Life lately has been complete chaos. My laundry is piling up, my house is not as clean as it could be, Max has been living off of pasta for the past three nights and I need to wash my hair. I also don't sleep since Ronin likes to party from 12am-4am and I feel like a zombie who is hopped up on coffee (thank the Lord for coffee). With all that said, I could not be happier. Since I have zero motivation or energy to think about anything other than my two kiddos at the moment, here are the latest Instagram (my username is delightedmomma) snippets from the last few days.
And so it begins..
Adding another child to the mix is a whole new world. Less time to go around for everyone. But with that being said, it does get a lot easier. They get bigger & are able to do more for themselves. So until that time, soak up that sweet newborn. I loved kissing the chubby part of their necks, even if it did smell like sour milk from spitting up. ;) I am so happy for you Linds, you are doing a great job!
You all look wonderful, just enjoying each other and how awesome is that? Hope you get more sleep soon!
Aw both of your kids are beautiful.
What handsome boys! And that last picture, awww...squuueeeze those cheeks!
Aww...such sweet moments. Embrace them, the clean house and laundry can wait. They will always cherish the time you spent with them.
i have the same relationship with coffee. congrats on the kiddo and the fact you actually were able to leave! and, with your hair done...impressive.
So cute! Glad you are getting on well. And yes, Thank goodness for coffee!
Well at least life is absolutely adorable! Love these photos Lindsay! Time to hire a maid! Jk. Kinda. ;)
I love this post Lindsay. I cannot even imagine having two....though at some point I will be there. And honestly where in the world would mother's be without caffeine? Would there even be mothers? Or would all just be asleep? ;) You look so happy and am loving your instagram shots! xo
they are both amazingly adorable! and you look amazing...washed or unwashed hair!
Aw, I love squishy little cheeks! :)
I can't believe you left the house. hahahahaha I'm trying to think, I don't think I've had to load all three up in the car to go anywhere yet. Two, yes, but not three. Yet. If we need something that bad, we walk to it. :)
okay seriously, these photos are adorable.
So cute! And you look great!
Oh my, they are too precious!!! Those little baby cheeks are so cute. You look amazing by the way!! Enjoy every sweet moment!! and well don't forget to take some time for yourself here and there. :)
Your boys are beautiful. Oh, and I'm that mom too. lol ;)
sweetness!!! you are such a lucky momma!!! gotta love squishy cheeks :) XO brynn
I know it's a trying time of sleep deprivation but oh man! Your kiddos are so cute and you somehow look AMAZING! Like professionally gorgeous.
They're perfect. Hair washing is so overrated :).
I'll do your laundry!
Your little boys are so so sweet. I can't even imagine how exhausting being a parent will be, but you sure make feeling zombie-fied look good! ;)
Who cares if your house is a mess and your hair needs washing if your boys are beautiful and happy! Love the picture of Max hugging his baby brother! xxx
Love your instagrams. Happy newbie-coffee-zombie life! It's not so bad, and doesn't last forever. :) xo!
well it seems like everything is going ok, because those are two sweet little boys. and yes, coffee is the best.
Isn't it crazy how much chaos a baby creates and yet it is happiness beyond imagination!
Love these pictures! Lindsay you are just glowing with love for your two boys! These are such fun little pieces of your life lately!
beautiful! good luck, are you sure you have enough arms? must be a joy and a headache looking after two.
You must be the most adorable new momma I've ever seen. Congrats
Your boys are adorable - congrats on Ronin!
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