A leather bound journal. All of the pages are blank...

...except for the very first one. It says,
"Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over it turned into a butterfly." I absolutely love it. I have been looking for a good journal/notebook to keep all my blog ideas and inspiration in and this is perfect.

Handcrafted wooden goblets. I loooove them.

This Egyptian-esque necklace. It just might be my new favorite thrifted piece of jewelery .
Thrifting Tip:
Thrifting is either hit or miss. Every time I go I do not leave with a bundle of amazing treasures. I have noticed that when I go with the intent to find some spectacular item is when I leave empty handed. I think the best way to thrift is to have no expectations at all.
Wow, that journal is so beautiful! And what a sweet message! That would probably cost a pretty penny if you bought it brand new. And I adore those goblets and necklace- they are so unique and interesting! You're right about thrifting being hit or miss, but it looks like you've found some great treasures :)
Great advice in general I think! Shopping with expectations always leave me disappointed but never expecting anything I always find some treasures :)
p.s I adore that egyptian necklace - amazing find.
Anna xo
Totally agree with you. My best trips are the ones when I'm just wandering the aisles. I DID go earlier this week and found an old-fashioned wooden croquet set with all the hand-painted mallets still in great shape. I was pretty excited...but yeah, I certainly didn't WALK IN going, "Boy, I sure hope they have a croquet set here..."
That necklace is awesome. I seriously love your Thrifty Thursday posts.
I like everything. I have a weakness for blank journals, I have collected a box of them, and they're still blank, I have to convinced myself that I really don't need another one, but if I see this leather one, I won't be able to resist it.
That journel is so beautiful! As well as the necklace. Love it.
Wow Lindsay. That journal is just beautiful. Who gives something like that away? I could never part with something like that. I tell you, if you find another Egyptian necklace like that, I'll buy it off you and pay double. My daughter is learning about Egypt at school this term and is just loving it. She's fascinated by it all. (She's only in Grade 1 mind you.) There is a special exhibition on at the Melbourne Museum at the moment of Tutankhamen's tomb and other Egyptian treasures and we'd love to fly her down for it.
Anne xx (PS What did you get for your birthday?)
I tooootally agree with your thrifting tip! I'd say most of the time I go thrifting I only come back with maybe 1 or 2 neat items, or nothing at all! It's only on those rare occassions that I find an awesome haul. But that is part of the fun. If you knew you were always going to find what you were looking for, I think that would take some of the excitement out of it. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web by the way! Adorable blog!
Ah I love that journal, what a perfect quote to start out with first! :)
Loving the leather bound book! You have a great blog Lindsay! Thank you for always sharing such great info!
Love your finds! The journal was a huge score ... I am with you, the fact that it comes with a little bit of inspiration is awesome!
♥ Cat brideblu
I adore all three items! Those goblets are fabulous! I need to start thrifting more. It is always fun to come home with something you never expected.
These are amazing finds! I can't believe you found that gorgeous journal! And wooden goblets from Haiti?! Good thrifting tip... I for sure always go in with expectations and usually leave with nothing!
I have a journal very similar to that one! I didn't thrift it so yours definitely cooler ;) I really like the wooden goblets - what a great find!
I've wanted a journal like that for FOREVER!! Those goblets are incredible!
Those are some great finds! Lucky lady! That's the fun of thrifting, you never know what you'll find.
xo L.
Awesome finds! I'm a big thrifter
What a great quote! I need to write that down somewhere. And I completely agree...if you go thrifting looking for something, you'll never find it! Go figure!
Those are some nifty-difty finds! I am now going to write something nice on every blank journal I donate (I get a lot for christmases).
that journal is l.o.v.e.l.y. what a great find!!
First-- thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! :)
Also-- love the jewelry! So pretty! Definitely got some good stuff!
mmm I love leather journals! What great purchases you've got here!!! I'd like to use those wooden goblets in a photo shoot!!
The leather journal is a rich looking beauty and love that egyptian style jewelry. How come I never see these cool things when I thrift??
Wow! I love those goblets! And that journal is amazing. You did a wonderful job thrifting. I wish I had the same luck, haha.
I love that journal and those goblets are great! I rarely thrift (clearly missing out here!) and feel I need to get on this bandwagon.
Thanks for swinging over into my little blog. :)
And Happy belated Birthday to YOU TOO!! I loved being 26..I have fond memories of it...wow, that makes me sound like an old fuddy duddy saying that. *sigh, oh well. :)
Emily w/Amazing Grapes
Great items, the goblets are so unusual, and I love the journal! The necklace is gorgeous too, the torque style is so current xx
Oh goodness that leather bound journals is amazing! I love those sorts of things because they always improve with age in my opinion. x
Great advice! Thank you for sharing!
All for the thrill of the hunt, right?!
Happy Thursday!
Gorgeous finds..particularly that journal with the illustrated quote. A real and precious connection to it's previous life.
Oh wow, you really hit it big! I love the journal, the message in the beginning is beautiful! Wouldn't it be so fun to go thrift shopping together?? One day, right. :)
That journal is BEAUTIFUL, and what makes it even more special is that sweet message inside. Doesn't it make you wonder about who wrote it? :)
love it all- esp the goblets!
Those are some great finds! I agree with you, when I go thrifting with intent to find something, I usually don't find much and leave disappointed.
you are the coolest, thriftiest momma around!!! what amazing finds :) i absolutely love the page in that journal...how perfectly wonderful! and that necklace is brilliant...so gorgeous :) xoxoxo brynn
serious great finds! love it all~ and thrifting is definitely hit and miss--mostly miss for me these days!! boo:)
I totally agree about thrifting! Sometimes the magical luck is there and sometimes it's not. Most of my favourite things are vintage and the thrill of the hunt never goes away. It's like searching for buried treasure. We're headed out of town this weekend and I'm psyched up for some awesome thrifting!*fingers crossed* Hitting small towns can sometimes mean hitting the jackpot, hee hee. OXO Nat
that notebook is so so cute! i love finding stuff like that where you know it was special to someone else but don't know the meaning behind it.
gorgeous finds. how adorable is the journal and the quote inside. love it!!
love the leather bound notebook!! the leather is gorgeous! :)
take care, aimee
diy blog: swellmayde.com
Gorgeous necklace and lovely message in that journal! Great finds!
Gorgeous necklace & journal. Great finds!
Oh, I love journals. I have my own actually. It´s a great place to keep inspiration, ideas and everything else too ;) You´re gonna love it!
Umm--that necklace is THRIFTED? I'm insanely jealous of your thrift stores!
I am the 45th commenter! You amaze me Lindsay :) Love that journal!! I've been meaning to buy one to for the same reason (I have so many random lists stuck everywhere). What an amazing quote in there! And I want to see pics of you & the necklace :)
I'm loving the looks of that journal :)
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
Great finds! That necklace is incredible! I'd love to plan a whole outfit around it : )
hey girl, thank you sooo much for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower!!!
I want to go thrifting with you! I NEVER find anything. One of my best friends can go and come home with tons of great things. She will buy older pieces and turn them into the most adorbale things! I think you must have a creative mind ahhah
Wow, this is soo amazing, that journal? I am such a notebook person.... And having that quote in there is even better than all pages blank...
And that necklace would totally cause me to dress up like Cleopatra... Great finds!
That is a beautiful journal! Thrifting seems to take a lot of time and you are right, sometimes you score and others you walk away empty handed.
I have wanted a leather bound journal for so long now. There is one seller on Etsy that makes the most gorgeous ones
Great finds! The message in the leather journal is the best of all! Love the wooden goblets too. I need to find your thrift store!!
{mommy chic} design. style. kids. life.
These are all such great finds! I especially love the wooden goblets. I'm always looking for stuff like that when I thrift- I found a gorgeous set of wooden plates recently - (Yeay! :) )
the goblets are just amazing!!
Nice quote and cool goblets and necklace! They're both really snazzy. I like getting things in groups like that instead of just one-offs. You should start walking sideways every time you wear that necklace.
I love that notebook!!! And how amazing about that cute little image and quote in the inside cover. How perfect. And good for you to write down all your blogging ideas in it!! It's been so amazing watching your blog transform - I loved it since Post #1 but it's been so neat to see the changes (like the ADORABLE heading and favicon). I love it!!!
The notebook is such a wonderful find!! It seemed a bit magic :D And I love the necklace - I think you have an amazing eye for these things!
I need those Haitian goblets!
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