral, antiseptic properties are great for spraying around your house. 
  • Apply to wrists or inhale when traveling to ease motion upset. 
  • Apply to back, hands or feet to help calm a restless or agitated child (need to try this on Ronin haha)
  • You can warm lavender (don’t scald it), mix with olive oil and gently massage around the ears (not in the ears) and near glands in the throat to help relive earaches. 
  •  Use to calm or sooth diaper rash 
  • Add a few drops to lotion for stress relieving effects. 
  •  Apply to dry chapped lips before applying lip balm.
  • Add a drop to your water in the am for cleansing effects.  I have been doing this daily now  love the way it makes my water tastes and the natural burst of energy it gives me. 
  • Apply topically for mood elevation.
  • Add a couple drops to warm water & honey, which can help combat a sore throat, slow a nasty cough, and douse a fever. Lemon oil fights bacteria, as well as viruses.
  • Apply directly to cold sores for soothing relief. 
  • Remove gum, label adhesives and greasy substances from fabric.  Okay people this is magic how well this works! 
  • Use to clean kitchen counters and stainless steel appliances. 
  • Use it in baking.  Amy said she makes delicious lemon cookies with it and I can not wait to try that! 
  • Rub on stomach or feet, or take internally to calm indigestion or upset stomach.
  • Mix with the lemon essential oil for a refreshing mouth rinse. 
  • Add a drop to your tea to relieve heartburn. 
  • Diffuse or apply topically to open sinuses and airways. 
  • Mix with lavender to sore muscles or joints. 
  • Breath during a meal to help you feel full.  I like this one ;)
  • Apply topically for fevers and headaches.
  • Inhale as a non-stimulant pick-me-up on long drives. 
  • Add a few drops to shampoo and conditioner for a refreshing hair and scalp treatment.
  • Use with lavender and lemon during allergy season.
  • Use in baking.  I'm thinking I need to make some peppermint fudge with it asap.  
Even though it may seem like I just listed a million benefits there are literally hundreds more.  

And now for the giveaway! Today one lucky reader has the chance to win all 3 oils mentioned above.

Here's how to enter:
  •  Leave a comment below saying which oil you are most excited to try. 

For Extra Entries: (please leave separate comments for each additional entry):
  • Tweet about the giveaway. Please tag with @delightedmomma
  • Pin this post
  • Share on Facebook
The winner will be selected at random and notified by e-mail this Friday. 
    * If you do not want to wait to see if you won, you can purchase all the doTerra oils here


    Allison said...

    Lavender is one of my favorites.

    Allison said...

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    Caroline @ In Due Time said...

    I would love to try the Lemon scent. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

    Anonymous said...

    I love essential oils! I'm most interested in mixing the peppermint and lavender - so calming!

    laurieb145 said...

    I would love to try the lemon, I have heard so many good things about DoTerra!

    Tracy Shannon said...


    Tracy Shannon said...


    Laura H said...

    I can't wait to try them all, especially lavender!

    Unknown said...

    Lemon! They all sound so handy and clever.

    ColleenMarie82 said...

    Peppermint, I always love peppermint!!

    ColleenMarie82 said...


    lb said...

    think you could add peppermint to your paleo chocolate? (which has become quite the obsession- making a batch weekly) really interested in playing around with all of them-

    Rachel said...

    I would love to try the lemon essential oil! I love the scent of lemon.

    HeatherBakes said...

    The lemon oil sounds amazing!

    Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

    lb- Yes! That would be so yummy!

    Unknown said...

    It would have to be lavender, it's great for acneic skin!

    Nicole said...

    I have peppermint and lavender on my wish list! Peppermint because I read it helps with headaches and lavender because I love the calming effect :)

    Nicole said...

    Tweeted about it! Link to the tweet:

    Unknown said...

    I have suffered from really bad allergies and now eustacian tube dysfunction as a result for two years now. I never thought of combining lemon and lavender for relief! I would love to try it. :)

    Nicole said...

    Pinned the giveaway.
    Link to pin:

    Unknown said...

    I have suffered from really bad allergies and now eustacian tube dysfunction as a result for two years now. I never would have thought that lavender and lemon combined would help, I would love to try those. :)

    violet 11 11 said...

    All three are my favorite!!! I love lavender on my sheets, lemon for my kitchen counters and peppermint well for everything!

    leah harris said...

    I am not sure which one I am more excited to try, I have been wanting to start using oils and this would be a great way to start.

    Leslie said...

    I would love to try the lemon! Thannks

    pntszdinFluence said...

    Shared on Twitter

    WNY Bankruptcy Lawyer said...

    Peppermint would make great homemade Thin Mint cookies, I bet! I tweeted...

    pntszdinFluence said...

    I pinned this post.

    JanNohling said...


    pntszdinFluence said...

    I'm interested in the lemon. I hear lemon water in the morning is very beneficial and this method is much simpler than squeezing lemons everyday. LOL

    Unknown said...

    Lavender would be my favorite!

    Stevi said...

    I'd love to try lemon :)

    Unknown said...

    I get cold sores and use Whole Foods peppermint oil on my lips and find it works better than any other medicine. I've been dying to try out doTERRA to see if it would work even faster but was scared to invest the money without knowing it was better first. Thanks!

    Alexa said...

    Haha. I need to try the lavender on Mila and Phoenix!

    picky said...

    I love lavender. Years ago, I was super stressed as I was in grad school and working full time with odd jobs on the side. My dad bought me a little vial with lavender to dab on pressure points to relieve stress. It was amazingly helpful, and I'd love to try these!

    Unknown said...

    I would love to have the peppermint... my sinuses have been acting up lately and it would be so great to breathe free and clear!

    Unknown said...

    Also pinned

    Unknown said...

    I would love to try the lemon - could use a boost of energy daily especially around the Holidays! And who doesn't love lemon cookies :)

    Rob and Jordan said...

    I've been hearing so much about the doterra oils lately...Id love to try to lemon oil for an energy boost and help with a nasty cough!

    Jen said...

    I am most excited about the peppermint oil.

    kjds said...

    I've been using lemon & lavender a lot lately, but really want to try peppermint!

    Megan Johnson said...

    I would LOVE to try the lemon oil :)

    Taylor said...

    They all sound great, but l am most excited about the lemon!!

    Kaysie Jo said...

    All three for allergy relief! My cousin has experienced great allergy relief using essential oils, now I am anxious to try it.

    Mandee said...

    I love all of those scents but I think I like the benefits of the Lemon one the best!

    Sara said...

    I'm a huge fan of lavender!

    Sara said...

    I also pinned the link to your blog! Super excited about this giveaway, thanks for hosting!

    Anonymous said...

    I would love to try the lemon oil...anything lemon has my vote!!

    Beach Mama said...

    I would love to try the lavender!

    Beach Mama said...

    I pinned !

    Beach Mama said...

    I shared on FB!

    Beach Mama said...

    I tweeted!

    Kate said...

    I love anything lemon - citrus rules!

    Nora said...

    Ohhh Lavender and Peppermint, I am going to make deodorant and toothpaste! :)

    Sarah said...

    I would LOVE to try the lemon one! Who knew you could bake with it?!?!?!

    Jessica said...

    I would love to try the peppermint to see if it could clear up my congestion!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

    Jessica said...

    I tweeted about this giveaway

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

    Becca said...

    Dying for the lavender! Perfect for my babe!

    NatalieM. said...

    Peppermint! Would love to try this time of year to help open up my airways when I'm stuffy at night.

    NatalieM. said...

    Pinned it here:

    Jessica said...

    I pinned this giveaway

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

    Helfrich | GRPH 312 said...

    peppermint oil!! Want to make peppermint coffee!

    Jessica said...

    I shared this giveaway on facebook too

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

    Unknown said...

    Peppermint oil! mmm

    Amy said...

    oooo I had NO IDEA all of the benefits for each oil - I know a few, but wow the lists are incredible
    im most excited to try the peppermint!

    The Phat Phashion Phix said...

    These all look fantastic! I can't wait to try them all!!!! If i had to choose it would be lemon. I've found that citrus has a very energizing effect on me.

    Danielle said...

    Great post, I was unaware of the many uses for essential oils, I didn't know you were able to ingest them! As for which one I would be most excited to really, its a tie between lemon and peppermint, I just love them both so much!

    Unknown said...

    We are huge fans of essential oils! Would love to try peppermint especially with the holidays coming up! Thanks for a fun give away!

    Unknown said...

    I've been dying to try essential oils just haven't made the leap. Love to try the

    Nora said...

    I want to try Lavender for deodorant, and Peppermint for toothpaste. I am switching over to natural homemade products instead of mass produced toxic stuff, thank you for having this contest :) Heading over to share on Facebook right now :)

    Laura said...

    I have been dying to try doTerra, definitely peppermint!

    Laura said...

    I tweeted about the giveaway

    Laura said...

    I pinned the giveaway

    LoriU said...

    I would like to try the lavender for stress relief!

    Melissa Mac. said...

    I'd love to try the lemon! I've been reading up on them a lot lately but haven't tried any yet :)

    kelly said...

    Love Lavendar! Lemon would be nice too.

    kelly said...

    I love lavender, Lemon would be nice too.

    Caitlyn said...

    The lemon sounds great!

    Anonymous said...

    I would love to try to peppermint, as I've had so many headaches during this pregnancy!

    katie said...

    As a person who experiences migraines and headaches quite frequently, I'm most excited to try the peppermint.

    Brianna said...

    Oooh, I want to try the peppermint!

    heather.b said...

    I'm most excited about the Lavender for natural cleaning purposes, but they all sound lovely!

    Emily said...

    I'd love to try the Peppermint for indigestion!

    Unknown said...

    I love lavendar!

    Unknown said...
    Lori520 on Pinterest

    Unknown said...

    Shared on FB

    Unknown said...

    I've just read that some cultures believe lemon can lower blood pressure. Worth a shot!

    Unknown said...

    I think Lavendar. I love dripping a few drops to the bottom of my shower, the steam makes it smell so good! Eucalyptus is great for when you have a cold. )

    Tara Piljay said...

    I would love to try the lemon. I am obsessed with anything lemon! :)

    AuntRosa said...

    I am going to have to try lemon. I never even knew that it was an essential oil.

    Brooke said...

    I would love the peppermint!

    Brooke said...


    Brooke said...


    Brooke said...

    Shared on FB!

    Gina said...

    Peppermint! I'm obsessed with anything peppermint and using it as a hair & scalp treatment sounds amazing.

    Abbey said...

    I'd love to try lemon! And the combinations!

    Anna said...

    I'm so excited to try lemon. I never thought of putting it in my water! Love!

    Anna said...


    carol said...

    peppermint for sure!

    My-cliffnotes said...

    I now need them!!!

    Ash said...

    The peppermint to help relieve my sinuses!


    Unknown said...

    I can't wait to try lemon in the excited!

    Holly said...

    wow! i have never not wanted to win a giveaway more than this one. i am weaning right now and have wanted to get into essential oils for me and my son once we are done nursing! the lavender would be amazing.

    Unknown said...

    I tweeted (
    Peppermint is a close second to lemon

    JACLYN said...

    I'm excited to try lemon!

    Karen F said...

    I am most excited to try peppermint

    Karen F said...


    Kadee Cramer said...

    I LOVE all things lavender, so I'd love to try that one in particular.

    Kimberly said...

    Good Day!!! Im most excited about the Lemon oil!!!!

    Kimberly said...

    2nd has been pinned to my "Natural Everything" Board @KimberlyBrame

    rachwinga said...

    i would love to try the lemon, i think it would be great to have for the upcoming flu season to fight off the illness and protect all the surfaces in my house!

    rachwinga said...

    I tweeted -

    Unknown said...

    I already love all three, but I just learned that lemon may be the best oil for "what ails me." Thank you for the giveaway!

    Rachel Travis said...

    Peppermint :)

    rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

    Unknown said...

    Rachel P.
    Would love the peppermint!

    Unknown said...

    I can't wait to try the Lavender!

    Unknown said...

    Pinned it!

    Unknown said...

    I want to try the lavender!

    Aly B said...

    I'm having a hard time deciding...i have reasons I would love to try all of them! I'm a sucker for all things lemon so I think i would probably use that one the most!

    JM said...

    I love the smell of lavender, but didn't know it could be used on chapped lips. With this weather, I can't wait to try that!

    TeenaBugg38 said...

    I love the smell of lavender but I wuld love the peppermint one as well! Thanks for a chance to win!

    ikkinlala said...

    I'm not sure if this is open to Canadians, but I'd be excited about the peppermint - I bet it would be great for candy cane cookies.

    Molly said...

    Peppermint! I love all things peppermint.

    mia said...

    Lemon....for the cleaning power!!

    "S" said...

    Lemon! Was thinking it would make my clay mask smell delicious!!

    Madre Reed said...

    Lemon! I want to try it in my water. I use lemon oil to clean but mine is not therapeutic grade so I don't feel comfortable ingesting it. Would love to try this brand.

    Madre Reed said...

    I just Pinned it!

    Heather said...

    Excited to try lavender

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