I am not the best long story teller. I tend to ramble and get side tracked so I am going to break up Ronin's story into a few separate posts.
The delivery day
The day started out perfect. I woke up at 6am and it felt like it was Christmas morning. I was beyond happy the day had finally come where I would get to meet my son. I couldn't wait. Our almost two year old son Max came into our room and snuggled with my husband and I. As I looked over at my sweet little family I was just thinking how incredibly blessed I was and it was all about to get even better.
We arrived at the hospital at 10 am to check in. I was starting to get nervous. I am the type who needs a Xanax before the dentist so I was just waiting for that horrible anxiety to kick in.
I entered the pre-op room where I changed into my gown. A nurse came in and put my iv in. That's when the nerves started. I started shaking like a leaf as I anxiously awaited 12pm (go time) to roll around. My amazing husband said prayers with me kissed me telling me everything was going to go great.
It was now 11:45 and all the nurses and my doctor came in and said they were ready for me to come back. I was so scared.
I entered the sterile bright room, which seemed to even hum a sterile sound. I told myself not to look around because if I saw any tools I knew I would freak out.
My anesthesiologist came in. He reminded me of a slightly stoned yoga teacher, which put me at ease. I told him how nervous I was and he told me not to worry. He said after the baby comes out he would give me "special juice" to calm me down. I liked the sound of that. I sat on the edge of the bed squeezing my nurses hands as he inserted my spinal. All I remember is a cold sensation followed by my legs feeling like tree trunks and I could no longer wiggle my toes. I did a quick self test and pinched my inner thigh really hard. I couldn't feel a thing! Whew!
I laid down, the curtain went up and my husband came in and sat by my side. My doctor entered the room and told me I was about to meet my son! I kind of went into a zen mode and don't remember much after that.
I laid there waiting as my belly was pushed and tugged around. I heard my doctor ask for a tool and said "He's a big boy, I need to make the incision longer." I didn't care about how long my incision was I just wanted to hear him cry.
After what seemed like an eternity I heard them suctioning followed by the best sound in the world...his cry!
They quickly showed him to me, I gave him a kiss and then he was whisked off to be checked out. As I was getting wheeled off to the recovery room I asked if I could see him in the nursery (they usually do not allow this when you just had a c-section). My awesome nurse told me we could take a quick peek. I pushed it a little further and asked if I could hold him for just a sec. I held him for about a minute and then handed him over to finish getting checked out. He was perfect and all I could think about was that first bonding moment where he would lay on my chest skin to skin.
As I was in the recovery room. My husband came in and told me Ronin was having a hard time stabilizing his blood sugar, which can be an after result of me being type 1 diabetic. The same thing happened to my first born son, but it was all corrected within an hour or so.
My husband was with our son while I was in my room, praying his blood sugar would rise. A nurse walked in with my husband and told me the last thing in the world I wanted to hear. She said my son's blood sugar level was so low that he would have to get transported immediately to San Diego Children's hospital NICU unit. A hospital that was about an hour away from the one where I delivered. I would not be going with him.
I had not even held him for more than a minute. Words can not even describe how I felt at that moment. Tears filled my eyes and I was hysterical. My husband and I prayed as we knew our sweet baby was about to be in the hands of someone else.
Part two will be next--Ronin's pick up and arrival into NICU.
On a side note: This story does have a happy ending. Ronin is now home with us and is doing great! He is one content little guy.
Thanks for sharing! I know it's not easy to relive some of those moments from personal experience. So glad he's home and doing fine now.:)
oh Lindsay.....this is so sad I am just crying here at work. I hope the end of the story turns out ok, as I believe so since you already said so. I'm so sorry you had to go through this!
well, i'm already crying. bless your heart.
What a cutie, congrats! So sorry you had to go though all of this, it can only go up from here right? Hope things get better soon.
Wow! I can't imagine how scary those words would be to hear!
My heart goes out to you... I can't even imagine not having really held your baby yet and him being taken away. I hope all is well now!
I cannot even imagine what you went through - can't wait to hear Part Two of your story!
Thanks for sharing Lindsay. I can only imagine what a traumatic experience that would've been. I'm glad he's back in your arms and hope that both of you are doing well.
oh man I can't imagine. the way you described it all makes it seem so vivid - glad I know this ends well.
Oh...wow! How difficult! Thanks for sharing with us and I am so happy to hear he is at home doing well!
I wish I could hug you. I'm so glad everything ends perfectly. But how scary. :(
That's great news! Our friends just had a baby last week and he was in the NICU for seizures at only a few hours old... He's home now! But all so scary!! xoxo A-
Oh Lindsay, you must have been terrified :( So glad to hear he is home now and doing well! xxx
Oh you poor thing! How awful! I'm so glad they broke protocol to allow you to have a tiny little minute with him but geez!
I can't imagine what you went through, all of the emotions! So thankful they made the right decision to transfer him to the children's hospital. Glad he is doing well and home with you.
Ack! How scary!!!
It's weird to me that they take healthy babies to the nursery while you get set up in your recovery room. All three of ours were in my arms as they wheeled me from the surgery room to the recovery room. I think I would have pitched a fit if someone would have tried to take my newborn out of my sight. I can't even IMAGINE having them transported to another hospital!!!! How awful that must have been for you guys!
how scary! and this is such a minor detail, but I was so thankful for the "special juice" after my c-section because I was shaking so uncontrollably!
I'm so thankful that we all know how this ends up & you guys are home now!
i can not even imagine how scared and panicked you must have been. thank you for giving us the heads up that all is well now so we're not all biting our nails wondering!very happy that it's worked itself out.
I am not a mother but I know how much I love my doggies like family so I can only imagine how scary that moment was for your family!!!
well im glad he is here! sounds rough, but you are strong mama..
also, side note, where in SoCal do you live?! we must be close because san diego is an hour from us, too!
Oh my goodness, I know I would have felt the same way. You are such a strong person though, and I know you handled everything so well. I am just glad he is healthy & home. You can't get much better than that!
Ps--he is beautiful. I love all the pics on instagram!
So happy for you Linds. hang in there...the first few weeks are so hard. Praying for you!
omg how scary. but knowing some nurses at sd children's center, i'm so confident he was in great hands! so glad to hear all is well :) xo
^^ that was me above ^^ xo
OH MY GOSH you are a good story teller and I"m DYING to hear the rest!!!! Ahh!!!
- Sarah
Oh my goodness me Lindsay! I would never have expected anything like this. I know there's a happy ending, thank goodness but I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of the story. My little boy had to stay at the hospital for 3 days without me. He was born 3.5 weeks premature and wasn't sucking well. I spent every minute I could with him during the day and went home at night to be with my daughter. It's a terrible ordeal to go through, especially after you've carried that baby for 9 months only to be told you can't have him.
Anne xx
Your new-born son is adorable!! Congratulations and I wish you all the best x
Your baby is adorable! Looking forward to part 2. It sounds like a hard week - but you came out on the other side!
How scary! I can't imagine. Having my first baby a couple months ago I can understand just how frightened you must have been. So happy to hear all is well now with your handsome guy!!!
Oh my gosh Lindsay...I'm hanging on every edge with this story. I am so glad everything worked out...but I can't even imagine what you must have been thinking/going through. My heart just hurts. Again...glad everything is going wonderfully! He's precious!
This made me cry. And I totally know why you don't want to post the next part...cherish your son now and hallelujah that he is okay. Our daughter is four months old and I couldn't imagine her being taken right after she was born. Praise the Lord for protection and modern medicine. He is so handsome (and healthy!).
Love, Anna
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I too am a type 1 diabetic and the Lord blessed me with 2 healthy pregnancies and babies. My 2nd child had a little trouble with his blood sugar but after giving a little formula his sugars stabilized. I can't imagine having to have either of them taken away so soon after delivery. So glad he is home with you now!
love you to you and your family xx
I have a Max too! (Mine is 5 months). What beautiful boys you have-- I am glad it all worked out. :)
Oh my gosh this makes me teary, I am so sorry you had to go through this, I can't imagine! But so HAPPY he is doing great. He is PERFECT! What a CUTIE!!! Congratulations!
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