Caprese salad with fresh tomatoes from our garden. This might be my favorite little snack IN THE whole wide world.

Sometimes you
have to have chocolate...so make it good chocolate. Dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt did the trick.

Mud run with my three girlfriends! We had SO much fun!

I promise I was running not walking like it looks like I was doing in this picture. On a side note: Do you ever see pictures of yourself and think...NO way my butt is THAT big....def bad camera angle. After looking through all of the mud run pictures I have come to terms that my butt really is that big. I am learning to embrace it :)

The first clouds I have seen in months. Fall is almost here!
Butt? What butt Lindsay? You've got to be kidding. You look fantastic even under all that mud. I'm looking forward to Caprese Salad this summer with my homegrown tomatoes and basil.
Anne xx
Oh my gosh, that salad and the chocolate?? I'll have that now please :) That mud run looks so fun too! And I think everyone looks at pictures of themselves and has something negative to say. Even covered in mud you look great though!
Your mud run looks like so much fun! haha I totally know what you mean about pictures - I'm always like really?! Do I seriously have a double-chin in real life or does it just show up on pictures?! I hate that. And yeay for good dark chocolate - that's my favorite!
my friends have done mud runs, they look awesome and i need to do one. and yes and yes to the caprese salad and dark chocolate. so very, very good.
That mud run looks like a blast! How fun! I love all of these things too! Hopefully i get to try that mud run one day!
i want to do a mud run!!!! that would be so much fun!!! and that caprese salad looks wonderful.
♥ allister bee blog
I'm moving out of the country today, and I bought myself 4 bars of that chocolate because I will miss it so much! That salad looks amazing, too. Our tomatoes never turned red, so we had to settle for lots of fried green tomatoes and no caprese. Bummer.
Lauren @ See Parrot
So glad to see pics of your mud run! And what butt? Seriously! Totally agree about caprese salad - the BEST in the world. Congrats on your own tomatoes! The closest I get is growing my own basil :)
That mud run looks like a blast...and seriously who can say no to a bar of dark chocolate? :)
It looks like you had so much fun!! And chocolate with caramel...for sure!!
All of things things make me say yeay too! We have been having caprese salad every single day at our house...it is soo good! Have you tried it with heirloom tomatoes? Those are my favorite!
And how cute are you in those mud run pictures!!! Did you have fun?? We have one coming to San Diego in a few weeks and I haven't decided if I want to do it or not! And girl you are teeny tiny! One hot momma!
The mud run looks awesome! Props to you for doing it--and getting so dirty. :) These posts are my favorite!
I could eat that salad every day I think.
That chocolate looks and sounds amazing.
I second the 'what butt' comment. Seriously?
First off, your butt is not big!! Trust me! You look so small! Second, I LOVE caprese in any form. It's so delicious! And third, I need to go get some of that chocolate right.now.
I would love to do a mud run! You can tell in the pictures you had so much fun!
Caprese salad is one of my favorite snacks - so so good!
Linds, your butt was the envy of everyone in highschool! Love it. :)
Okay ... back this train up ... you did a mud run. Wow ... that is so cool!!!!!
xx Cat
I want to do a mud run too!.. btw you look amazing... :)
I loooove caprese salad! I've been loving tomatoes on anything lately as a snack. Unfortunately I don't have my own garden though :)
Was the whole course muddy? Your butt is not big at all, just think Kim K and you're tiny for life :).
Pretty sunset picture, it's been overcast the last two days here so I think our summers finally ending, dangit.
Oh man how much would I love to run in mud?! Sounds and look soooo fun! And yay for chocolate too!
That looks crazy fun. But running is my arch nemisis. I'm trying to defeat him though.
Girl I could only wish to have a butt like you...lol That caprese salad looks sooo yummy. If your missing tomato's from backyard it wasn't me........
mmm...caprese!!! definitely one of my favorites, too :) the mud run looks like a ton of fun! i always keep "emergency" dark chocolate around... like you said - sometimes you just have to have it! xoxoxo brynn
Caprese is pretty much my favorite snack too :) And how did I not know TJ's had that divine looking chocolate?! OMG need to find that immediately. I totally agree on the good chocolate thing.
I like your Blog! I hope your visit! Have a wonderful Day!
doing a mud run looks like a blast especially with girlfriends and I will take chocolate anything anyday!
That mud run looks so fun! Definitely have to add that one to the life list! :)
And that chocolate looks awesome. I love anything with chocolate and caramel!
Star- it was sooo much fun!!
Tabitha- yep the whole course was pretty much muddy. There were these giant mud pits with netting that you had to crawl under so you were practically swimming in mud at some points!
Umm hello that salad looks so good! And I love that sunset. So gorgeous!
caprese salad is the best!! and that chocolate looks delish too!
i hate running. and i hate the mud. so i'll pass on that! ;)
I love those chocolate bars. They're so hard to resist when they put them by the checkout line. :)
i get tired and out of breath just looking at that mud run picture... way to go! i had to have caprese salad after i saw that pic. thanks !
When's the next mud run? I'm in! xo
The salad looks amazing (esp after I had my 1st McDonalds burger in years - and now I'm sick that I did it!)
I wish I could be someone who could do a mud run, but that would require me to 1) RUN and 2) stand getting dirty/sweaty. I'll just admire you for it. :)
{mommy chic} design. style. kids. life.
I'm so excited for fall to be here! I'm over the heat. Good job on the mud run! I would love to do one someday!
Whoa whoa whoa. EXCUSE ME - that top photo actually makes my mouth water. I love tomato and will require how to make them immediatley - I know it looks really simple but I assure you I could probably stuff it up haha. And Lindsay your a fox! I knew you were a stunner from the odd photo we get to see if you post one about yourself (like those adorable attempted family shots) but your covered in mud and still look smokin'. I think you should post a few more pics of yourself on here every now and then :)
p.s your ass is NOT that big - its fabulous.
yay for the mud run! My friend asked me to do it but I couldnt! looks like you had a blast though! i wish i have a butt! :/
mud run!! i want to do that someday. if there's good dark chocolate at the end;)
omg that mud run looks awesome! so much fun.
and yes, that TJs dark chocolate is addicting.........! i put mine in the fridge!
That looks like so much fun!
caprese salad and good dark chocolate are two things that make my world go round.
I looove caprese salads, I also love caprese sandwiches so much too! and trader joes now has dark chocolate caramel sea salt bars?! you're killing me!!
Nothing is better than Caprese Salad - even better using your own tomatoes!! The mud run looks super fun!
I love caprese salad! The mud looks like so much fun, but I'd hate the messy ride home!
You look really pretty even there is mud in your face. =)
Pshaw, your butt is nothing (really, nothing!) compared to mine and I am right where I'm supposed to be weight to height wise.
P.S. Your blog is absolutely terrific. I'm reading backwards from the current and stealing ideas. O.o Keep up the great work. =:3
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