Who likes margaritas? I do! But I almost never order one because of all the sugar, artificial ingredients and calories that come along with it. I am also not a big fan of low calorie mixers that use artificial sweeteners..blehh. If I do make or order a cocktail, it is usually pretty boring to avoid all the crazy amounts of sugar.
So when Sinless Cocktails recently sent me a few mixers to try I was floored with how good they were! Nothing like I have ever tried before. All of their mixers are made with completely natural ingredients and are sweetened with stevia. You do not feel like you are drinking a fraud cocktail at all. Plus they contain only 5 calories per serving. Can I get a woop woop! My husband, who is really critical when it comes to "low calorie" mixers and alcohol in general, loved it too! He actually took a sip, paused, raised his eyebrows and said, "WOW I'm impressed." I even caught him reading the ingredient label to see exactly what was in it, since it was so delicious.
So what makes Sinless mixers different from other low calorie cocktail mixers? My favorite thing is that they do not add any artificial preservatives to keep their products shelf stable. Instead, they opted to go with completely all natural ingredients, which is why their products must be chilled at all times. I absolutely love that.
This is what we made: A Sinless Margarita
- 3 parts Sinless Margarita Mix
- 1 Part Tequila
- Pour Over Plenty of Ice
And now the fun part for YOU...
Sinless Cocktails is giving away a bottle of whatever mixer you would like to one Delighted Momma reader.
All you have to do is visit the Sinless Cocktails mixer page and leave a comment below letting me know which mixer you would like to try. For an extra entry (leave an extra comment) you can pin this recipe to one of your Pinterest boards.
I will pick a winner at random and announce it in my Friday's post, so make sure to check back on Friday to see if you won.

Thanks!! I'd love to try to Mojito mix!!
I pinned it! :)
I would like to try the Strawberry Margarita:)
I would like to try the margarita one!!!
The Mojito Mixer! The real ones have so much sugar, something like 5 tsp per drink. Fell in love with them when on vacay in Cuba and ended up with the worst tummy ache, from all the sugar. I've tried a few low cal versions but they have all been awful. Would really love to hear about this one.
I'm a margarita girl...all the way! But the strawberry margarita would be a fun alternative
I would love to try all four :) But seriously I would like to try the Mojito. It is one with the fewest carbs. Thanks!
I've got SEVERAL mixers at home from them. Got to meet the owner here in Atlanta where they're based out of. Great little company, all natural (somewhat paleo-ish) makes you feel a little better about drinking a margarita.
xo Jessica
Mmmm sinless sour mix! Btw- been reading your beautiful blog for about a year now, just wanted to say thank you for sharing so much of yourself, family and health/lifestyle insights! And can I just say, AMEN for cauliflower rice. Life changer
They had me at MOJITO!
Pinned it!
I would love to try the Mojito. That looks awesome. Thanks so much for the great blog. You're recipes are awesome!
Strawberry margarita for me!
Ooh, Mojito sounds amazing. I pinned it too :) Thanks for all your posts - I always look forward to reading them.
Mojito Mix for me! Yum! So excited to try!
this is so cool! i would love to try the margarita mix!
I love margaritas! I would love to try the Margarita mix!
Definitely the Margarita mix! I LOVE margaritas!! :)
Definitely the Mojito Mix! I told my husband that's the first drink he has to bring me after I deliver our baby. :)
I also pinned this!!! :)
pinned it!
I'm all about the strawberry margarita mix!!
Woah, so awesome! I'd love to try the strawberry margarita or mojito! Both are favorites of mine!
I'd LOVE to try the Margarita mixer!!! I love me a good strong margarita on a hot summer day!
- nikki.s.retherford@gmail.com
I pinned this recipe too!
I pinned this!!!
I don't do tequila. Ever. Again. But I'd be all over the Mojitos. Yum!
I'd love to try the margarita mixer!!
I would love to try the strawberry margarita mix :) We don't drink alcohol but before paleo we would get the mixes and "pretend"! Fertility and paleo diet = no alcohol :( not even wine :( Rant over. Would love to win!
I pinned this :) crgreer@ymail.com
I would love to try the Mojitos mix, please. and Thank you!
Holy Cowwwww! Stevia in a cocktail mix! Genius! Thanks for sharing! :)
I would love to try the Strawberry Margarita mixer! Such an awesome find! Thank you for sharing! -Katie
While they all sound delicious, the Strawberry Margarita would definitely be my pick. Thanks for sharing!
Definitely the margarita mixer. Love love to make our own, but this would be nice fr just one quick one!
Strawberry looks delicious! I have been looking for a low sugar mix!-Anna B.
I am so glad you shared this! Plain margarita sounds lovely to me. I also pinned it!
Margarita mixer all the way- and add a splash of fresh squeezed orange juice- YUM!
I love your site! Now *addicted* to coconut oil and almond meal.
I pinned it :)
This sounds perfect for me. I LOVE margaritas. I'd try the strawberry margarita
yummy margarita sounds awesome!
Margarita Mix! Sounds yum.
I'd definitely like to try the regular Margarita mix! I've been juicing my own limes and mixing that with tequila and agave for about 6 months now to avoid sugary and processed margarita mixers! I'd love to be able to have an all natural alternative that's just as good.
Obviously I pinned this :)
I pinned it!
The mint mojito looks good! I tend to stay away from them too, because of all the sugars, but I'd love to try these!
Also pinned!
yum! the margarita mixer would be top of my list. it's my favorite summer drink!
also pinned the recipe! {pinterest user name hmoore)
Strawberry marg!! Yummy!!
Strawberry marg! Yummy!
the Strawberry margarita mix...YUMMM or just the plain margarita mix. Definitely delicious!
Mojito mix!!
I absolutely love your blog! Your kiddos are adorable.
I'm also pinning this on my pinterest board.
Strawberry margarita!
The regular margarita-YUM!
I'd like to try the margarita mix, yum. I'm excited to try them, thanks for sharing and the chance to win!!
You had me at sinless margarita!!! I am very much like you (foodie soul mates) in that I avoid sugar-filled cocktails & anything with artificial anything! I stick to making my own margaritas, especially, using fresh squeezed lime juice & coconut nectar to sweeten. I totally trust your judgement on this mixer and will absolutely give it a try! Sign me up to win! I would definitely go with the margarita mixer...I am not a fan of too many other cocktails. XO Brynn
oh! And bonus! I am pinning it right now!
I'd love the Mojito Mix!
They all look good but I'd go with either the Mojito or the margarita.
Margarita mixer! Yum!
I've been making my own skinnys and would love a GOOD mix. The others that are out are just gross. Would like to try/win the original mix! Thanks!!!
I have been making skinnys for years and would love a GOOD mixer. The ones that are out are just gross. Would like to try/win the original margarita mix. Thanks!!!
Oh I would love the Sinless Margarita Mix. Yummm.
I added it to my drink pin http://pinterest.com/pin/232639136973507161/
Lori K
I would love the Sinless Margarita Mix.
Lori Kasbeer
I would love to win the Sinless Margarita mix!
And I Pinned it too =)
I would love to try the Srawberry Margarita Mix. Sounds yummy!
Ok, I have GOT to try this! :) YUM!
I would love to try the Margarita or Mojito mix... two of my favorite cocktails :)
Yum! I would love to try the Sinless Margarita Mix.
Margarita Mix please!-Anna B.
Mmmm! Defintely Margarita Mix!
yumm the good ol' traditional margarita for me! :)
How perfect is that! Guilt free margaritas! I like!!
I would definitely go with the mojito mix!
The Marg mix, for sure!!! My roomie's 21st is coming up next week. This would be perfect!
I'm a margarita girl through and through!
Also, posted to my "Diabetes: Sweets" board :)
I'd love to try the Sinless Sour Mix!
Pinned this as well. :) Thanks!
Sweet and sour mix for me!!!!
margarita mix!
I would love to try the mojito mix! Love mojito's but not all the calories this would be a great alternative....:)
I pinned this as well! The margarita mix looks yummy!
would love the Strawberry Margarita Mix :)
I would love to try any of these, but definitely the strawberry margarita!! I also have T1 diabetes and find fruity drinks extra hard to deal with! This would make the fruity drink cravings much simpler to deal with.
Margarita me, please!
Margarita Mix, always looking for a low carb alternative that still taste good
Margarita Mix, always looking for a low carb alternative that still taste good
A strawberry margarita sounds so good! Id have to try that mix.
The Margarita mix of course! 69 calls? Hard to beat that!
I'd like to try the margarita one, too! Yum
Also, I pinned on my Pinterest page!
What!! I want one! Or two!
this is awesome - thanks for the tip linds! that marg looks so perfect right now...all i need to pair it with is a beach :)
Strawberry margarita! All 4 flavors sound like they would be amazing :)
I'd love to try the strawberry margarita mix
I'd love to try the margarita mix! So excited to hear about a low-calorie, natural mixer. =)
And I just pinned the recipe to Pinterest!
Would love to try the Margarita Mix!
And I pinned on Pinterest! :)
Oh i want the margarita mix so badly!!!
Mojito Mix would definitely help bring me out of the winter blues! Thanks so much for sharing this!
I would love the regular margarita mix!!!
The original Margarita mix sounds delicious!!
I also pined it!!
I totally agree, I almost never order maragritas because of all the sugar tartness. I'd love to try this maragrita mixer:)
Also I just started the paelo diet and love trying out the recipes you post!
pinned it too!
What a great giveaway, thanks!
I'd love to try the sweet and sour mix! I love finding out about new companies like this, all natural and not full of crap!
I would love the Mojito Mix! I will save it in anticipation of when I will have a fully-loaded cocktail again :) Or maybe have it virgin-style until then?
yum, I would love the strawberry margarita mix!
yum, I would love the strawberry margarita mix!
Those look so yummy!!!! I want to try the strawberry margarita mixer!!
p.s. I made the cheesy cauliflower poppers and they are SO good!
I have yet to try a marg mix that didn't overwhelm me with sugar... I'd love to try one of these!
Would love to try the mojito!
Pinned! :)
Today is my first time reading your blog and I'm so glad I did! I feel the same way about most low cal mixers and I never order the real thing because the calories are just reeeedic! I can't wait to try the Margarita!
Mojito mix for sure!
oh boy.. i would LOVE the regular margarita mix.. can't go wrong with the classic!
Oh the plain ol' margarita for sure! Thanks for the great product introduction, I've been looking for a low calorie mix that wasn't sweetened with splenda or such, I'm not a fan of the stuff... These look great!
Ooooooo, is just about all I can say. :) I think I'd go for the Sour Mix first to make a Caipirinha since one of its ingredients is straight up sugahh! :) I've already looked up where I can buy them, a trip to the next town is in order!
No artificial sweeteners? I'm dying to try this! Strawberry margarita looks yummy!!
You had me at no artificial sweeteners! These look yummy! Nothing beats a classic margarita. :)
No artificial sweeteners? I'm dying to try this! Strawberry margarita looks yummy!!
The strawberry one looks deeelish!
Thank you for this post. I just started my "sugar free" lifestyle (one month so far) and I have been having a hard time finding no sugar drinks. Will definitely have to try this. Xo
YUM! Margarita mix for me.
I have recently been trying out tonnes of your recipes! I would love to try this too, especially since both you and your husband (that's the real test, haha) give it the thumbs up! (: Strawberry looks tasty!
I pinned it, and would love to try the strawberry margarita!! Fun!
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